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Friday, March 28, 2025

Pelham Examiner

Pelham Examiner

Pelham Examiner

Letters to the Editor

In town with $1 million homes and two clubs, embarrassing schools haven’t received funding for basic infrastructure

March 20, 2025

To the editor: The Pelham schools desperately need infrastructure improvements. It is disappointing, detrimental to our kids and frankly embarrassing that a town with a $1 million average home price,...

No reason to delay school bond: ‘Time to make Siwanoy accessible to all is now’

March 20, 2025

To the editor: This week, the Pelham Board of Education will finalize the scope of the capital bond, including improvements to Siwanoy Elementary School. While some have suggested delaying the decision...

Would rather exceed tax cap to fund teachers than build classrooms that will sit empty

March 19, 2025

To the editor: On Wednesday, the board of education is scheduled to vote on its bond proposal. In light of the 2025-26 proposed annual budget, the bond request looks worse than before. There is still...

Calls on voters to tell school board to hold off on bond so it can take time needed to consider Siwanoy project

March 17, 2025

To the editor: This is my summary update to residents on the Siwanoy Elementary School expansion plan. The board of education is expected to vote to finalize bond proposals at its meeting on Wednesday,...

Bring Siwanoy into ADA compliance but don’t force residents to ‘fund bad projects and pay higher taxes’

March 10, 2025

To the editor: As a Siwanoy Elementary School parent and direct neighbor to the school, I have taken a keen interest in the board of education bond process these past few months. I want to thank the...

Pelham Tax Receiver responds to letter on late payment penalties: They are mandated by county and New York State laws

February 14, 2025

To the editor: I am responding to Steven Bratone's letter of Feb. 12 regarding his late school tax payment, for which he was imposed a 10% penalty. I want to clarify that the due date for school taxes...

11 days late with school property taxes = outrageous $1261.62 penalty

February 12, 2025

To the editor: I just returned from the office of Catherine Mazzaro, the Town of Pelham receiver of taxes. I went there to pay my Feb. 1 school property tax, an amount due of $12,616.19. I had a check...

ADA primer: SEPTA works to create schools where all students have ‘resources and opportunities they need to thrive’

February 10, 2025

To the editor: At the Pelham Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA), we believe that inclusion is not just a legal obligation but a moral imperative. We are committed to advocating for...

Commemorates 50th anniversary of vote to merge Village of North Pelham and Village of Pelham

January 28, 2025

To the editor: The last day of this month marks the 50th anniversary of the referenda that combined the old Village of North Pelham and the old Village of Pelham (the area that is the Heights). It was...

Luis-Joshua Casenas finishes in 15th place at National Grades K-12 Chess Championship

December 10, 2024

To the editor: Just want to inform you my other son, Luis-Joshua Casenas, who is in 12th grade, also played at the 2024 National Grades K-12 Chess Championship in Maryland last weekend and finished...

Asks if memorial plaque is still in place in front of ‘old North Pelham Town Hall’

December 5, 2024

To the editor: Could someone please tell me if the memorial plaque I originally paid for is still in the front of the old North Pelham Town Hall? It would be to the left if walking out of the old police...

Following election to Pelham village board, Krystal Howell ‘humbled and grateful’ for community’s support

November 7, 2024

To the editor: I want to thank everyone in our community for supporting Hanan Eldahry, Russell Solomon and I in this election to serve as your next Village of Pelham trustees. I am humbled and grateful...

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