Village of Pelham police blotter: January 13-19

Sunday, January 13
12:18 a.m. – Officers responded to a Nyac Avenue residence on report of a residential burglary alarm. Officers reported that the residence was apparently secure. No further police action required at this time.
2:22 p.m. – The manager of the Personal Touch Car Wash at 99 Lincoln Avenue called and stated a customer and an employee had a verbal argument over prices. The unknown customer had left the scene prior to police arrival.
6:19 p.m. – Officers responded to a Second Avenue residence to check the welfare of an elderly female party. The complainant had called and stated he was unable to contact his 82-year-old mother for approximately four hours. Responding officers reported that they spoke with her and all was in order at the location. No further police action required at this time.
8:37 p.m. – Officers, Pelham Fire Department, a paramedic unit, and an ambulance were dispatched to a Seventh Avenue residence on report of a child who put his hand through a glass panel. Upon arrival, officers met with the victim, who stated while he was arguing with his mother, he punched a door glass panel, causing the glass to cut his wrist. Victim had two small lacerations to his wrist. Victim’s mother stated her son had an argument with his sister, and then had an argument with her. While he was arguing with her he punched the glass panel. Victim was transported to Westchester Medical Center for treatment.
Monday, January 14
2:44 a.m. – An officer on patrol observed a vehicle parked and unoccupied at Eastland Avenue and Boulevard. Upon a registration check, the vehicle was found to be unregistered. The officer requested Westchester Collision to impound the vehicle, and the vehicle was towed and a tow receipt issued. A parking summons was issued for invalid registration.
6:14 p.m. – Officers responded to Lincoln Avenue and Fourth Avenue on a report of a yellow taxi parked in the middle of the roadway with the occupant asleep at the wheel. Officers reported that the vehicle was gone on arrival. A canvass of the surrounding area for said vehicle was completed and yielded negative results. No further police action required at this time.
Tuesday, January 15
12:51 a.m. – An officer on patrol observed a vehicle parked in the upper lot of Lot 2. The vehicle had a scofflaw violation, with three open tickets totaling $520. The officer booted and applied a warning sticker to the vehicle. No further police action required.
3:32 p.m. – Officers received a call from an alarm company reporting a residential burglary alarm. Officers were dispatched. The company called back to cancel the alarm. Officers were notified. No further police action at this time.
3:44 p.m. – An officer was dispatched to a possible domestic dispute. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with the first party, who stated she had a verbal dispute with her ex-boyfriend, the second party, in regards to the ownership of an Xbox gaming system. The first party stated that her ex-boyfriend wanted to take possession of the Xbox previously given to her as a gift. The second party stated the same. The second party left the residence willingly and was told not to return. The first party’s mother was notified a Domestic Incident Report prepared. No further police action required.
Wednesday, January 16
3:36 a.m. – An officer on patrol observed a suspicious black Chevy Suburban with a New York license plate parked and occupied at Nyac Avenue and Second Street East. The officer spoke with the occupant and checked his information and the vehicle information, which were both valid. The party then left the area. No further police action required at this time.
10:23 a.m. – The town supervisor reported an illegally parked vehicle in the parking lot of 20 Fifth Avenue. An officer was dispatched and a summons issued. No further police action at this time.
2:03 p.m. – An officer reported a school check of both Pelham Memorial High School and Pelham Middle School. All appeared to be in order. No further police action at this time.
5:19 p.m. – A resident walked into the police station to report fraud. He stated that he was notified by via email that an unknown suspect had attempted to open a Capital One/Cabela’s credit card in his name. He further stated that he was then contacted by Capital One via phone in an attempt to confirm that he was in fact opening up the aforementioned credit card account. He was advised by Capital One that a police report must be generated before any further action could be taken. Screenshots of an email from were obtained. The resident did not have any further information. The detective division was notified. At approximately 7:15 p.m., the resident called the police department to report a second fraudulent incident. He advised that Comenity Bank had contacted him via phone stating that an unknown suspect had attempted to open a credit card account in his name. He stated that the suspect attempted to open a Comenity Bank/Kay Jewelers card in Ohio. He canceled the transaction. Detectives were again notified.
Thursday, January 17
5:25 p.m. – Received a call of an uninjured female stuck in an elevator on the lower level of a Sixth Avenue address. Officers dispatched and the Pelham Fire Department notified. She was assisted.
11:00 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a residence on report of a physical domestic dispute in progress between brother and sister. Upon arrival, as officers approached the residence, the sister was observed standing on a couch in the den beyond the living room with the glass door closed, and the father was standing in the living room over the brother, who was lying on the floor. Pelham officers entered the residence and separated all parties. Officers spoke with the brother, who appeared to be out of breath and visibly intoxicated, who stated that he had come home after a night out of drinking with a friend. The family was opening Christmas presents that they did not get to open previously because the sister had been out of state during the holiday. The brother stated that a verbal argument ensued after he had picked up a present that belonged to his father to look at it. The present had been given to the father by his daughter. The daughter took exception to her brother touching the present and told him to put it down. The brother stated that he did not like being spoken to that way because he was just looking at the present and had no intention of causing harm to the present. At this time, the family members began talking loudly over each other and a verbal argument between the sister and the brother ensued. The sister stated that at this time, she began using her cell phone to film her brother’s actions because she was fearful he would attack her as he has allegedly done in the past. It was at this time that the brother began to walk out of the living room, but then grabbed his sister around the neck with both hands from the front and threw her to the floor, pulling her hair out in the process, resulting in substantial pain and visible red marks (Photographs were taken of her neck and attached to the report). The sister stated that once on the floor, she did punch her brother in the face in an attempt to free herself from his grasp. In an effort to separate his children and stop the physical dispute, the father held the brother down on the living room floor while the sister could escape to the next room over. It was at this time after a moment of peace all parties believed the incident had subsided and the father allowed the brother to get up from the floor. Once on his feet, the brother subsequently attacked his sister again, choking her and pulling her hair. During this part of the altercation, the sister’s sweater was damaged (2-3 inch hole). Again, the father pinned the brother to the floor. The same encounter took place a third and final time once the brother was allowed to get up from the floor. It was moments later that Pelham officers arrived on scene. The sister did have a complaint of pain from her neck being grabbed and her hair being pulled out, as well as visible red markings caused by her brother. Additionally, her sweater was ripped during the altercation. The brother was placed under arrest for the offenses of Assault in the 3rd Degree and Criminal Mischief in the 4th Degree, searched, and transported to the police station without incident. He was booked and processed at 1:25 a.m., and placed in the rear cell at 1:32 a.m. to await his arraignment the following day. All proper paperwork completed and attached, and a Domestic Incident Report completed. All parties refused medical attention. No further police action at this time.
11:05 p.m. – An officer responded to Loring Avenue and Second Street for a report of an animal bite in the past, approximately 7:25 p.m. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with the victim, who stated that he “was hit by a dog while walking home from the train station.” He stated that the dog ran out the back door of a house and ran down the driveway of a Loring Avenue residence, and bit him twice on his shin. He stated he was walking in the middle of the street at the time, and froze when the dog attacked him. He had gone to Westmed Medical Group in Yonkers after the bite occurred and received medical attention. He was advised by the officer that he would be contacted at a later time by the Westchester County Department of Health for further in regards to this matter. The officer then went to the location where the animal bite occurred. Officer spoke with the dog owner, who stated he was not home when the incident occurred, but was aware of the situation. He was able to provide veterinary medical records for his dog. He was informed that a Report of Animal Bite form will be sent to the Department of Health. Veterinary Clinic medical records, Report of Animal Bite form, and pictures of bite were obtained. Report of Bite form was faxed to the Westchester County Department of Health. No further police action at this time.
Friday, January 18
12:00 a.m. – An officer was dispatched to Lincoln Avenue and Fifth Avenue on report of an aided case. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with the victim, who stated that he felt lightheaded and fell in his apartment. He further stated that he tried to walk to the hospital but stopped and decided to call for an ambulance. Pelham Fire Department, a paramedic unit, and ambulance were on scene. Victim was transported to Montefiore Medical Center in New Rochelle by Ambulance.
3:23 p.m. – An officer was dispatched to a Sparks Avenue residence on report of found property. Officer spoke with the complainant, who stated that he found a bike on his property at approximately 3:20 p.m. He further stated that the bike does not belong to him or his family. The officer conducted a canvass of the area for the owner of the bike with negative results. Bike was taken for safekeeping.
4:30 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Monterey Avenue residence on report of a suspicious circumstance. Upon arrival, the officers spoke with the complainant, who advised that when he arrived home from work at approximately 2:45 p.m., he observed the door handle to the front door of the house to be hanging off the door. He stated that the door did not appear that way when he left for work at approximately 7:30 a.m. that morning. He further stated that there were no cameras at the residence. Officers did not believe the hanging door handle to indicate any signs of forced entry or foul play. A canvass of all exterior doors and windows was conducted and all locations appeared to be in order. Photographs of the door handle were taken. No further at this time.
Saturday, January 19
9:10 a.m. – An officer was dispatched to an area of Wolfs Lane on report of a two-car motor vehicle accident. Both drivers left the area prior to police arrival.
6:30 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a residence on report of an aided case, possibly a death. Upon arrival, officers observed the victim sitting in a white chair in his room at the foot of his bed. Victim was holding a video game controller in his hand and had his feet on a small foot rest. Victim was unresponsive; an officer checked for a pulse with negative results and observed that rigor mortis had set in. County Dispatch was notified and the Pelham Fire Department and a paramedic unit were on scene. A paramedic pronounced the victim deceased at 6:48 p.m. The death did not appear to have been caused by suspicious circumstances nor were there any signs of foul play. Victim’s father was on scene and stated he had last heard his son playing video games at approximately 4:00 a.m. that morning on his way out to work, but he did not physically observe the victim at that time because the bedroom door was shut. Victim’s father stated that the victim was known to have a drug problem in the past, specifically with opiates and heroin. While searching the victim’s room, officers located a bundle of eight glassine envelopes wrapped in a small rubber band and two empty glassine envelopes on the victim’s nightstand directly next to his bed. Victim’s father advised at this time that prior to officers’ arrival, he had placed one of those empty glassine bags on the nightstand after originally locating it on the bed right next to the victim. The eight glassine envelopes wrapped in the rubber band contained a powdery substance believed to be heroin. The drugs were removed from the bedroom and transported to the police station. Detectives were notified of the incident. Photographs of the scene were taken. The medical examiner was notified at 7:03 a.m., and the victim was transported to Westchester County Medical Center. No further police action at this time.
Daniella Cherner, a graduate of Pelham Memorial High School, is a Pelham Examiner founder studying at Tulane University. During her PMHS career, she ran...