Pelham Manor police blotter: June 17-23

Sunday, June 17
8:02 a.m. – A woman at her residence on Esplanade had a ring stuck on her finger. Pelham Manor Fire Department was on scene and was unable to assist her, and PMFD reported that she would seek medical attention on her own.
8:10 a.m. – A caller reported that she was having a dispute with another park patron over her dog being off-leash at Shore Park. Officers were dispatched; both parties were spoken to and the matter was settled.
11:38 a.m. – Numerous calls were received reporting a fire on utility poles near Secor Lane and Canal Road. Pelham Manor Fire Department was on scene and was able to put out the fire. The roadway was reopened.
2:02 p.m. – A man stated he was walking up the escalator of Dave & Buster’s, located at 881 Pelham Parkway, when his slipper fell off and he cut his toe on the escalator step. An ambulance was on scene; he refused further medical attention.
9:21 p.m. – A call was received reporting an excessively loud party at a home on Pelhamdale Avenue. Officers were dispatched; they spoke to the homeowner and advised him to lower the music and keep the noise down.
9:59 p.m. – A call was received reporting a loud party at the same address from the call received at 9:21 p.m. Officers again spoke to the homeowner, who said the party was ending then.
Monday, June 18
12:28 p.m. – A call was received from the manager of Modell’s Sporting Goods, located at 843 Pelham Parkway, reporting a larceny. The general manager stated an African-American male wearing a gray collared shirt and blue jean shorts had just run out of the store with $925 worth of merchandise. A canvass of the area yielded negative results.
1:28 p.m. – A woman at Panera Bread of 877 Pelham Parkway stated that she was feeling lightheaded, had passed out for approximately two minutes and reported numbness in her right arm. A medic on scene reported she appeared to be having a stroke. She was transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital for further treatment.
2:24 p.m. – A man called reporting he had just seen a larceny of tools from a plumbing truck on Fowler Avenue. The suspect fled the scene, heading south on I-95 in a dark sedan. Officers were dispatched and in pursuit of the vehicle as the suspect fled south, reaching speeds of 95 mph, refusing to stop as officers put on their emergency lights and yelled for the vehicle to pull over. The vehicle eventually pulled into the parking lot of Bay Plaza Shopping Center, and three black males exited the car and fled on foot. One suspect was taken into custody, fingerprinted and identified as having three active warrants from College Point, N.Y. The tools were collected and bagged as evidence.
4:00 p.m. – A man riding his motorcycle hit a pothole and fell off near Boston Post Road and Fowler Avenue. An ambulance was on scene; he was evaluated and refused further medical attention.
Tuesday, June 19
10:06 a.m. – A man walked into the police station to report he lost his wallet containing $42 in cash and his driver’s license. He believed he lost it at his place of employment on Friday, June 15.
10:35 p.m. – A hotline notification was received, reporting a black male in a white t-shirt assaulting a female and crashing a vehicle on the northbound side of the Hutchinson River Parkway, near the Wolfs Lane exit. Pelham units detained the male; Westchester County Police were on scene.
11:35 p.m. – A dog was found in front of a house on Edgewood Avenue. Contact was made with the owner, and the dog returned.
Wednesday, June 20
12:00 a.m. – A 911 call reported a two-car motor vehicle accident at Boston Post Road and Pelhamdale Avenue. Two cars collided; both parties were experiencing severe back pain and one party experiencing severe neck pain. Both were transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital.
7:39 a.m. – A woman near Shore Road and Roosevelt Avenue called, stating that her heart was beating very fast and that she was having heart palpitations. She stated she did not get much sleep the previous night and had taken caffeine that morning. Empress Ambulance Service was on scene, and they transported her to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital. Her vehicle was left on the side of the road.
4:29 p.m. – A woman came into the police station to make sure her child passenger safety seat was properly installed. It was deemed too loose, and then adjusted and properly installed. A Pelham Manor Police Department child passenger seat checklist was completed.
11:12 p.m. – A vehicle struck a tree on Boston Post Road. When officers arrived, a witness reported a woman was transporting her husband to Lawrence Hospital, after he was suffering chest pain, resulting from the accident. Officers observed the airbags had deployed and there was blood on the driver’s seat.
Thursday, June 21
6:28 a.m. – A call was received from a woman on Manor Lane, stating her husband had fallen and needed assistance getting up. Officers were dispatched and assistance rendered.
8:21 a.m. – An employee at the Dollar Tree of 806 Pelham Parkway called, advising that another employee was terminated and began throwing things and threatening the caller. He stated that it was about ten minutes ago, and the terminated party left the area after being told by management not to return to the store.
6:33 p.m. – A call was received from an employee of the Fairway of 847 Pelham Parkway, reporting that a customer tried to pay for items with a fake $10 bill. The customer had no idea it was fraudulent and had just received it as change from Danny’s Card Store of 851 Pelham Parkway. An employee of Danny’s Card Store stated the store was busy at the time of the customer’s purchase, and he had not realized the bill was fraudulent. He agreed to give the customer a real $10 bill, and the counterfeit bill was taken into evidence.
9:16 p.m. – A call was received from a resident on Townsend Avenue, reporting someone was knocking on her door, attempting to talk about environmental issues.
9:57 p.m. – A man called, reporting he had received an email from Mount Tom Day Camp, stating that someone was dropping off obscene material outside the school and that they were looking into the situation. The New Rochelle Police Department was contacted and stated they were informed of the situation a few days earlier.
Friday, June 22
10:07 a.m. – A call reported a woman was not breathing and was unresponsive at her location. The woman was lying on her back on her bed in her bedroom; she was cold to the touch and had no pulse. A medic on scene pronounced her dead at 10:17; her body was later released to Pelham Funeral Home
2:58 p.m. – At about 2:28 p.m., four girls were riding their bikes on Pelhamdale Avenue near Manor Circle. They stopped under the I-95 underpass to fix one of the girls’ bikes. A black vehicle with “dents” pulled over as they were fixing the bike and shouted to them, “You’re on the wrong side of the street,” to which the girls replied, “No, we are not.” The suspect in the vehicle then yelled and waved for them to “come here, come here.” The girls then rode to Four Corners Pizzeria and called one of the girls’ mothers. Suspect is described as a black male, 35 to 45 years old, wearing a black shirt. The girls stated the last time they saw the vehicle it was making a left turn onto Black Street.
3:28 p.m. – A woman was exiting the Dave & Buster’s of 881 Pelham Parkway when she tripped on the stairs and fell down the stairs headfirst. There were multiple lacerations on her left leg, and she was experiencing pain in her right ankle. Empress Ambulance Services transported her to North Central Hospital in the Bronx.
5:04 p.m. – A resident of Heywood Road called, reporting a squirrel inside her home. An officer was dispatched; the squirrel was gone on arrival.
Saturday, June 23
1:07 a.m. – A call was received reporting a loud party on Windsor Place. Officers were dispatched, and the resident was advised to keep the noise to a minimum for the night.
12:38 p.m. – A resident of Prospect Avenue called, stating that she was away and concerned that she may have left the back door open, and requested that officers secure her home. Officers were dispatched and secured the premise without incident.
7:20 p.m. – A man walked into the police station, reporting four credit cards, a debit card and $120 in cash stolen from his wallet from his vehicle, while the vehicle was in the parking lot of Kinetic Sports Club of 872 Pelham Parkway from approximately 4:40 p.m. to 5:50 p.m. He had also been receiving alerts for fraud for over $3,000 worth of charges on his accounts. He could not recall whether or not he had locked his vehicle.
8:50 p.m. – An officer called, reporting that he would be assisting a woman who could not find her child, who was last seen running out of the BJ’s of 820 Pelham Parkway. The child was located and safely returned to the woman.
Daniella Cherner, a graduate of Pelham Memorial High School, is a Pelham Examiner founder studying at Tulane University. During her PMHS career, she ran...