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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Pelham Examiner

Pelham Examiner

Pelham Examiner

Francesca Di Cristofano, Managing Editor (2018-19)

Francesca Di Cristofano’s journalism career began in 2011 as a founding editor of the Colonial Times. She is now a senior at Pelham Memorial High School who is on the varsity volleyball team, plays the flute, is part of the science research program, and likes to write for newspapers.

(This was Francesca’s profile when she graduated from high school in 2019.)

All content by Francesca Di Cristofano
Anthony Senerchia with wife Jeannette and daughter Taya.

Large crowd turns out to give school board comment on renaming turf field in honor of late Anthony Senerchia Jr.

A large number of residents turned out Tuesday for the Pelham Board of Education meeting to support renaming the multi-sport turf field at the Glover complex in memory of Anthony Senerchia Jr. Trustees...

Pictured left to right: Leah Sherbansky, Brett Bell, Christin Abraham, Hailey Nelson, Bernadette Russo, Francesca Di Cristofano, Peter Wei

Slideshow: PMHS research students speak at Picture House after screening of ‘Science Fair’

By Francesca Di Cristofano, Managing Editor
January 28, 2019

The PMHS Science Research program came together after a screening of the National Geographic documentary, "Science Fair," at the Picture House to discuss the impact of their experiences. Featured...

Parents should wait: Smartphones and social media open doors that aren't right for younger kids

Parents should wait: Smartphones and social media open doors that aren’t right for younger kids

By Francesca Di Cristofano, Managing Editor
November 28, 2018

We live in an age of exponentially changing technology that many deem unavoidable. Because our social lives have become dependent on digital communication, parents have begun to give their kids smartphones...

Kindergarten Social brings district elementary schools together

Kindergarten Social brings district elementary schools together

By Francesca Di Cristofano, Managing Editor
August 30, 2018

In the small, humid PMHS blue gym, dozens of five-year-olds spent their Tuesday afternoon building, drawing, and running around while music blasted and parents mingled. "Are you making a rainbow?"...

Seeing through a shrinking pinhole, 'TB Terminator' Bill Jacobs continues breakthrough research

Seeing through a shrinking pinhole, ‘TB Terminator’ Bill Jacobs continues breakthrough research

By Francesca Di Cristofano, Managing Editor
August 27, 2018

As Pelham resident William "Bill" R. Jacobs walked past the zebra enclosure at the Bronx Zoo in 1990, he raised his nose and sniffed the air. "I smell phages," he said. Jacobs scooped up a pile of dirt...

Four Democratic candidates for N.Y. attorney general to share stage at forum tomorrow

Four Democratic candidates for N.Y. attorney general to share stage at forum tomorrow

By Francesca Di Cristofano, Managing Editor
August 1, 2018

A forum will be held tomorrow night featuring the four candidates running for New York attorney general in the Democratic primary. The forum, moderated by Damon Jones, will take place at the Ethical Culture...

File photo of Rep. Eliot Engel

Engel defeats three challengers in Democratic congressional primary

By Francesca Di Cristofano, Managing Editor
June 27, 2018

Incumbent Congressman Eliot Engel won the Democratic primary for District 16 with a massive 72 percent of the vote and 83 percent of precincts reporting, despite facing three challengers. With no Republican...

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