Pelham Examiner

Pelham Examiner

Pelham Examiner

Manor paving alert: Pelhamdale Avenue, Country Club Lane, Bonmar Road starting on Monday

June 21, 2024: Residents should be aware that ConEdison’s paving contractor will be paving Pelhamdale Avenue (from Boston Post Road to Grant Avenue), Country Club Lane, and Bonmar Road starting on Monday, June 24. The contractors will be putting out the notice of no parking signs today, so those who are in the area are aware for Monday morning. It is important to note that ConEdison is fully paying for this permanent restoration.

Our Pelham Manor operations staff are actively finalizing the streets which we will be paving this year. We currently have a request for bid published, and it is anticipated an award will be made at the July Board of Trustees meeting. When we plan which streets will be paved, we take into consideration utility work, stormwater improvements, and any other anticipated projects that would impact the roadways. We will continue to communicate once plans are finalized.

Editor’s note: This press release was provided by the Village of Pelham Manor. The Pelham Examiner publishes press releases in the form received as a service to the community.

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