Pelham women react to Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade
'The fact that there is more control over women’s bodies than guns in this country baffles me.'
June 29, 2022
Following the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Friday to overturn Roe v. Wade, the editors and reporters of the Pelham Examiner reached out to women across Pelham seeking their opinions about the cancellation of the court ruling that granted abortions rights across the United States 49 years ago. Their reactions to the historic decision follow below.
‘Baffled and heartbroken’

“The unthinkable has happened and the court has overturned Roe vs. Wade,” said Cristina Chianese of 535 Stellar Ave. “I’m baffled and heartbroken that in 2022, we have gone back in time and lost the right to make choices about our own bodies. The impact this decision will have on women and their partners is frightening and unjust. I’m not pro-abortion but I am definitely pro-choice. We should all have the right to choose what’s best for our body and family, considering the many unthinkable circumstances so many of us face. I have been very open about the fact that we lost our son, Declan, as I entered into my third trimester. For reasons I’ll never understand, he was not meant to be in this world but instead be our angel. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t wonder about his short little life. In those moments when I was given the most horrific news about my own son, I can’t even fathom having someone take my rights away to choose what was best. No person in this world should lose the ability to make the most incredibly personal decision about their body and their life. The decision made by the Supreme Court is wrong and this does not reflect the America I want my kids to experience.”
‘Beyond outraged, infuriated, and dismayed’

“I am beyond outraged, infuriated and dismayed though ultimately not shocked, that in one week six conservative justices have disregarded the will of the American people and set us back a generation by overturning Roe & NY’s 100 year old ban on concealed weapons,” said Kelly Griffin of 1061 Hunter Ave. “What is equally disheartening is the realization that there is likely more to come with regard to marriage equality and beyond.”
“I’m outraged that in 2022 I have to protest rights that we should already have,” said Scarlett Bratone of 400 Pelham Manor Rd. “I’m willing to protest and donate so that the women in states that have worse abortion laws and the women who come after us have these rights, though I feel like our country has failed to represent the majority of our population and I’m incredibly sad.”
‘Can’t even imagine the negative implications’

“With this SCOTUS ruling abortion is likely to be illegal in more than half our states,” said Ellie Turner of 210 Cliff Ave. “I can’t even imagine the negative implications this will have on women’s reproductive health and gender equity. I feel the same rage that others are feeling. This is scary. I’m grateful to be a part of our Pelham community that cares so much about the well-being of women here and everywhere.”
‘Disgusted and horrified’
“I’m disgusted and horrified,” said Bella Rosado of 940 Pelhamdale Ave. “The fact that there is more control over women’s bodies than guns in this country baffles me.”
‘We won’t stand for this’

“The message from our lawmakers is – women don’t matter,” said Rose-Ann Colkin of 15 Storer Ave. “This decision by OUR Supreme Court is demoralizing, demeaning, and utterly unacceptable. Is Brown vs the Board of Education next? I have faith in women. We won’t stand for this. “
‘Death toll against women’
“What happened today was the instigation of a death toll against women,” said Jane Ely of 561 Wolfs Lane. “I am devastated for victims of rape and incest, women without the financial resources to support and other human life, women with medical complications who will die in childbirth, and women who will be forced to turn to unregulated abortions resultant in death. Our country has reached lows I did not think possible, and I cannot go on.”
‘Her body and her voice’
“A child is a blessing unless conceived by force or there are medical concerns or other such harsh circumstances, but that choice lies solely at the hands of the woman bearing, not the politicians or others,” said Noreen Naroo-Pucci of 34 Harmon Ave. “It is her body and her voice.”
‘Demonstrates the lack of women’s rights in this country’
“For me, the reversal of Roe vs. Wade demonstrates the lack of women’s rights in this country,” said Sarah Frei of 424 Seventh Ave. “There are more women than men in the United States and yet women continue to experience inequality on every level of our society. This decision will be the direct cause of a rise in women’s deaths, disparities in health care, intimate partner violence, poverty, food insecurity and homelessness.”
‘We don’t view this issue as black and white’
“It is important that we don’t view this issue as black and white; you can be against getting an abortion and still support women having a choice,” said Pelham Resident Emily Tuckman. “It’s often portrayed that everyone getting an abortion is a reckless twenty something, when in reality there are a multitude of medical circumstances when it is necessary to get an abortion.”
‘A fundamental human right’
“Access to safe and healthy abortion is health care, which is a fundamental human right,” said Pelham resident Laura Baber. “Eliminating that will result, as it has historically done, in the preventable death and harm of pregnant women. Personally, it is devastating to know that my children will grow up having less rights than I had, not more.”
‘Direct attack on our bodies’
“As a mother to three daughters, I am grieving for young women everywhere who will lose access to safe abortion,” said Pelham resident Julie Fair. “This is a direct attack on our bodies, our autonomy, and our right to live. People will die and the blood will be on the hands of the six Supreme Court justices who voted for theocracy thinly veiled by a false care for life.”
“Six Supreme Court justices have cemented the fact that they have tainted a branch of government by foisting their religious zealotry upon the nation,” said Pelham resident Sara Mallach. “It’s a travesty that they are wholly unaccountable to the American people. The government should have no say in personal healthcare decisions made between an individual and their medical provider.”
‘My heart breaks’
“My heart breaks remembering the times (yes, more than one) I accompanied friends of mine who had become impregnated due to being violated against their will to a clinic for help,” said Pelham resident Danielle Franklin. “My heart breaks again for all of the women who will endure the same and will have no one to help them.”
Editor’s note: Our reporters endeavored to seek opinions from a wide range of women who live in Pelham. You are invited to put your views in the comments, and we may add some of those to the story if they provide different or alternate views.
Contributing to this story were Bella Caruso, Cristina Stefanizzi, Leila Brady, Audrey Levenson, Ava Paolucci and Kate Ely.
Vincent J Kain • Jun 29, 2022 at 5:16 pm
My wife is not on this page so she cannot respond. We have discussed this action by the court and it is her feeling/belief that abortion is murder and anyone that has an abortion is a killer.
Emily Pauley • Jun 30, 2022 at 4:44 pm
But to force that believe onto another is wrong. Your wife does not need to have an abortion, and to remove the rights of my body is making me less than a dead body that has more say over the organs (that could be used to save a life) than I do as a woman.
Betsy Y. Spath • Jun 30, 2022 at 5:28 pm
I, like your wife, believe that every baby is a gift, and should be protected in the womb. New York will continue to offer abortions. Every state will decide by its citizens.
Abortion has become a birth control method, and definitely not rare. It’s changed since 1974, with some abortions being carried out in the last month. A viable baby killed.
We have a responsibility as women, as Americans, to do everything to avoid abortion by supporting a pregnant mother in every way. Bottom line: If you are pregnant, it’s a baby. We all have voices because our mother’s carried us in their womb, giving us life. 60 million deaths.
Eden Perry • Jul 2, 2022 at 9:18 am
I don’t believe in life at conception. Many people and religions don’t believe in life at conception. This choice should be between a woman and her doctor.