Village of Pelham police blotter: June 17-23

Sunday, June 17th
12:08 a.m. – An officer was advised of suspicious activity in the area of the inside gateway of Hutchinson School in the rear lot. As he canvassed, he heard kids talking and discovered matches on the ground and burn debris. A full canvass of the area was undertaken, with negative results.
3:59 p.m. – A resident reported utility wires on fire near Fifth Avenue and Sixth Street. Pelham Fire Department was on scene and assistance was provided.
5:30 p.m. – A resident reported a black male teenager appeared to be sitting on the curb for an extended period of time, concerning them. An officer was dispatched; the party was gone on arrival.
Monday, June 18th
7:08 a.m. – A caller reported a man sleeping in his vehicle for over an hour on Wolfs Lane. An officer was dispatched and advised it was a cab driver waiting for a fare.
12:54 p.m. – An officer responded to a home on Monterey Avenue on report of a juvenile complaint. The officer spoke with the first party, who stated that the second party was inside the residence without parental consent. Parties did have sexual contact. The brother of the first party did alert the babysitter that the second party was in the residence. The legal guardian of the first party was notified and did request that the second party leave the residence. The second party did refuse at first, but did leave the residence and took an Uber back to Briarcliff. After a police investigation, the officer did ascertain contact between the parties was consensual. A detective spoke with the legal guardian of the second party and stated that the parents of the first party did not want him back to the residence.
11:50 p.m. – A woman on Sixth Street called, stating that she was being disturbed by an audible car alarm. Officers were dispatched; they made contact with the owner and corrected the condition.
Tuesday, June 19th
3:55 a.m. – An officer observed a vehicle idling on Fourth Avenue. The vehicle was occupied by one male asleep in the car, who later entered a home to stay with his sister.
11:52 a.m. – A wallet was found in the lobby of Pelham Post Office.
4:24 p.m. – A caller reported a male sleeping in a car in the parking lot of a Second Avenue address. Officers were dispatched and advised all was in order after speaking with him
Wednesday, June 20th
11:18 a.m. – A student came into the police station to report his school-issued Chromebook was lost. He stated he last saw it two weeks ago in the high school library. Reported for insurance reasons.
9:27 p.m. – A caller reported a UPS truck was parked and unoccupied on Elderwood Avenue and that it had been sitting there for thirty minutes and they had not seen a driver in the area. Officers were dispatched and found the cargo area secure, but the front door was open with no keys in the ignition. Officers tried to reach UPS, but only reached the automated customer care system.
Thursday, June 21st
3:25 p.m. – A teacher accidentally struck the 911 call button in the middle school elevator.
3:39 p.m. – Officers responded to a home on Highbrook Avenue to retrieve property for safekeeping, including multiple firearms. The property was safely unloaded and placed in the safe for storage.
10:43 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a home on Monterey Avenue to assist a child who was locked in a bedroom and unable to get out. Officers were able to provide assistance by using the patrol ladder to enter a third story window via the second floor balcony. The door was removed from its hinges, and the child freed from the bedroom.
11:06 p.m. – A man reported a suspicious vehicle in the area of First Avenue and Second Street, occupied by two males. An officer was dispatched and interviewed the two men and all appeared to be in order. The individuals were sent on their way.
Friday, June 22nd
1:26 a.m. – An officer reported a suspicious male in the area of Fifth Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. A third party advised that the individual had knocked over several garbage pails in the area. The individual was interviewed and picked up the garbage pails before being sent on his way.
3:54 p.m. – An officer was dispatched to an address on Sixth Avenue on report of a man’s son experiencing pain in his legs and feet. The son was transported to Lawrence Hospital for evaluation.
5:43 p.m. – An officer was dispatched to the Capitol One Bank of 200 Fifth Avenue on report of a verbal dispute in the past. Upon arrival, a teller advised that at approximately 2:00 p.m., a man responded to the bank to complete a deposit transaction. At the end of the transaction, the suspect became irate that his receipt did not reflect a balance, which it normally does, according to bank staff. The teller then stated that the suspect threatened him, stating, “I’ll catch you outside and show you how it gonna be.” The teller reported it to their manager, who notified corporate security for that location. The officer spoke to the suspect’s son, who called his father. The father was advised to use a different teller when doing any further transactions at that bank. The teller wished for no further police action.
8:00 p.m. – Officers were advised of a peaceful gathering on illegal immigration policies at the Pelham Gazebo. Officers were advised to monitor the gathering.
Saturday, June 23rd
12:56 p.m. – Received a report of a solicitor in the area of Chester Park. A man was going door to door to sell construction and roofing. He was advised to get a permit and sent on his way.
7:17 p.m. – A call was received reporting a possible loud party in area of Monterey Avenue and Second Street. Officers were dispatched and found all in order at location.
11:32 p.m. – A call was received, advising of loud music coming from the backyard of an address on Monterey Avenue. Officers were dispatched, and the condition corrected.
Daniella Cherner, a graduate of Pelham Memorial High School, is a Pelham Examiner founder studying at Tulane University. During her PMHS career, she ran...