Village of Pelham police blotter: Jan. 27 – Feb. 2

Sunday, January 27
12:48 a.m. – Officers responded to Colonial Avenue and Cliff Avenue on a call of two parties attempting to hitchhike. Officers canvassed the area and spoke with a party. Officers reported all was in order and the party was sent on his way.
9:00 a.m. – The Pelham Fire Department was dispatched to the area of Lincoln Avenue and Fourth Avenue on report of the odor of natural gas. Officers were dispatched to assist.
3:40 p.m. – An officer advised that he had been flagged down by a resident of New Rochelle, on Pelhamdale Avenue, who was having a dispute with a contractor. The officer requested New Rochelle Police on the scene. The New Rochelle Police Department was contacted, and officers were dispatched.
Monday, January 28
7:27 a.m. – Received a call of an activated alarm at an Ancon Avenue residence. Officers were dispatched, and reported an open front door. The residence was searched and all appeared normal. The homeowner responded and the residence was secured.
2:05 p.m. – Received a call of an intoxicated white male at a Fifth Avenue business having trouble walking. Officers were dispatched, and advised that he was put into a cab and he was sent to his residence.
3:28 p.m. – The Pelham Fire Department was dispatched to a Loring Avenue residence on report of an outside odor of gas. Officers were dispatched to assist, and advised Con Edison were on the scene at 4:04 p.m. Assistance was provided.
6:15 p.m. – Received a call from a resident reporting a noise complaint of a dog continuously barking from inside a Fourth Avenue residence. Officers were dispatched, and the condition corrected.
6:47 p.m. – A resident walked into the police station to report an ongoing parking issue on Seventh Avenue. Complainant stated vehicles parked in driveways in the area were continuously obstructing the sidewalk, forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. Complainant wished for further parking enforcement in the area. An officer was dispatched to check. The officer advised that there was one such vehicle obstructing the sidewalk and the owner rectified the situation. No further police action required.
7:28 p.m. – A United States Postal Service employee whose regular route is in the Village of Pelham walked into the police station to report a suspicious circumstance. Complainant stated that earlier this day at approximately 12:30 p.m., he placed a USPS bin containing one package and bundle of mail in the USPS green relay mailbox on Second Avenue at Second Street. Complainant further stated that approximately 6:00 p.m. he returned to gather previously stated bin to complete his delivery route in the area, and the bin along with previously mentioned package and mail were no longer inside the relay mailbox. Complainant advised the green relay mailboxes are used to safeguard mail while deliveries are made elsewhere on the USPS route. Complainant stated he believes he locked the relay mailbox when he initially placed the USPS bin inside, and when he returned to retrieve the bin, the relay mailbox was still secure. Complainant then called his supervisor, who told him that no other USPS employee came to the area to assist with his route. Complainant subsequently checked the area of his route to make sure he did not accidentally misplace the bin, when he found a similar USPS bin on the sidewalk in front of a First Avenue residence next to trash cans. According to the complainant, the bin was empty and the trash cans had no mail in them. Complainant was unsure if the USPS bin was the same he previously placed in the green relay mailbox earlier in the day. Complainant was unsure if he accidentally misplaced the bin. Detective division to be notified.
Tuesday, January 29
7:21 a.m. – Officers dispatched to a Fifth Avenue address on report of a vehicle vs. building accident. Pelham Fire Department, Pelham building inspector, Paramedic unit, and Westchester Collision were also dispatched.
7:33 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Loring Avenue residence on report of a fraud in the past. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the complainant, who stated that he received a call from the Social Security Office at approximately 3:30 p.m. and a female representative advised him that he would not get his social security check due to a fraud case. Complainant gave the agent his social security number and date of birth in their entirety. Complainant was promptly called back by a DEA agent with an unregistered number, who advised he was looking into the case and that the complainant needed to speak with a court attorney from Kemp, Texas. Complainant was advised to “clear his bank account” and go to local stores to purchase four $500.00 Google Play cards. Complainant purchased said cards at the CVS Pharmacy in Pelham Manor and then gave the scratched off card numbers to the alleged court attorney. Complainant was very upset that he was “duped” and lost money. Complainant was advised to make contact with Google to attempt to stop on cards. Officers also advised the complainant to notify credit bureaus and the Social Security Office of the incident. Complainant wished the report for documentation purposes. Detective division to be notified.
11:16 p.m. – Officers responded to Third Avenue and Third Street on a reported dispute. Officers spoke with the complainant, who stated he had a dispute with a cab driver over the fare. Said cab driver was off scene and a canvass of the area for the cab yielded negative results. Complainant was served summons that were issued in reference to an incident that occurred on an earlier date. Complainant was sent on his way.
Wednesday, January 30
1:36 a.m. – An officer on patrol observed a black Nissan with New York license plates parked and occupied on Harmon Avenue, containing two sleeping female parties. Officer spoke to both parties and checked their and the vehicle’s information, which was revealed to be valid. Parties were sent on their way.
4:50 p.m. – Officers responded to a Third Avenue residence for an unwanted party at the residence. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the complainant, who stated that the suspect who was downstairs in the basement, had gone upstairs unannounced and taken her car keys. The suspect was gone upon officer arrival. Complainant was transported to the police station to provide a written statement. At approximately 6:07 p.m., the suspect came into the police station and provided the keys that he had taken from the residence. A search incidental to a lawful arrest was conducted and a clear plastic bag with three rings and a pendant were found. The property did belong to the complainant and was confirmed at time of recovery. Prior to being placed in the rear cell, the suspect was strip-searched due to a strong odor of marijuana emanating from his person and his known history of abuse of drugs. Upon completion of the search, a quarter of a gram of marijuana and a bottle containing twenty pills with his name on it and a prescription were found in his buttocks. Marijuana seized was placed into evidence, as were the pills. Suspect was processed, booked, read his Miranda rights, and photographed and fingerprinted. He was charged with Unlawful Possession of Marijuana and Criminal Possession of Stolen Property in the 5th Degree, and released on bail for $100.00 and issued a bail receipt.
Thursday, January 31
1:17 a.m. – An officer on patrol observed a suspicious vehicle parked in front of a Highbrook Avenue residence. Officer spoke with the driver, who stated she was warming up her vehicle. All in order.
11:07 a.m. – Received a call of a black male seen jumping the fence of a Sixth Avenue address, and climbing the fire escape, before the complainant lost sight of him on the first landing. Officers were dispatched and advised it was a resident who had locked himself out of the apartment.
5:28 p.m. – Received a call of an alarm activation at a Lincoln Avenue address from an alarm company. Officers were dispatched and advised that it was accidentally set off by an employee.
7:29 p.m. – Received a call of a loose dog in the area of Colonial Avenue and Elderwood Avenue. An officer was dispatched, and advised that the dog was gone on arrival.
Friday, February 1
11:42 a.m. – New Rochelle Police called to request a welfare check at a Fifth Avenue residence. New Rochelle Police advised that the party’s friend hadn’t spoken to the party in several days and believed that they may be ill due to past health issues. Officers were dispatched, as was a Paramedic unit. Upon arrival, the party had slurred speech, was drooling, and was mostly unable to speak. While speaking with the party, officers observed a brown leather holster for a semi-automatic handgun on the floor in the living room in plain view. Officers asked the party if he had any firearms in the residence, and the party pointed to the bedroom. One officer stated that he observed in plain view a pellet gun but did not observe any pistols. This officer then asked the party how many guns he had, and the party held up three fingers. Another officer then asked the party to show him where the firearms were located. Officers and the party went into the bedroom and returned several minutes later with a black plastic case containing three firearms. Officers asked the party if he had a pistol license and the party did spend several minutes attempting to locate it but was unable to find it. All three firearms along with the case were then taken to the police station for safekeeping. The Westchester County Police Pistol Licensing Division was contacted, and officers there stated that the party did not have a pistol permit for Westchester County. The New York State Police Pistol Licensing Division was then contacted, and officers there stated that the party did have a valid pistol permit out of a county upstate, with one pistol listed. Officers were advised that the permit could have been subsequently amended and that they would have to contact the county in which it was registered for further information. Officers left a message with the Police Pistol Licensing Division of that county. Stolen gun checks came back negative for all three firearms. Party was also transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital for further evaluation.
12:05 p.m. – Received a call from a motorist, stating she locked her keys inside her vehicle with her children locked inside the car. An officer was dispatched, and while en route, the complainant called to report she had gained entry to her vehicle.
3:44 p.m. – A resident reported her son missing from the after-school pick-up at an elementary school. Officers were dispatched to the school and the residence to check for the child. Officers located the child at his residence, home with his father. The child apparently walked home with his sister, unbeknownst to his mother. All in order.
10:41 p.m. – A resident of Storer Avenue reported a large group of youths in the area reportedly making a lot of noise. Officers were dispatched and advised the juveniles were sent on their way without incident.
Saturday, February 2
12:47 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Lincoln Avenue residence to assist the complainant with an unwanted party. Officers advised that upon arrival, the unwanted party was already getting into a taxi to head home. The unwanted party was sent on their way.
8:55 a.m. – A resident called to report her dog barking at a sewer grate. An officer was dispatched to see if an animal was in the sewer grate. Call unfounded.
11:14 a.m. – Officers responded to a Third Avenue residence for a car fire. Pelham Fire Department arrived on scene to put out the flames. No injuries reported.
1:24 p.m. – An officer responded to a Highbrook Avenue residence for a lost property report. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with the complainant, who stated that approximately one month prior, he lost his Pelham Memorial High School-issued Google Chromebook. He requested the incident be documented for insurance purposes. The officer issued a green card to the complainant.
3:32 p.m. – Received a call from a motorist, reporting an 18-wheeler attempting to go under Highbrook tunnel. Officers were dispatched and found the vehicle was gone on arrival.
Daniella Cherner, a graduate of Pelham Memorial High School, is a Pelham Examiner founder studying at Tulane University. During her PMHS career, she ran...