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Monday, March 17, 2025

Pelham Examiner

Pelham Examiner

Pelham Examiner

Julia Plourde, Staff Reporter

Julia Plourde is a senior at Pelham Memorial High School. She is involved in Science Olympiad, Habitat for Humanity, Model U.N., and the PMHS concert chorus. She also participates in the Science Research program, where she is presenting her study on increasing the use of Citi Bikes with college students. She is interested in political science and history, and is excited to write for the Pelham Examiner!

(This was Julia’s profile when she graduated from high school in 2020.)


All content by Julia Plourde
Drowning in 2020 blue: Something old, something new, something Buttigieg too?

Drowning in 2020 blue: Something old, something new, something Buttigieg too?

By Julia Plourde, Staff Reporter
May 2, 2019

Hey, do you smell that? No? Take another sniff. Yes, it’s the sweet smell of corn and freshly cut grass. Look, over there! It’s Kirsten Gillibrand wading through a muddy field wearing rain boots. And...

PMHS senior superlatives - time travel for our future selves

PMHS senior superlatives – time travel for our future selves

By Julia Plourde, Staff Reporter
December 7, 2018

I’ve discovered there’s a behavioral pattern for most people after they receive a yearbook and take it home that can be summarized in three steps. First, I open that puppy up. Don’t you want to...

Progressives are taking a page out of Trump's book—and it's a good thing

Progressives are taking a page out of Trump’s book—and it’s a good thing

By Julia Plourde
October 18, 2018

Behold, the latest craze in America’s bewildering political news cycle: talking heads on CNN discussing whether progressives are splintering the Democratic Party in half. No, really. It seems like we...

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