Village of Pelham police blotter: April 28 – May 4

Sunday, April 28
12:26 a.m. – A resident of Highbrook Avenue advised that her neighbor’s garage door was open and believed it to be suspicious. Officers were dispatched. Upon arrival, they spoke with the neighbor, and advised all was in order.
1:55 a.m. – An officer advised that he was flagged down by a passerby who stated that there was a male intoxicated party on the train platform who had fallen and sustained a head injury. County Dispatch and the MTA Police were notified. Officers assisted until the incident was turned over to the MTA Police.
2:08 a.m. – A resident of Wolfs Lane advised that her upstairs neighbor was playing loud music and making unreasonable noise. Officers were dispatched, and advised the noise complaint was unfounded.
5:26 a.m. – An officer observed a suspicious vehicle parked and occupied near Wolfs Lane and Marquand Place. A check was conducted on the vehicle information and operator. All in order. Party was sent on his way without incident.
1:59 p.m. – A man reported a man sleeping in a vehicle on Third Street. He advised that he attempted to wake up the party, but was unable to do so. Officers were dispatched, and advised they woke that party up and sent him on his way.
11:42 p.m. – Westchester County Police advised of a vehicle traveling Southbound on the Hutchinson River Parkway Northbound. Officers were dispatched, and stopped the vehicle south of Exit 7. Officers further advised of multiple motor vehicle accidents and injuries from said accidents. Several other agencies were notified, and EMS arrived on scene.
Monday, April 29
9:05 a.m. – A motor vehicle accident with injuries occurred at Wolfs Lane and First Street. Officers and medical services were dispatched.
10:25 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to an aided case on Loring Avenue. Upon arrival, complainant advised he fell while taking care of the shrubs. Paramedics, the Fire Department, and Empress Ambulance arrived on scene and the patient was transported to a hospital.
4:49 p.m. – An officer was dispatched to a party laying in Wolfs Lane Park. Upon arrival, officer advised all was in order and the party was just relaxing in the park.
Tuesday, April 30
11:56 a.m. – A resident of Corlies Avenue reported a vehicle parked overtime in the area of their residence. Parking Enforcement was notified, as well as an officer, and the vehicle’s tires were marked.
1:11 p.m. – A complainant reported a possible match for a suspect wanted out of Yonkers for homicide. Officers were dispatched, and advised the party did not match the wanted individual.
6:34 p.m. – An officer was dispatched to a parking complaint on First Street. Complainant stated a gray minivan was parked illegally at the location with its flashers on. Vehicle was gone upon police arrival.
Wednesday, May 1
8:17 a.m. – An officer on patrol observed an open window on a dark house on Washington Avenue. Officers were dispatched and were able to gain access inside the house with assistance from the Pelham Fire Department. Officers checked the house, and all appeared in order. The homeowner contacted police and advised that the window was to an old room and sometimes blew open. Officers secured the house after the completion of their check.
2:27 p.m. – An officer on patrol reported a suspicious party punching a mailbox on Wolfs Lane. The party was angry about a personal matter. Officer checked the party’s information, and the party was sent on his way.
4:14 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a residence on Linden Avenue for a residential burglary alarm. Officers checked the house, which appeared to be secured. There was a dog in the home. Officers contacted the homeowner, who stated that he would reset the alarm.
5:03 p.m. – A resident of Seventh Avenue called and advised that a package was left on her front door and it did not belong to her. An officer was dispatched and assistance was provided.
Thursday, May 2
1:30 a.m. – An officer on patrol reported a suspicious vehicle on Second Avenue. The party inside was interviewed and all was in order. He was sent on his way.
8:24 a.m. – Officers assisted Pelham Manor Police with looking for a runaway twelve-year-old child. Officers canvassed areas in Pelham and Pelham Manor. Approximately 45 minutes after the call, the child returned home.
2:09 p.m. – A resident of Ancon Avenue advised that he was hearing noises in the basement and was worried that there was someone down there. Officers were dispatched, and advised the residence was searched and all was in order.
2:45 p.m. – A resident of Third Avenue advised of a possible leaf blower in area of her residence. An officer was dispatched, and advised the noise was from a lawn mower farther down the street.
6:32 p.m. – Officers responded to a Sixth Avenue residence on report of two individuals having a verbal argument. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the first party, who stated that her and her boyfriend had an argument regarding where the couple would sleep for the night. The second party stated he was under the impression they were going to stay at one location, but his girlfriend stated it was another location. Argument was verbal only. Both parties agreed to leave the scene without further incident.
8:33 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a River Avenue residence on report of a suspicious vehicle parked on the street with occupants inside. All was in order, and the vehicle was just waiting to pick up a friend.
10:45 p.m. – A resident of Washington Avenue called in a suspicious white male with a headlamp going through various homes’ garbage. Officers were dispatched, and advise all in order.
Friday, May 3
5:31 a.m. – Detectives and officers were dispatched to a Second Avenue residence to assist District Attorney investigators in executing a warrant.
7:29 a.m. – An officer was flagged down by a motorist and advised of a youth that had fallen off his bicycle. The officer located the youth walking South on Wolfs Lane, and observed him to have a cut on his nose and minor scrapes to his forehead. The youth was transported to the Pelham Middle School nurse, and the youth’s father responded to pick him up.
Saturday, May 4
1:20 a.m. – Received a call from a resident of Sixth Avenue, reporting a loud party next door. Officers were dispatched, and advise the condition was corrected.
1:48 a.m. – An officer on patrol reported a suspicious vehicle with one occupant on Sparks Avenue. A check of the vehicle and occupant revealed valid registration and driver’s license, and the party was sent on his way.
3:05 a.m. – An officer on patrol advised of a woman sleeping in her vehicle on Third Street. A check of her information revealed a valid registration and driver’s license, and she was sent on her way.
9:15 p.m. – A man walked in to make a report regarding a dog bite in the past. Party stated that the afternoon of the day prior, he and another party were working in the rear yard of a Harmon Avenue residence. He stated that his back was turned and without warning, he was bitten on his right arm by a medium-sized black dog, causing lacerations, bleeding, and pain. The other party witnessed the incident, and then transported the party to the New Rochelle Hospital emergency room for treatment. Emergency room documentation and photos of the wound were provided. Officers then spoke to the owner of the residence, who stated he was not home that afternoon, but was aware that men were working on his property. He was unaware that his dog had bitten anyone. He was advised the keep the dog confined for ten days. Copies of the dog’s vaccination history were requested.
Daniella Cherner, a graduate of Pelham Memorial High School, is a Pelham Examiner founder studying at Tulane University. During her PMHS career, she ran...