Village of Pelham police blotter: February 3-9

Sunday, February 3
1:36 a.m. – A resident of Sixth Street reported loud music coming from a nearby residence. Officers were dispatched, and advised the condition was corrected. No further police action at this time.
3:58 a.m. – An officer on patrol observed a vehicle parked on Fifth Avenue. The officer began to issue an overnight parking violation, when they were notified of four open tickets on the vehicle totaling $530.00. A boot and warning sticker were applied to the vehicle. Vehicle was also issued an overnight parking violation.
9:53 a.m. – DeCicco’s Supermarket at 43 Fifth Avenue called and asked for assistance with a possible shoplifter. Officers arrived on scene and spoke to all persons involved.
11:03 a.m. – A resident called and stated she observed a small dog in a vehicle on Fifth Avenue for a long time. Officers were dispatched, and found all to be in order.
6:10 p.m. – A man and his daughter walked into the police station to report telephone harassment that had been occurring sporadically for approximately ten days. The daughter stated that an unknown male has been calling her from a certain phone number and making verbally abusive remarks. She stated that she blocked the number, however the suspect has been leaving voice messages. She played one of the messages for the police. The daughter stated she did not have any problems with anyone and did not have any idea who the suspect could be. Detective division to be notified.
Monday, February 4
1:41 a.m. – Received a call from an alarm company reporting a residential burglary alarm at an Ancon Avenue residence. Officers were dispatched, and advised the alarm was accidentally set off by the homeowner.
8:15 a.m. – Officers on patrol reported that traffic lights at Fifth Avenue and Pelhamwood Avenue were on flash. The officers reset the lights.
9:35 a.m. – A resident reported a raccoon in a tree in the backyard of their Ancon Avenue residence. The resident believed it may have been sick. Officers responded, and advised that the animal was gone on arrival.
5:19 p.m. – Received a call of a solicitor in the area of Ancon Avenue. An officer was dispatched, and the party did have a permit granting him permission. Received another call regarding the solicitor at 6:50 p.m. Caller advised that he had returned and seemed very pushy. After checking the permit, the solicitor had to end his salutation at 5:00 p.m. The same officer was dispatched, and told the party this.
Tuesday, February 5
10:15 a.m. – An officer on patrol observed a vehicle on Lincoln Avenue with a suspended or revoked registration. The officer effected a vehicle stop, and discovered the vehicle was suspended for parking violations – five tickets/notices of suspension within twelve months. A driver’s license inquiry of the driver revealed her to have a valid New York State driver’s license and no wants or warrants. The driver was subsequently asked to step out of the vehicle, handcuffed, searched, and placed under arrest for VTL 512, operation of a motor vehicle while registration or privilege is suspended or revoked. The vehicle was towed by Westchester Collision and impounded. The driver was transported to the police station, and was searched, booked, and processed. Bail was set and posted at $100.00, and the driver was set a date to appear in court.
10:38 a.m. – Received a call of a suspicious vehicle at Fifth Street and Third Avenue. An officer was dispatched, and advised that the party had locked himself out of his house and was hanging out in his car to kill time. He was sent on his way.
5:30 p.m. – A passerby was alarmed at a refrigerator on a lawn with its doors on at a Pelhamdale Avenue residence. Officers were dispatched, and served a warning notice to the owner to rectify the situation.
Wednesday, February 6
6:24 p.m. – Officers responded to a Fifth Avenue address to assist a resident who had locked his keys in his vehicle. Officers were successful in gaining entry to said vehicle.
Thursday, February 7
7:48 a.m. – A motor vehicle accident was reported, with a pedestrian struck in front of a Wolfs Lane address. Officers were dispatched, and County Dispatch was notified.
10:46 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Third Avenue residence on an aggravated harassment call. Officers spoke to two parties, who advised that they were currently going through a legal problem with a third party, in regards to the sale of another home they own. The two parties began getting phone calls from the third party last June in regards to money from a down payment not being returned. These phone calls seemed to happen every few weeks and were generally business-like in nature. On February 5, the third party left a message calling one of the parties a certain vulgarity, as well as a threat to get her in the courts. After this message, this party blocked the third party’s number. After the number was blocked, the third party proceeded to call 14 more times between 10:47 a.m. and 11:16 a.m. Both parties were alarmed by the phone calls and were worried that the third party may show up to their residence. They were advised if the party ever showed up at their door, to call 911 without hesitation. Officers did speak to the third party, who freely admitted to making the phone calls in an attempt to annoy the two parties. She was advised to not call either party, and that any future contact should be made through their attorneys. She did agree not to call either party.
1:17 p.m. – Pelham Memorial High School and Pelham Middle School were placed into lockdown for a drill only.
Friday, February 8
11:15 a.m. – An officer on patrol observed a vehicle traveling on Boulevard fail to stop at a stop sign. A traffic stop was initiated, at which time the driver did advise the officer that he had a suspended license. A check on the driver and the vehicle registration did show that the driver’s license was suspended and the vehicle registration was valid. Driver was placed into custody and transported to the police station, and the vehicle was towed by Westchester Collision. The driver was booked and photographed, and issued two summons, one for failure to stop at a stop sign and one for aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the second degree. Bail was set and posted at $100.00, and the driver was to appear in court at a later date.
3:54 p.m. – Officers responded to a River Avenue residence on report of damage to a vehicle. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the complainant, who stated that a tree branch had fallen on her vehicle, causing damage to the hood and left front side panel. Complainant also stated her mirror had broken off completely. Photos were taken of the damage. Officer was unable to locate where the branch had fallen from.
5:59 p.m. – Received a call from a motorist reporting a vehicle lockout on Seventh Avenue. Complainant further stated that her three-year-old son was in the vehicle. Officers were dispatched, and advised that the child was able to roll down the vehicle’s window and as a result the vehicle could be unlocked. Assistance provided.
11:35 p.m. – Officers were conducting a road check at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and First Avenue, when they observed a vehicle with a suspended or revoked registration. A traffic stop was effected on the vehicle. An officer advised the driver of the reason for the stop, and requested driver’s license and registration. A license and registration check revealed the vehicle to be suspended on January 19, 2019 due to parking violations suspension – five tickets/notices of suspension within twelve months, as well as a suspended New York State driver’s license as of July of 2018, for failing to answer a summons out of the City of White Plains. The driver was subsequently placed under arrest, searched, and transported to the police station. Vehicle was impounded by Westchester Collision. Bail was set and posted at $100.00, and the driver was issued an appearance ticket to appear at Town of Pelham Court at a later date.
Saturday, February 9
2:30 a.m. – A resident of Seventh Avenue reported loud music being played by the tenants upstairs. Officers were dispatched, and advised that the condition was corrected.
4:11 a.m. – An officer on patrol observed a suspicious vehicle on Harmon Avenue. The party in the vehicle was interviewed and sent on her way. All in order.
2:00 p.m. – Received a report of a motor vehicle accident, property damage only, on Colonial Avenue. Officers were dispatched, and an accident report completed.
Daniella Cherner, a graduate of Pelham Memorial High School, is a Pelham Examiner founder studying at Tulane University. During her PMHS career, she ran...