WWII Navy Lt. Judy Parsons tells of breaking German sub codes at Manor Club Zoom meeting Monday

Editor’s note: This press release was provided by The Manor Club.

Former Navy Lt. Judy Parson, Nazi code breaker.

Former Navy Lt. Judy Parsons’ topic will be “I Was a Codebreaker of German Submarine Messages during World War II but Couldn’t Tell Anyone until the 1990s” at a Manor Club Zoom meeting on Monday, Nov. 16.The meeting is open to the public and starts at 7:30pm.

It was generally assumed that she was a secretary while working in Washington, DC for Naval Intelligence during the war. Her work was classified for 50 years, and she had to keep it secret, even from her family.

Now 99 years old, Mrs. Parson was  a member of the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service) which she joined in 1942. She currently lives in Pittsburgh, PA.

Her daughter, Margaret Brienes, is a former resident of Pelham and a past member of The Manor Club.

Registration for the Zoom meeting is required by sending an email to themanorclubofpelham@gmail.com. A return email with access codes to the Zoom meeting will be sent by return email.