Pelham Manor officials warned representatives of Mount Vernon’s mayor office and police department about “the deleterious impact of loud noise experienced by our residents associated” with concerts like the event planned for Sunday night at Hutchinson Field.
“We have been in contact with county representatives, have met on site with representatives of the Mount Vernon mayor’s office and have spoken directly with the Mount Vernon police chief and the deputy commissioner of parks and recreation,” according to a statement emailed by the Village of Pelham Manor. “In all of those meetings and conversations, the village has expressed our support for an economically successful and vibrant Mount Vernon. At the same time, we have firmly stated our concerns with regard to the deleterious impact of loud noise experienced by our residents associated with these events.”
The concert, with a permit from the Mount Vernon Parks and Recreation Department, is scheduled to run until 10 p.m.
According to the Pelham Manor statement, Mount Vernon officials said they were aware of the impact on Pelham Manor and promised to take steps to minimize the noise at this event, including making sure noise regulations are monitored and enforced and directing the speakers away from the village.
The statement advised Pelham Manor residents to report loud noise from the event to the Pelham Manor Police Department, which will relay the complaints to the Mount Vernon department. Pelham Manor residents should also call complaints into the Mount Vernon Police at 665-2500 and on Monday to the Mount Vernon Recreation Department at 665-2420.