Courtesy https://iroquoissprings.com/
Campers at Iroquois Springs in pre-Covid-19 times.
Day and sleep-away camps have been spurred to begin preparations for the summer following Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Feb. 17 announcement clearing them to open.
In a press release, Cuomo said the state health department would provide details and guidance and that camps would have to follow Covid-19 guidelines.
Mount Tom Day Camp director Doug Volman said, “Many activities will still be offered like swimming and sports, but there will be no electives and no camp wide events.”
Mount Tom will run from July 28 to Aug. 20. Its Covid-19 protocols will include social distancing, hand washing, disinfecting surfaces and smaller group sizes. Staff will be required to wear masks and campers may wear masks indoors or while sitting together.
Barbara Klein, director of Huguenot Nursery School Summer Camp, said almost all of the same activities will be offered, including arts and crafts and the sprinkler, but shared water play will not be permitted.
The campers will spend most of their time outside. The camp’s procedures will include sanitizing surfaces and wearing masks inside. The campers will not be required to wear masks outside.
Michael Innauzzi from the Pelham Recreation Department said Tiny Tots and Big Tots will run this summer with a limited number of children enrolled in groups. Innauzzi said more information will be available once he has heard more from the Westchester County Department of Health.
Iroquois Springs, a sleep-away camp located in the southern Catskill Mountains, will hold two sessions. Many activities will be offered, including a variety of sports and arts and crafts. Campers will be required to limit their exposure seven to 10 days prior to arrival at camp and fill out daily health questionnaires based on the guidelines received from public health officials.
Campers will also be required to take a Covid-19 PCR test prior to arriving at camp and another test when they arrive at camp. A third test will be performed on campers and staff approximately three to five days after arrival. Campers will pod with their bunkmates and use masks when outside their bunks when social distancing cannot be maintained.
“We just signed both kids up for camp,” said Pelham mom Elizabeth Livingston. “With the expectation that all adults will have the option to get vaccinated by summer, and a totally outdoor program, we are hopeful that we can enjoy a ‘normal’ summer again.”
For updated information on the Covid-19 guidelines for camps in Westchester and New York State, refer to www.health.westchestergov.com and www.health.ny.gov.