Pelham PLUS, successor to Pelham Weekly, to cease publication Dec. 31, says publisher

Editor and publisher Maggie Klein announced Monday that Pelhams PLUS will cease publication on Dec. 31. The website was the successor to the Pelham Weekly newspaper she published until June 2015.

Klein posted the following statement:

It is time. After 7 years as a journalist at The Associated Press and then 20 years as a journalist and news executive at Reuters, I founded The Pelham Weekly newspaper in June of 1992. That publication served Pelham, Pelham Manor and the Town of Pelham until June of 2015, and the website followed for the last 4-1/2 years. Can you believe that is another 27 years?

During the next three months, I will continue to report on downtown apartment development issues in the Village of Pelham, the E-commerce building proposal in Pelham Manor, the proposed cellular tower on the Hutchinson River Parkway in Pelham Manor as well as the Nov. 5 Town of Pelham Election. We also expect photos from upcoming fundraisers: Pelham Children’s Center Pumpkin Festival (Oct. 12), Rotary’s Tastings fundraiser (Oct. 20), and Pelham Civics Persons of the Year Dinner Dance (Nov. 8). There also is the Pelham Half Marathon (Nov. 30). Of course submitted articles and photos from individuals and organizations will continue to be welcomed.

The reason I am announcing the Dec. 31 closing now is to let paid subscribers know why they are not receiving renewal notices.  All paid subscriptions have been extended free until Dec. 31. Subscribers who have paid into 2020 should contact me at [email protected] in January and we will send you a prorated refund of the balance.

This is a special and caring community and serving the people of Pelham, Pelham Manor and the Town of Pelham has been an honor. I have sought to bring “a level playing field” as some have said where all sides could debate land use issues and political campaigns. We also have honored our Eagle Scouts and Girl Scout Gold Award winners, hailed our police and fire new hires, and recognized others serving our community, along with reporting the birth announcements and obituaries. This is a community that came together to form The Danny Fund and help the family of Julianne Borsella and others, rallied with the families of Pelham victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and holds annual Remembrance ceremonies. Our Memorial Day Parade hosted by the American Legion is well known far and wide and Pelhamites come back early from a weekend vacation in time to march in the parade and attend the brief ceremony that includes the reading of all the community’s veterans who died while in service to our country.

In my retirement in 2020 and beyond, you still will see Maggie around Pelham. Some have suggested I start a Blog!!! I will be working with The Manor Club organizing programs of interest to the community so that historic building is the community center it should be. Also, I am a twice a week volunteer at United Hebrew in New Rochelle to discuss “Conversations with Maggie on Current Events” with residents of the assisted living unit. The people in my group keep me young!