Pelham Art Center opens registration for adult and youth spring classes, workshops

Editor’s note: This press release was provided by the Pelham Art Center. The Pelham Examiner publishes press releases in the form received as a service to the community.

Pelham Art Center will open registration today, Feb. 24, for its Spring 2023 classes for adults and youth, plus Spring Break camp options for the week of April 3, and a series of workshops. Offerings include everything from Ceramics and Principles of Drawing to Scratch Coding, Fashion Illustration, and Movie Making. 

“It’s an eclectic mixture of offerings with a variety of media and exciting workshops for all ages including candle making, sound healing and meditation, digital media, drawing, pottery wheel, collage, yoga, painting inspired by music, holiday themed workshops and more,” said Alex Hernandez, Director of Education at Pelham Art Center.

Each class introduces an artistic medium in depth through guided projects suited to artists of all skill levels, and is taught by a trained professional. Pelham Art Center aims to make art accessible to everyone through a range of programs including art education, affordable art classes, and scholarships. 

“We are thrilled to have such a talented group of instructors sharing their skills this Spring,” Charlotte Mouquin, Executive Director of the Pelham Art Center said. “We’re also fortunate to have been able to expand our digital offerings this year, thanks to the reopening of our Media Lab, complete with a new ventilation system and all new iPads. The addition of a printing press to our studio has also allowed us to offer Experimental Printmaking and Alternative Printmaking for adults and teens this Spring.” 

Pelham Art Center offers need-based, full and partial scholarships based on available funds. High school students are eligible for the David Uskali scholarship regardless of need. Visit Pelham Art Center’s website for more information and applications. 

A complete listing of class offerings can be found below, and is available online (along with registration) at 

Pelham Art Center is a non-profit educational and cultural institution committed to providing public access to see, study and experience the arts, foster lifelong arts appreciation and thereby strengthen the community.  The Art Center was founded in 1970 and now serves more than 16,000 people each year. These events and programs are made possible, in part, by the ArtsWestchester with funds from Westchester County Government with the support of County Executive George Latimer. Pelham Art Center also receives funding from: New York State Council on the Arts, A State Agency; and Community Members and Annual Fund Donors


Pelham Art Center Class Offerings: Spring 2023


Observational Painting from Life with Letizia Gentile   ADULTS

Studio I • 9:00am – 12:00pm

April 17th – June 12th (no class May 29th) • 8 Sessions

Through observation, learn the classical method of painting a still life with oils. A still life scene will be set up in class for students to paint. Through a step-by-step process, starting with the Underpainting to Color Underpainting to Final Layer, students will learn concepts such as composition, value, proportion and color mixing.

Underpainting Layer – Composition and the separation of light and shadow

Color Underpainting – Gradation of value to create a three dimensional form

Final Layer – Application of paint through techniques such as glaze and scumble

This class is open to beginner, intermediate and advanced students. If you have any questions about the class or materials, please feel free to contact the instructor at

Create with Collage with Nancy Nikkal   ADULTS

Studio I • 1:00pm – 3:30pm

April 17th – June 12th (no class May 29th)• 8 Sessions

Create collage paintings with fine art papers, magazine papers, acrylic paint and media. Projects highlight abstraction, portraits, and landscapes with personal touches of nostalgia. Classes include discussion, critique and tips on how to work with papers and adhesives – especially how to get the surface you want. Explore color and design theory while learning about art history. Students are also encouraged to bring personal items to incorporate into artworks. This class is for artists at all skill levels.

Experimental Mixed Media with Fiona Agababian   AGES 5-8

Studio II • 3:30pm – 4:30pm

April 17th – June 12th (no class May 29th)• 8 Sessions

Explore mixed media painting, drawing, printmaking and collage through fun, expressive projects! This class encourages students to experiment with different mediums to create unique artworks. Students will learn a variety of techniques on a variety of subjects, from imaginary landscapes to abstract art, as they experiment with the creative process. Projects will include jello printing, drawing with oil pastels, bubble printmaking, collaging with found items and more! 

Game Design with Maria Campos   AGES 8+

Media Lab • 3:30pm – 5:00pm

April 17th – June 12th (no class May 29th) • 8 Sessions

Game Design, which is a growing field, is a great way for kids to dip their toes into the process of creating and designing a video game. From character design to world building, students will have the opportunity to create their own game concepts, whether based on existing games or entirely new ones. This class combines hand-drawing with digital programs such as Procreate and Adobe Photoshop. Students will have fun bringing their ideas to life and developing great designs. If your child loves to play video games, this class will surely get their creative juices flowing!

Creating Comics with Gabriela Briseno   AGES 9-12      

Studio II • 5:00pm – 6:30pm

April 17th – June 12th (no class May 29th) • 8 Sessions

If you dream of putting your own characters and stories to paper, then this is the class for you! During this 8-week session, students will learn about comic books, the techniques used to make them, and how to make their own. We will design characters, illustrate covers, and bring our narratives to life. Join us in creating chapter one of your own adventure! Returning students are welcome.

Digital Creations with Maria Campos   AGES 6-8 

Media Lab • 5:15pm – 6:30pm

April 17th – June 12th (no class May 29th) • 8 Sessions

Digital Creations is a great introduction to a new and evolving medium! In this class, students will be working on a variety of digital projects that will help push their creativity in a different way. Working with Procreate and Adobe Photoshop, students will complete projects such as mosaic portraits, gradient landscapes, pixel art and more! Your child will build their confidence and their digital art skills while working on an iPad and iMac. The goal is for students to have fun and learn something new every day!

Principles of Drawing with Frank Guida   ADULTS & HS     

Studio I • 6:00pm – 8:00pm

April 17th – June 12th (no class May 29th) • 8 Sessions

Learn how to compose with line, shape, and tone in a class designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of drawing. Using still-life setups and our environment as sources of visual inspiration, you’ll find out how to work with composition, perspective, positive and negative shapes, and texture as you explore the use of traditional drawing materials. A great class for all levels, including beginners! Basic drawing materials will be provided. 

Students are required to wear masks.

Digital Photography with Barry Mason   ADULTS & HS

Media Lab & Studio II • 7:00pm – 9:00pm

April 24th – June 12th (no class May 29th and June 5th) • 6 Sessions

Train your eye as you explore creative approaches to the art of photography. Expand your skill set as you learn the fundamentals of your DSLR or mirrorless camera. This course introduces students to 

the creative and technical possibilities of digital photography. Demonstrations and hands-on sessions will help students learn the basics of using their camera. Topics include camera operation, shutter speed, aperture, ISO, composition, rule of thirds and basic image enhancement in Adobe Photoshop. Assignments are given to help build photographic skill sets.


Morning Ceramics with Susan Nathenson   ADULTS

Studio I • 9:30am – 12:30pm

April 18th – June 13th • 9 Sessions

This 3-hour class is designed for students who have prior hand building and wheel experience and want to continue advancing their skills. Students can create functional and non functional objects using the slab roller, potter’s wheel, and extruder. Learning the properties of clay and how to work with it, troubleshooting construction and glazing problems, and anticipating outcomes are class goals. High-fire stoneware clay and non-toxic glazes are used. 

Tuition includes a 25 lb. bag of new stoneware clay, basic glazes and firing fees. A 25 lb. bag of clay costs $20 for students who need to purchase additional clay throughout the class. 

Experimental Printmaking with Satish Joshi   ADULTS

Studio II • 9:30am – 12:00pm

April 18th – June 13th • 9 Sessions

Experimental Printmaking is a class in which students will learn about basic printmaking methods and materials through trial and error, leading to the production of one-of-a-kind prints. Through personal instruction and demonstrations, students will learn different approaches to creating visual work. They will also have a safe space to get into their own creative flow. Students will work with experienced printmaker Satish Joshi and explore with woodblocks, linoleum plates, monotype prints on glass, and more! The class is open to all levels.

Clay Creations with Donna Ross   AGES 5-8

Studio I • 3:30pm – 4:45pm

April 18th – June 13th • 9 Sessions

Allow your child to “get their hands dirty” using various forms of clay, whether it’s Model Magic or regular firing clay, to make one-of-a-kind creations. Students will learn, or expand on, clay hand building techniques and integrate mixed media into their work. The instructor will go over various techniques including coil, slab, and pinching methods. Students will use different ceramic tools to explore various textures and surface design. Projects include three-dimensional creations, such as bowls, vessels, boxes, animals and sculptural pieces. This is a great class for your curious child to have fun with a versatile material.

Figure Sculpting for 3D Printing with The Nerdy Duo    AGES 9+

Media Lab • 4:00pm – 5:30pm

April 18th – June 13th • 9 Sessions

Bring your imagination into 3-dimensional reality in this hands-on digital sculpting class. Students will explore extruded 2D art, simple/complex geometry, up-and-coming techniques and technologies, as they create 3D characters and figures for SLA printing. Participants will get the chance to see models come to life through instructor-printed objects. No previous experience with 3D is necessary, but students should be strong readers and comfortable exploring a software interface. 

Intermediate Fashion Illustration with Kristin Moore-Gantz    AGES 8-12 

Studio II • 4:00pm – 5:30pm

April 18th – June 13th • 9 Sessions

Continue to hone your skills! This class will provide young designers with more advanced lessons in fashion illustration. Students will further detail their 10 head croquis templates and explore drawing fabric textures and draping in full color renderings. Markers, colored pencils, pens, and watercolor will be used throughout the class. Projects will include creating and sketching bags, shoes, hats, a fragrance, and even concepts for film costumes or a fashion show set design! All levels of drawing skills are welcome but it is recommended to have previously taken “Fashion Illustration.”

Ceramics & Wheel Throwing with Donna Ross   AGES 9-13

Studio I • 5:00pm – 6:30pm

April 18th – June 13th • 9 Sessions

Calling for first time or experienced wheel experimenters! In this class, students will work with clay and develop classical hand-building projects along with wheel throwing exercises. The class will cover wedging, centering, pulling, trimming, use of tools and surface techniques. Students will also learn traditional building techniques with out-of-the-box applications and basic glazing techniques. If a student has already participated in this class, the instructor will help them develop the skills that they have learned and take them to the next level!

Art Marketing 101 with The Nerdy Duo    ADULTS & HS

Media Lab • 6:00pm – 8:00pm

April 18th – May 23rd • 6 Sessions

Have trouble presenting yourself as an artist and need guidance? This class is for you! Designed to help emerging and aspiring artists, come get some guided practice at presenting your work, both in the real world and online. Explore and experiment with modern digital branding as we cover the basics of logo design, social media marketing, e-commerce solutions, and website tools and strategies while still working on traditional artist’s statements, bios, and proposals. 


Abstract Painting with Satish Joshi   ADULTS

Studio I • 9:30am – 12:00pm

April 19th – June 14th • 9 Sessions

Abstract painting gives the artist in you the opportunity to throw caution to the wind and expand your visual boundaries! Explore the visual language of painting in a non-objective, non-figurative fashion and interpret what you see around you as a reflection of your feelings and mood using acrylics and mixed media. In this class Satish Joshi will share a lifetime of painting experience and work with each individual student in the use of light, color and form to develop an artistic vision and style.   

Mixed Media Collage with Donna Ross   AGES 5-8

Studio I • 3:30pm – 4:45pm

April 19th – June 14th • 9 Sessions

Discover the creative, expressive art of collage and mixed media! Using a wide range of unique and interesting materials, your child will incorporate texture, color, shape, and pattern into works of art. Young artists will explore composition, layering, transparency, and experimenting with different ways to lead the viewer’s eye across a page. Students will learn the elements of design, basic collage and decoupage techniques, scissor skills and how to see interesting visuals in everyday life. Collage can give your child a completely new outlook on their own creativity. 

Intro to Scratch Coding with The Nerdy Duo    AGES 8+

Media Lab • 3:30pm – 4:45pm

April 19th – June 14th • 9 Sessions

Learn to think like a programmer using MIT Media Lab’s free programming software Scratch! From storytelling to video games, Scratch brings full featured coding to students with easy to use blocks. Students will learn to think logically and solve programs with creative strategies. No previous computer science experience is necessary, but students should be strong readers and comfortable using a keyboard and mouse.

Fashion Illustration with Kristin Moore-Gantz   AGES 8-12

Studio II • 4:00pm – 5:30pm

April 19th – June 14th • 9 Sessions

Come dive into the magic of fashion illustration. We will learn the basics of drawing a 10 head ‘croquis’ template, using pencil, pen and layout paper. Then we will move on to color using watercolor markers and more active figure sketches. As we study other fashion illustrators we will try various styles, finding a favorite of our own. This is a very individual art form open to imagination and designing. All levels of drawing skills are encouraged and entirely welcome. If you’re a returning student, enjoy new projects that will be coming down the runway! 

Collage & Illustration with Donna Ross   AGES 9-13

Studio I • 5:00pm – 6:30pm

April 19th – June 14th • 9 Sessions

Have fun exploring storytelling through collage and illustration! Collage encompasses a broad range of art-making techniques that rely upon re-appropriating previously-made images and found 

materials into new compositions. This class will involve layering drawings and exploring relationships between color, shape, composition and spatial arrangements. They will also learn to juxtapose the flatness of a painted surface with three-dimensional materials pasted onto it. Participants will also be exposed to assemblage, a sculptural form of collage practiced by great artists like Kurt Schwitters, Joseph Cornell and Robert Rauschenberg. 

Make Your Own Movie with The Nerdy Duo    AGES 8+

Media Lab • 5:00pm – 6:30pm

April 19th – June 14th • 9 Sessions

Do you dream about creating feature films? Short films have a long history in helping directors define and explore their ideas and even helping them get started! Join The Nerdy Duo for this hands-on exploration of films (less than 10 minutes long) as students watch and discuss films before bringing their own short concepts to life. 

Digital Art Sampler with The Nerdy Duo   ADULTS & HS

Media Lab • 7:00pm – 9:00pm

April 19th – May 24th • 6 Sessions

Are you curious about the possibilities of digital art but don’t know how to get started? This class aims to help artists explore a few different fields to satisfy curiosity and find their passions. Explore graphic design as we crack open Illustrator, Sketchbook, and Photoshop. Try your hand at desktop photo editing or even motion arts, in programs like Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, and more. And get hands on with 3D sculpting in Nomad while we explore the possibilities of art on mobile devices. 


Morning Drawing & Painting with Eleanor Miller   ADULTS

Studio I • 9:00am – 12:00pm

April 13th – May 25th • 7 Sessions

This course helps expand your artistic knowledge in drawing and painting with individual attention. If you have experience in drawing and painting, and want to move your skills to the next level; if you have a particular goal in mind, and seek professional advice; if you enjoy working on your projects among other artists – this class is for you! Work from still life, photos or objects that you bring in. Learn the basics and beyond with this concentrated course.

Art Fundamentals with Daniel Villeneuve    AGES 5-8

Studio II • 3:30pm – 4:45pm

April 20th – June 15th • 9 Sessions

The fundamentals of art are the building blocks of an artwork – color, composition, value, form, brushwork, and perspective. The elements of design are generally universal across different mediums and styles, and learning them can be helpful in becoming a well-rounded and versatile artist. The class objective is to introduce students to art making by exploring a variety of art techniques. Students will have fun working with different substructures and mediums to create artwork both individually and collectively. Projects will be created using traditional and unconventional media to allow for thorough art exploration. Returning students are welcome!

Comics & Cartooning with Maria Campos   AGES 8+

Media Lab • 3:30pm – 4:45pm

April 20th – June 15th • 9 Sessions

Have you ever wanted to create your own characters and stories? If so, this class is for you! Students will explore the world of comic books and cartooning, from the fantastic characters, to the history and the technique and processes used to create them. Learn to tell a short story through sequential art by creating a storyline, brainstorming characters, and writing a plot with dialogue. Young artists will improve their cartoon-drawing skills, grow their confidence and create unique stories. 

Drawing Manga with Maria Campos   AGES 8+

Media Lab • 5:00pm – 6:30pm

April 20th – June 15th • 9 Sessions

Learn about manga history and its character archetypes! Instructor Maria Campos will teach you how to draw manga characters from scratch and develop your own Japanese comic. Students will explore the visual style of manga and learn basic sketching and drawing techniques. This class will focus on character design, core fundamentals, advanced stylization, and proportional knowledge, while also encouraging students to develop their own unique style and personality. All levels welcome. 

Ceramics: Open Studio with Donna Ross   ADULTS & HS

Studio I • 6:00pm – 8:30pm

April 20th – June 15th • 9 Sessions

Get your hands dirty and create functional and sculptural ceramic artworks! This class is open to all levels. Burgeoning students are introduced to the foundations of the medium— from learning a few different hand-building techniques to using a pottery wheel and glazing—and intermediate students can take rudimentary practices to the next level by incorporating learned techniques into their own visions. Experimentation with color, texture, surface design and pattern is highly encouraged and will be introduced along the way. Come with your own project ideas!


Morning Drawing & Painting with Eleanor Miller   ADULTS

Studio I • 9:00am – 12:00pm

April 14th – May 19th • 6 Sessions

This course helps expand your artistic knowledge in drawing and painting with individual attention. If you have experience in drawing and painting, and want to move your skills to the next level; if you have a particular goal in mind, and seek professional advice; if you enjoy working on your projects among other artists – this class is for you! Work from still life, photos or objects that you bring in. Learn the basics and beyond with this concentrated course.

Drawing & Painting Open Studio    ADULTS & HS

Studio I • 12:30pm – 3:00pm

April 21st – June 16th (no class May 26th) • 8 Sessions

Need more studio time? Come create on your own time. No instruction will be provided, but you’ll share the workspace with inspired people! Bring your own supplies. Limited amount of easels available. 

Teen Open Studio    HS

Studio I • 3:30pm – 5:30pm

Every Friday through June (except May 19th & May 26th) • ongoing

FREE – Drop ins welcome, join teens from the surrounding area to gather and create.  Teen Open Studios are made possible through funding from NYS Office of Children & Family Services, the National Endowment for the Arts, New York State Council of the Arts, ArtsWestchester, PAC members and donations to the annual appeal.


In-depth Oil Painting with JC English   ADULTS & HS

Studio I • 10:00am – 12:30pm

April 22nd – June 17th (no class May 27th) • 8 Sessions

This class combines drawing and painting from life with subject matter such as clothed models and still life objects. Students can also work from pictures they bring. Students will learn the fundamentals of good painting: how light affects form, values, color, and design and how to get a likeness for a portrait. They can learn to use oil paint or use a medium of their choice if they know how to use it. All levels are welcome. 

Painting with the Masters with Ana Saura   Ages 5-8

Studio II • 10:00am – 11:15am

April 22nd – June 17th (no class May 27th) • 8 Sessions

In this class, your child will learn about different artists and their respective stylistic periods. Students will view famous paintings and create their own masterpieces inspired by individual artists and their unique styles and techniques. Artists include Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso. Students will also get the opportunity to explore drawing and painting as they discover different stylistic periods. The goal of the class is for students to create 3-4 artworks in the span of 8 sessions to allow for thorough concentration on technique.

Painting in Procreate with Frank Fanelli   Ages 8+

Media Lab • 11:00am – 1:00pm

April 22nd – June 17th (no class May 27th) • 8 Sessions

Learn how to make amazing digital paintings in the illustration app Procreate using Pelham Art Center’s iPads and Apple Pencils! Students will be introduced to basic color theory and explore which colors go well together and why. Pick from a wide range of digital brushes and go wild, because unlike real-life painting, you can always click undo! In addition to receiving digital files of their artwork, students will be allowed to pick their favorite to be professionally printed at the end of the semester.

Painting with Collage with Ana Saura   Ages 9-12

Studio II • 11:45am – 1:15pm

April 22nd – June 17th (no class May 27th) • 8 Sessions

In this class, students will be introduced to the process of creating a painting with collage elements. Students will start by creating an original drawing of their favorite subject – landscape, portrait, still life, animals, etc. Then, they will learn the process of painting with acrylics on canvas and go over fundamental techniques that will allow students to explore color, design, and shape. The last step will include collecting found papers and magazine cut-outs to incorporate into a final project. The goal of the class is for students to create a masterpiece in the span of 8 sessions. This class is part deconstruction and discovery, part reconstruction and treasure hunt.

Clay Stop Motion Animation with Frank Fanelli   Ages 7+

Studio II • 2:00pm – 4:00pm

April 22nd – June 17th (no class May 27th) • 8 Sessions

Bring your imagination to life with modeling clay and the magic of stop motion! Learn how to animate with clay using our iPads as we explore green screening, video editing, voice acting, sound effects, music and more! We will host a video premiere of our finished animations for the last class. Friends and family are invited!


Monday – Friday, April 3rd – 7th 

SPRING BREAK CAMP with Donetta Riley and Donna Ross    AGES 3-7

Gallery & Studio II • 9:00am – 2:00pm • 5 Sessions

Little ones will learn a variety of artistic techniques combined with the freedom to authentically express themselves through art and movement. Artistic techniques explored in our camp include: painting, drawing, sculpture, mixed media and more! Kids will also engage in movement, music, and performance. Children work collaboratively and individually through games, improvisational play, dance, and music with simple instruments. 

Bring your own lunch. Please no nut products. 

Doors open at 8:50am each day. Please plan accordingly. 

Ceramics: Hand-Building with Donna Ross   AGES 7-10

Studio I • 2:30pm – 4:00pm  • 5 Sessions

Ceramics: Hand-Building is an exciting exploration of hand-building techniques such as coiling, pinching and slab building. Students will discover different ceramic tools and unconventional materials that can be used to create several surface designs. In addition, they will gain basic knowledge of the ceramic process including glazing and firing. Open to all ranges of experience, this class emphasizes creative growth and expression with curated instruction that meets individual students’ goals and abilities.


Intro to Pottery Wheel with Maria Spiess   ADULTS & HS

Studio I • 12:00pm – 2:00pm

Sundays, April 16th – May 21st (no class May 14th) • 5 Sessions

This workshop is a basic introduction to the fundamentals of the potter’s wheel. Students will learn basic pottery techniques and learn to wedge, center clay, and throw a variety of bowl and cylinder forms such as cups and vases. Students will select glazes and return to pick up their fired pieces after the workshop end date. All materials will be provided.

Gelli Printing Bootcamp with Judith Weber        ADULTS

Studio II • 10:00am – 12:30pm

Wednesdays, April 19th – May 10th  • 4 Sessions

Gelli printing is a fun and accessible way to create beautiful multilayered mono prints and interesting papers that can be used in collage. In this class you will explore the many ways you can approach this creative process. Working with a myriad of available tools, including, but not limited to stencils, masks, texture plates, stamps, brushes, and inks, you will learn how to create exciting and 

spontaneous patterns and colors using a gelli plate. The individual, creative results are surprising and you will reveal your “inner artist” as you discover the beauty found in the imperfect and unexpected! No previous experience is necessary.

A materials fee of $10 will be due at the first workshop session. We supply basic materials but feel free to bring additional supplies.

Intro to InDesign with Frank Fanelli   ADULTS & HS

Media Lab • 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Thursdays, April 20th – May 11th  • 4 Sessions

Learn how to design layouts for digital and print in this InDesign introductory class. We’ll cover the basics, including setting up your workspace, tools, page size, preferences, file types, vector vs pixel graphics, saving files properly, and more. Any knowledge of photoshop and/or illustrator is a plus, but not required. 

Earth Day Sunprints! with Susan Saas   AGES 8+

Studio I • 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Saturday, April 22nd • 1 Session

Celebrate Earth Day by making sunprints using objects from nature! Sunprints are exciting images based on the cyanotype process, which is one of the earliest printing processes. In this workshop, participants will use plants, florals, leaves and other objects to create their own cyanotypes, experimenting with the process in a variety of ways to produce beautifully blue and unique prints through exposure to sunlight.

Participants are encouraged to bring objects or pressed plants with interesting silhouettes from home to use in their compositions.

Alternative Printmaking with Satish Joshi   ADULTS & HS

Studio II • 9:00am – 12:00pm

Sundays, April 23rd & 30th  • 2 Sessions

Students will first work with the basics of printmaking, using techniques such as linoleum block, clay board, and monotype. Then they will move on to the really exciting experience of experimental work in improvisational printmaking. This will include everything from conventional to abstract work and will provide a unique and satisfying experience for everyone. 

Sound Healing & Meditation with Samantha Richardson        ADULTS/14+

Gallery • 10:00am – 11:00am

Sunday, May 7th  • 1 Session

If there ever was a time to focus our minds, ease anxiety and learn how to let go of stress – while taking care of our respiratory health and immune system – now is it! This class will focus on healing 

the mind, body and spirit through deep breathing exercises, guided meditation and sound healing with singing bowls. Sound healing is a meditation technique that helps quiet the mind, clear energetic and emotional blockages, decrease anxiety and unlock blissful states of relaxation.The goal is to raise your body’s vibrational frequency to release negative energy and open up pathways to healing, peace, and clarity in the physical world.

Students are welcome to bring their own yoga mat/towel. Limited amount of yoga mats available.

DIY Mother’s Day Tote Bag with Susan Saas   AGES 5+

Studio I • 1:00pm – 2:15pm

Sunday, May 7th • 1 Session 

Make this Mother’s Day a special one! A hand-painted tote bag is a great gift idea that will surely bring a smile to your favorite person. In this workshop, students will create a one-of-a-kind tote bag with their own design, utilizing paint, stencils and stamps. Participants will leave with a beautiful tote bag that can be gifted to someone they love. 

Stretch Your Own Canvas! with Barry Mason   ADULTS & HS

Studio I • 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Saturday, May 13th • 1 Session

Join us for a 2 hour all inclusive canvas stretching demonstration and hands-on workshop! Learning how to stretch your own canvas can ensure control over cost, size, and quality, plus it’s just nice to add another layer of connection with your artwork and another skill under your belt. Students will start out with stretcher bars and a patch of canvas. The instructor will then walk you through properly measuring and cutting the canvas to fit your bars. He’ll teach you how to stretch the canvas for optimal tightness, how to tack the corners to ensure they’re clean, prime your canvas and ta-da! You’ll have your first self-stretched canvas to take home.

DIY Candle Making with Anna Novakov   ADULTS & HS

Studio I • 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Saturday, May 20th • 1 Session

Learn how to easily make your own homemade scented candles! This workshop will introduce the basics of candle making in a step-by-step process. Students will gain exposure to basic equipment and develop knowledge of different types of wax, types of wicks, pouring techniques and fragrances. Not only is this workshop fun and informational, it is also a great way to relax your mind, be creative and then enjoy your own candle creation! By the end of the workshop, participants will understand the basics of candle making and take home their own custom scented candle. This workshop is great to take by yourself or with a friend! 

Intro to Yin Yoga with Samantha Richardson        ADULTS & 10+

Gallery • 10:00am – 11:00am

Sunday, May 21st • 1 Session

Yin Yoga helps us attend to the often-overlooked deep layers of the body, heart, and mind. It is a slow paced style of yoga with poses that are held for a longer period of time – we will start with thirty seconds and one minute poses. This class will work on coming into stillness with oneself and focus on stretching the connective tissues in our bodies (ligaments, tendons, and fascia), rather than the more superficial muscle tissue. While the approach may seem simple – holding floor-based postures for several seconds to minutes – the results are transformative. The goal is to improve circulation, ease and release tension and unleash stagnant or blocked energy. 

Collage Plus! with Judith Weber        ADULTS

Studio II • 10:00am – 12:30pm

Wednesdays, May 24th – June 14th • 4 Sessions

Creating your own materials is an exciting part of mixed-media collage and mono-printing! This class will revolve around making your own collage papers and using them to create unique works of art. Students will experiment with different surface treatments, stamping, sanding, and embedding textures. We will be using watercolor and alcohol inks to create colorful, layered, mixed media, background papers for our collages. This course will introduce beginners to basic mixed media collaging concepts and provide intermediate students with some new techniques and best practices. No previous drawing, painting, or collaging experience necessary!

How to Use a Mac with Frank Fanelli   ADULTS & HS

Media Lab • 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Thursdays, May 25th – June 15th • 4 Sessions

Great for first timers! Get introduced to Apple’s Mac OS and gain a general understanding of using a computer and its hardware. We’ll go over the keyboard and mouse, the main interface and menus, system settings, customizing your desktop, connecting to the internet, file types, key commands, installing software, and more. 

Sound Healing & Meditation with Samantha Richardson        ADULTS/14+

Gallery • 10:00am – 11:00am

Sunday, June 4th • 1 Session

If there ever was a time to focus our minds, ease anxiety and learn how to let go of stress – while taking care of our respiratory health and immune system – now is it! This class will focus on healing the mind, body and spirit through deep breathing exercises, guided meditation and sound healing with singing bowls. Sound healing is a meditation technique that helps quiet the mind, clear energetic and emotional blockages, decrease anxiety and unlock blissful states of relaxation.The goal is to raise your body’s vibrational frequency to release negative energy and open up pathways to healing, peace, and clarity in the physical world.

Kandinsky: Sound of Colors with Sonika Gupta   AGES 5-8

Studio I • 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Sunday, June 4th • 1 Session

Like visual art, music can energize us, make us think, feel and so much more! When combined with art making, music can lead to new creative visions. This is particularly true for those with synesthesia, a condition that causes one to see colors, shapes and movement when listening to sounds. The famous artist Wassily Kandinsky experienced this and created a series of improvisational paintings that we will explore in this workshop. Students will then tune in to various genres of music that will inspire their very own colorfully creative compositions, reflecting sights through sound! 

Intro to Yin Yoga with Samantha Richardson        ADULTS & 10+

Gallery • 10:00am – 11:00am

Sunday, June 11th • 1 Session

Yin Yoga helps us attend to the often-overlooked deep layers of the body, heart, and mind. It is a slow paced style of yoga with poses that are held for a longer period of time – we will start with thirty seconds and one minute poses. This class will work on coming into stillness with oneself and focus on stretching the connective tissues in our bodies (ligaments, tendons, and fascia), rather than the more superficial muscle tissue. While the approach may seem simple – holding floor-based postures for several seconds to minutes – the results are transformative. The goal is to improve circulation, ease and release tension and unleash stagnant or blocked energy. 

Zoomin’ Van for Dad! with Susan Saas   AGES 6+

Studio I • 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Sunday, June 11th  • 1 Session

Give Dad the ride he always dreamed of this Father’s Day! In this workshop, children will decorate their very own pre-assembled, upcycled cardboard minivan for a special someone. They will customize their three-dimensional handheld vehicles using paint and other fun materials. This project is sure to make its recipient beam with joy!  

Gentle Yoga Flow with Samantha Richardson        ADULTS & 10+

Gallery • 10:00am – 11:00am

Sunday, June 25th • 1 Session

Unlock tension and relieve stress while building core strength and flexibility. Gentle Yoga Flow combines breath and flowing movements to cleanse and recharge the body while providing an energizing opportunity to re-connect within. This class will consist of awakening the strength in the muscles and joints, while also cultivating sound healing using singing bowls and mindfulness meditation. Emphasis is on breathing and healthy pose alignment. All levels are welcome.

Figure Drawing with Frank Guida   ADULTS & HS

Studio I • 3:00pm – 6:00pm

Sunday, June 25th • 1 Session

This workshop offers an exciting opportunity to learn to render a realistic human figure. Working from a nude model, students will be introduced to the fundamental principles such as composition, scale, proportion, perspective, value and gesture, which are key to successful life drawing. Working in charcoal, we move from short poses for sketches to long poses for complete, finished drawings. This is a fun experience for beginners to try their hand at gesture sketches! All levels are welcome.