Each Spring, the Model United Nations program at PMHS hosts a military-themed infusion of Axis and Allies and traditional Model UN, named MilSim. In response to Coronavirus concerns, the club will be conducting this year’s conference online, inviting Model UN-interested high schoolers from all around the country to participate via large-scale video conference and to donate to Covid-19 relief efforts.
MilSim marks the culmination of the MUN school year, and is the result of months of planning and preparation, much of which is done outside of school. The efforts of the club, abbreviated as PelMUN, are not limited to simply writing informative background guides and running the conferences themselves; for example, in preparation for last year’s MilSim, club members spent several days building, tracing, and painting maps of Japan in its Warring States Period (last year’s theme) on large pieces of wooden board, which were then used during MilSim to visually indicate, in real time, which clans controlled which regions. This annual tradition in preparation for MilSim, called “Paint-a-thon”, is one of the highlights of the typical PelMUN year, but is missing in 2020 due to virus concerns.
With Covid-19 eliminating all large in-person interactions, this year’s MilSim will look quite different from years prior. This year’s American Revolution-themed conference will be held virtually over Zoom on May 30th. Much like the “distance learning” format that Pelham schools have converted to, this virtual version cannot fully replicate the in-person experience of a Model UN conference. Still, there is one clear upside to a digital format: Since there will be no commute, the event will be open to all schools and all Model UN-interested students that would like to attend. Although there will be no payment required, donations are encouraged, and all money raised by the event will be donated to charity, helping in the Covid-19 economic relief effort.
“This year’s MilSim event will be a bit different, but the clear advantage for this format is how easy it is for any and all students interested Model UN to join in on the fun digitally,” said Tommy Roche, the Head of Security Council (Vice President) of the club. “I just hope students and their parents understand that this is a great opportunity to introduce yourself to MUN, make friends, and just have fun with others at home.”
To read more on this year’s MilSim and have the opportunity to sign up, click here.