Longtime Pelham Art Center member Cherie Corso is seeking to put the vibrancy of the Big Apple on to five unique canvases with her current project “Pulse of New York.”
“I love New York, and I want to capture the energy of New York on the canvas, so I decided five boroughs, five different canvases,” Corso said.
A New York resident for her entire life, Corso said each borough has its own “vibe and story.”
For each of canvas, people passing by are invited to walk across the canvas or leave their own mark. Capturing unique stories and connections, Corso said, creates a final work that is a “moving photograph.”
Some locations where the canvases were completed include Grand Central Station, Wall Street and Arthur Avenue.
“I will trace their footprint, or they make a marking,” Corso said. “It’s amazing what each marking represents. People even dance on the canvas. It’s a happy experience to belong and be heard. People are proud to be part of this art project. I have heard stories and have had touching moments that all happened on the canvas.”
Through the completion of the project, Corso said she aims to inspire young up and coming artists, to bring people together and to help raise money for charities.
“Be fearless in your art and creativity. Your art and your voice needs to be heard,” Corso said. “The world needs more art. It’s good for the soul.”