The newest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, aptly titled “The Marvels,” opened in theaters on Nov. 10. This film features the return of Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) and Brie Larson (Captain Marvel) while debuting new characters toe the movies played by Iman Vellani (Ms. Marvel) and Teyonah Parris (Monica Rambeau).
The movie opens with Captain Marvel investigating a wormhole in space, entangling her powers with Rambeau and Ms. Marvel. In order to stop the entanglement and save the earth’s sun, the three heroes must join to defeat the Kree Empire.
The film is full of hilarious details from octopus-puking cats to a civilization whose primary language is singing. These set the movie apart from other films in the MCU.
In its debut weekend, “The Marvels” grossed an estimated $47 million. Compared to other Marvel films, this is the lowest in the studio’s history. It is clear Marvel is not where it used to be with film audiences.
Overall, despite the movie’s poor returns, “The Marvels” is a tremendous film to watch. With comedic, emotional and action-packed scenes, the film provides audiences with a bounty of entertainment.
Grade: A-