Peter Liaskos will not seek re-election to Pelham school board

Pelham Board of Education Trustee Peter Liaskos will not seek re-election in May. In a statement, Liaskos cited “work and family commitments” as why he will not run for a second three-year term.
“It has been my honor to serve as a trustee on the Board of Education over the last three years.” Liaskos said in the statement. “The work that the board does is critically important to our community, the welfare of our children and the value of our homes. I leave feeling very positive about the current direction of the district and the hard working trustees that will remain on the board. I encourage interested members of the community, particularly those with a legal or financial background, to consider running for the board.”
Three trustee seats will be on the ballot in May, currently filled by Liaskos, Vincent Mazzaro and John Brice. Brice, a former board president, has announced he will seek election after being appointed in August to fill the unexpired term of a trustee who resigned.
Ben Glickman is a freshman at Brown University. He started his journalism career writing for the school newspaper, the Pel Mel, as a columnist and editorial...