Two high schoolers, two middle schoolers receive Pelham Together’s Heart of Pelham Award
Editor’s note: This press release was provided by Pelham Together. The Pelham Examiner publishes press releases in the form received as a service to the community.
The Pelham Together Heart of Pelham (HOP) Award recognizes middle school and high school students who demonstrate qualities that are often overlooked, but that make us a community. Those qualities include compassion, kindness, leadership, determination, perseverance, and integrity. High school students are nominated by adults in the community, and middle school students are nominated by PMS faculty and staff who witness these qualities first hand. Please join us in celebrating these amazing young people!
Scarlett Bratone is celebrated for her creativity, resilience, and ambition. Scarlett is known for her kind and compassionate heart, and for being the type of person who leans into a challenge, is not easily defeated, and leads by example. She works at Cantina Lobos and Sweet Lincoln, and has taken the lead on making fun, engaging social media campaigns for both. Scarlett also came up with an original idea to collect used masks and salvaged parts of them to make reusable hair ties. She then sold the hair ties and donated all the profits to the Environmental Defense Fund. Scarlett’s enthusiasm and work ethic have greatly contributed to the small business community in Pelham and led to innovative ways to make a difference.
Nikolas Roman is celebrated for his volunteerism, kindness, and mentorship. He volunteers for most community events, is quick to befriend and connect with people of all ages, becoming a mentor for younger peers. As a member of the Pelham Community Rowing Association, he has created a bond with his teammates, and also learned the importance of mentorship and compassion. Nikolas is not afraid to step out of his comfort zone to learn about what inspires members of the community, demonstrating an enthusiastic curiosity and conscientious work ethic, which in turns inspires those around him.
Pelham Middle School staff and faculty chose Cathleen Ginsberg and Todd Kerman, both 8th grade students, for exhibiting the qualities of kindness, diligence, and inspiring others. Cathleen is a leader in school in a number of ways (Writer’s Corner, Access Creates Equity Club, Student Government), and demonstrates an infectious positive energy amongst her peers. Todd demonstrates a conscientiousness and responsibility beyond his years with a personality that is continually upbeat and motivational to others. Todd is also a member of the Access Creates Equity Club, Chess Club, and does community service through the PT Club.
Can you nominate a high school student you’d like to celebrate? Please click here for the next round of nominations, which are due on April 30th: