W.W. Fairclough Prize and Memorial Tablets awarded at PMHS graduation

Although most of the senior awards were handed out a few weeks ago, five prestigious awards were handed out on Saturday at the graduation ceremony. The W.W. Fairclough Prize was awarded to the top three academic students in the graduating class. The Memorial Tablets were presented to a pair of students, one male, one female, selected by the teaching staff of the school.

The Memorial Tablets were awarded to Kevin Coleman and Charlotte Edmunds.

Coleman is noted as a gifted athlete as well as a gifted scholar. Named the male athlete of the year at the senior sports awards dinner, Coleman is a tree sport athlete, competing in baseball, football, and basketball. He was also awarded the Con-Ed Scholar Athlete award, recognizing his dedication to the sport, as well as his acumen in the classroom. He is PMHS’s all-time hits leader for baseball, as well as the all-time rushing for football. He will attend Wake Forest University in the fall. Read more about his accomplishments here.

Edmunds was a National Merit Commended Scholar, vice president of the National Honor Society, co-editor-in-chief for The Pel Mel, as well as founder of the Do Something Club. She was a three-season varsity athlete, competing on the tennis, basketball and lacrosse teams. She will attend Vanderbilt University in the fall. Edmunds was also the third place winner of the Fairclough prize.

Second place winner of the Fairclough prize was Sarah Ellenbogen. Ellenbogen was a member of the PMHS Science Research program, taking second place at the international Genius Olympiad science fair in her junior year. She also competes in synchronized skating at a national level and is on the Women’s Empowerment Club Board. She plans to attend Cornell University to pursue engineering.

First place winner of the Fairclough prize was Francesca Di Cristofano. Di Cristofano was among the founders of the Pelham Examiner and currently is managing editor at the paper. She has also won a wide variety of accolades in the field of cellular and molecular biology as a member of the Science Research team. She qualified and competed this year at the International Science and Engineering Fair and took best in fair in cellular and molecular biology at the New York State Science and Engineering Fair. She will attend Brown University in the fall to pursue biology.

Read about the senior sports awards here and the senior academic awards here.