Pelham Examiner

Pelham Examiner

Pelham Examiner

Record-breaking PMHS boys 4×100 relay team qualifies for state and national championships

Lebron Richardson, Nick Massaregli, Kristian Howell and junior Manny Idowu shoot for the moon in April after breaking the PMHS record. They’re going farther: to states and nationals.

The PMHS boys 4×100 relay team qualified Friday for the New York State Championships in Syracuse on June 7-8. They are also going to the USATF U20 Championships and Nike Outdoor Nationals less then a week later at the University of Oregon.

The team consists of seniors Lebron Richardson, Nick Massaregli and Kristian Howell and junior Manny Idowu.

Trips to the states and nationals will conclude a record-smashing season for the four boys, including surpassing a school record that had stood for 23 years with a time of 43.96. The same team broke the PMHS record in the 4×200 during the winter season.

“A lot of work—nearly two years—has gone into this,” said Howard. “We had to really stay to the basics and work our way up from there. It took some time to get to where we are now, but we just kept the repetitions going and that is what really got us here. We just keep doing exchange after exchange and just trusting ourselves overall and the process of hard work and dedication is what got us there.”



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Phoebe Schwarz, Senior Editor
Phoebe Schwarz is a senior at the Harvey School. She loves to write and edit and has been involved in the yearbook production at school, where she has earned the role of co-editor-in-chief of the Harvey Yearbook. She is a member of the school's volleyball and lacrosse teams. She has enjoyed being a part of the Examiner since 2020, and can not wait to see what happens in her final year on the Examiner as Deputy Managing Editor!

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