What is one’s purpose in life? That is the question that “Soul,” now streaming on Disney+, poses to its audience.
“Soul” follows the life of Joe Gardner, a middle school band teacher who is very passionate about jazz but not so passionate about teaching middle school students. It is his dream to be a famous jazz musician. For years, Joe is turned down for the many gigs he tries out for. However, he finally gets the gig of his dreams when his former student Curly asks him to play in his jazz band with Dorthea Williams, a famous musician. Joe is so excited on his way home from his audition that he does not pay attention to where he is going, and as a result, he falls into a pothole and dies.
But Joe is not ready to leave Earth. A soul named 22 agrees to help him get back. Will Joe be able to return to Earth or will he never get the chance to play with Dorthea Williams and become a famous musician? Alternatively, will Joe learn that that there may be an even greater purpose to his life than being a famous musician?
“Soul” is an amazing movie with a lots of twists and turns. There are great jokes that will make you laugh throughout the movie and the whole family will enjoy. Joe and 22 experience a lot of ups and downs together that many people can relate to, even if they do not like jazz. “Soul” is a very relatable and funny movie that will have the viewer clinging to the story until the last second.
The film is especially relevant after a year like 2020, when people were asked to look within themselves and ask whether their ultimate purpose may be to help one another.