Mount Vernon schedules another event at Hutchinson Field this weekend; officials say noise control steps to be followed this time

The City of Mount Vernon has scheduled another event for Sunday at Hutchison Field after last Sunday’s concert produced numerous complaints of excessive noise from Pelham Manor residents. The event will be held from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m., according to a press release from the Village of Pelham Manor.

The announcement comes after weeks of back and forth discussions between the village and the city. Manor residents had their hopes raised when one concert came off without excess noise only to have last Sunday’s produce noise many complained about.

In the most recent meeting between representatives of Pelham Manor and Mount Vernon, city officials said the excessive noise Sunday was due to the event not following the protocols agreed upon in previous meetings between the village and city, according to the Pelham Manor release. This included an “incorrectly positioned stage and speakers, along with exceedance of the permitted decibel level,” the release said.

Mount Vernon officials said the event this Sunday would be set up in the way agreed upon, the release said. The noise from the concert will not exceed 90 decibels at the stage. Mount Vernon will allow Manor officials to inspect the stage prior to the commencement of the event.

Residents who experience loud noise from the event are advised to call the Pelham Manor Police Department at 738-1000 to register their complaints.