Somers Central School District administrator Claire Comerford was appointed assistant superintendent of teaching and learning by the Pelham Board of Education in an unanimous vote June 18.
Superintendent Dr. Cheryl Champ said, “We worked with a school leadership professional search consultant organization this year because we really wanted someone to take the baton and run with it.”
Comerford has served in several positions in the Somers district, including director of learning at the secondary level, director of learning for K-12 humanities, assistant director of learning K-12 and assistant principal at Somers High School. Comerford earned a B.A. in history and M.S. in education from Fordham University, holds a certification of advanced study in educational leadership from SUNY New Paltz and is pursuing her doctorate at Manhattanville University.
“It’s an honor and a privilege to be here tonight and to join this exciting team and the Pelham community,” said Comerford. “To join a school district that has such a great reputation and emphasis on continuous improvement and strength of the community as well as creating a sense of belonging for all is really important, and I’m honored to be here. ”

Comerford joins the district on Aug. 1 to replace Dr. Alice Bowman, who resigned to take a similar post in a Long Island school district.
After the second reading of two versions of a proposed policy on the use of cell phones and other digital devices at Pelham Memorial High School, trustees voted 5-2 in favor of the policy that would impose a near total ban, sending that version to a third and final reading at the July 2 board meeting. That more restrictive policy was supported by Dr. Michael Owen-Michaane, Ian Rowe, Sidney Burke, Natalie Marrero and William Treves, while Annemarie Garcia and Jackie De Angelis voted against it.
The stricter policy would prohibit the use of smartphones during the school day unless PMHS students have permission from a teacher or other official, while the more lenient language would allow students to be on devices during non-instructional time.
The board vote could change before the policy becomes final. When it is read for a third time, Owen-Michaane and Rowe will have left the board, and Kathryn Cohen and Darra Gordon will have been sworn in as new members.
Cohen and Gordon defeated Owen-Michaane and Rowe in the district election in May.
On the policy, Rowe said, “We wanted to maintain face-to-face connections between students and faculty that do not require the use of a digital device.”
“I’m in favor of the more restrictive policy, and I would like to explain why,” said Treves. He compared the differences between high school and middle school students while observing them in the hallways. He said that students in the high school seemed more disconnected from interaction and only focused on their devices.
Garcia said she supports the more lenient approach because Pelham Middle School Acting Principal Sean Llewellyn will be taking over as the new principal of PMHS in the fall. She also said Llewellyn and PMHS Assistant Principal Dr. Kerri Titone have not been informed about the cell phone policy for the coming school year and will be unable to implement it effectively.
“I think we have done a pretty great job throughout the year guiding the district and deferring to the administration as the experts,” Garcia said. “But for this particular issue, we have just not done that, and that’s disappointing to me.”
The full text of the draft digital device use policy can be read here.
All seven trustees voted to adopt the new five-year strategic plan presented at the previous meeting.
On July 1 and 2, consultants will meet again with Champ to develop implementation steps for the plan.
In addition, a building conditions survey will become the road map to a five-year facilities plan and what funding is needed for projects, said Champ.
Rowe and Owen-Michaane were thanked for their three years of service on the board. Champ gave a speech in honor of both of them, and they received gifts from the board.