Mount Pleasant administrator to be named assistant superintendent for special ed, health services and counseling

Traci Holtz, current director of pupil personnel and student services for the Mount Pleasant Central School District, has been chosen to become Pelham’s assistant superintendent for pupil personnel services, the position in charge of the special education, counseling and health services departments. In an email, Superintendent Dr. Cheryl Champ said she would recommend the school board at its Wednesday meeting appoint Holtz to start in July.
Julia Chung resigned in March after two years in the position. She had also been the administrator in charge of the district’s response to Covid-19.
Holtz earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from New York University and a master’s from the Columbia University School of Social Work with a concentration in children and families. Holtz also holds a master’s degree in educational leadership and administration from the College of St. Rose. She is certified as a school social worker in New York State.
Rosemary Matthews, a former assistant superintendent for pupil personnel services, is filling the job for the remainder of the academic year. Matthews retired from the district in 2018 after working for 13 years leading the pupil personnel services department.
In her current position in Mount Pleasant, Holtz leads the special education, nursing and guidance departments.
Champ said she was recommending Holtz after a “rigorous search and screening process.” A reception will be held outside of the Pelham Middle School library Wednesday at 7 p.m. to welcome Holtz.
Cristina is a senior at Pelham Memorial High School. She is the class of 2023 secretary and the Editor-in-Chief of the PMHS Pelican Yearbook. Cristina...