Section One of NYSPHSAA (File Photo)
The Section One executive committee voted to change its fan policy to allow schools to have fans at winter contests on March 9.
With this rule change, schools will have the option to allow 2 fans per player to attend the games, as long as they can maintain safe social distancing and have 50% capacity. This ruling is in effect for winter sports, including ice hockey, basketball, and wrestling (Pelham does not have a wrestling team).
“We are being with New York State guidance first and foremost, we understand that youth sports are family events, and the families of Westchester have been through a lot these past 12 months,” said Westchester County Executive George Latimer. “We want the family to be included and we want the student-athlete to be supported by their families. We feel we can open youth sporting events and do so safely.”
Although the rule has been put into full effect, it is still the decisions of the individual schools to have spectators or not.