To the editor:
On Wednesday, the board of education is scheduled to vote on its bond proposal. In light of the 2025-26 proposed annual budget, the bond request looks worse than before. There is still time to stop this flawed and rushed process, listen to the community and come back with a better proposal.
I have attended, and spoken at, board of education meetings and information sessions since the plans to expand Siwanoy Elementary School were unveiled in December. I have heard from my neighbors at these sessions and in countless private conversations. It is the proposed budget that has put many of us over the edge.
Pelham’s worsening financial situation is clear: The proposed budget eliminates six teachers district-wide while asking for a 3.69% tax increase. Colonial Elementary School and Siwanoy will each see a grade condensed to two classes from three, while attrition at the middle school and high school level is not being fully replaced. Mind you, there is no decrease in administrative or clerical staff.
This board will be coming to ask you for money to build classrooms that we may not be able to staff but is not asking for money for teachers! Next year, classrooms in Siwanoy and Colonial will be empty because of the budget. Why are we being asked for $140 million for a bond but not a single penny to save teachers?
The bond and the budget are not separate issues: How we spend our money impacts the education we provide our children. I’d rather the board ask us to exceed the tax cap and fund teaching positions than build classrooms that will sit empty. I hope the trustees reconsider where they prioritize spending.
Adam Ilkowitz
498 Manor Lane