To the editor:
This week, the Pelham Board of Education will finalize the scope of the capital bond, including improvements to Siwanoy Elementary School. While some have suggested delaying the decision on what to build, there’s an urgent need to make Siwanoy fully accessible.
This century-old building may look beautiful from the outside, but for those unable to climb the stairs, that’s all they can see—there is no ramp to enter in the front. If they’re fortunate enough to get inside (Principal Farid Johnson may have to carry them? True story!), they hopefully find themselves on the right level because there’s no interior elevator to move between floors. They also may not be able to move from room to room or use the restroom, depending on how they get around.
Even if the bond proceeds and passes a vote, it will be at least a few years until these problems are solved at Siwanoy. Why delay? A vote one year down the road means an additional year of waiting for solutions to be implemented.
For those requesting a delay, there are hours of videos available on YouTube that provide a deeper understanding of the thought process behind the current plan, known as revised Option B. This plan is an excellent solution for accessibility: A new entrance vestibule will provide access to multiple elevators, while a ramp in the front will allow everyone to immediately enter higher floors when necessary. Additionally, restrooms and interior entryways will be redesigned to meet Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements.
Nobody wants to change the character of the building. The current plans for hiring teachers have nothing to do with permanent capital improvements. Let’s not delay—the time to make Siwanoy accessible to all is now.
Brian and Denise Papa
17 Oak Ave.