Pelham Manor police blotter: June 24-30

Sunday, June 24th
2:29 p.m. – A woman walked in with a drone, reporting that it had crashed in the yard of her Iden Avenue home on June 2nd between 2-3 p.m. She stated that she put information regarding the drone on Pelham social media sites, but no one contacted her, so she brought it to the police department. The drone was processed as found property and kept for safekeeping.
5:14 p.m. – A resident of Boston Post Road called, reporting that her husband’s golf bag filled with golf clubs was no longer in her apartment storage unit, where she last saw them on June 18th. There were no signs of forced entry, however the top of the storage unit enclosure was not fenced off, though the sides were, and the storage room is also accessible by the building’s front door key.
7:46 p.m. – A call was received reporting a large group of youths possibly drinking and smoking, and stopping vehicles near Wolfs Lane and Secor Lane. Officers were dispatched, and reported the parties were gone on arrival.
8:33 p.m. – A 911 call was received, reporting a female unconscious at a Francis Street address. Upon arrival, the woman was lethargic but conscious. While officers spoke with her, she suddenly passed out again. The officer then administered oxygen, and the woman was transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital for further medical care.
11:37 p.m. – A caller reported a loud party near Manor Circle and Pelhamdale Avenue. Officers canvassed the area with negative results.
Monday, June 25th
11:10 a.m. – A person walked in, reporting that she had found a credit card in the middle of Garden Place while she was walking, approximately ten minutes earlier.
2:28 p.m. – A 911 call was received, reporting an employee of Manor Market of 4775 Boston Post Road had passed out, but was now conscious and breathing and in need of medical attention. Upon arrival officers spoke to the employee, a cashier, who stated she had passed out and was feeling dizzy. She refused further medical attention.
5:49 p.m. – A caller reported a golden retriever running in the roadway at the intersection of Pelhamdale Avenue and Shore Road. Officers were dispatched; the dog was gone on arrival.
5:53 p.m. – A hit-and-run accident occurred in front of the CitiBank in the Pelham Manor Shopping Plaza. Driver 1 reports another car struck her car, leaving behind the front bumper with the license plate still attached, and subsequently fled the scene. Pelham Manor Police Department located the address the license was registered to, and contacted Mount Vernon Police Department, who stated the second driver had called Mount Vernon Police Department and reported that he was involved in an accident in Pelham in which he had fled the scene. MVPD had him in custody for driving while intoxicated, and PMPD issued a summons for leaving the scene of a property damage accident.
8:19 p.m. – A transferred NYPD call was received, reporting a suspicious person outside of the Public Storage of 925 Spring Road. Caller stated an African-American male was pacing back and forth outside of the door. He subsequently left the area on a motorcycle. Officers checked the area with negative results.
10:37 p.m. – A caller reported a group of kids making noise on the playground of Prospect Elementary School. Officers were dispatched, and reported the group was gone on arrival.
Tuesday, June 26th
4:21 a.m. – Received a call from a resident of Elm Tree Lane, reporting a vehicle had been parked for a while with its lights on in front of a neighbor’s house. Officers were dispatched; the person in the vehicle stated he was early to pick someone up at that address and that they should be ready within thirty minutes.
1:47 p.m. – An employee of the CVS Pharmacy of 4760 Boston Post Road called, stating a white male in a light blue dress shirt, blue tie and carrying a large empty target shopping bag was walking around the store. He was known to them as a previous shoplifter. He left the store once he realized the employees were following him.
7:22 p.m. – A man reported a two-car property damage car accident near Ely Avenue and Secor Lane. The parties exchanged information.
9:35 p.m. – A woman of Grant Avenue was trying to call her daughter and accidentally dialed 911.
10:34 p.m. – A man called, reporting there was a possible party going on in the woods by the Split Rock Golf Course. The NYPD 45th Precinct was notified. Officers were dispatched, and reported that the said party was unfounded and that all appears in order.
Wednesday, June 27th
6:39 a.m. – An officer states that he received a report from a jogger that there was some pornographic material in front of a house on Mount Tom Road. Officers checked Mount Tom Road from Pelhamdale Avenue to Weyman Avenue with negative results. The New Rochelle Police Department was also notified.
8:19 p.m. – A call was received from an employee of Dave & Buster’s at 881 Pelham Parkway, reporting a guest had assaulted another guest. Officers were dispatched; one of the people involved reported he was running through the establishment when he bumped into the other person involved. The other person involved requested no further police action.
8:48 p.m. – A woman of Wynnewood Road called, reporting her mother was extremely weak and in need of medical attention. Upon arrival, the mother was sitting in a chair, alert and conscious but slumped over. She stated that she was not feeling well and was extremely weak. Empress Ambulance Services transported her to Lawrence Hospital.
Thursday, June 28th
12:50 a.m. – A woman walked into the police station, reporting her phone had been stolen. She stated that on June 27th at 10:10 p.m., she was on the game floor of the Dave & Buster’s of 881 Pelham Parkway when she last saw her phone. Her brother was using her phone to record her while she was playing a game; he then gave her the phone back and she placed it in her purse. She left at 10:30, returned home and realized her phone was not in her purse. Using the “Find My IPhone” tracker, she found the Bronx address where the app said her phone was, and confronted the parties at that address, all of whom stated they had not seen her phone. Since going to that location, the location of her phone had moved.
1:16 p.m. – A residential burglary alarm on Manor Circle was accidentally set off by a construction worker.
Friday, June 29th
12:24 a.m. – A resident of Split Rock Road called, stating his wife was having leg pains and needed to go to the hospital. Upon arrival, Officers spoke with the wife, who stated she was pregnant and woke up with pains in her ankle that were shooting up her leg. She was transported by Empress Ambulance Services to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital.
7:25 p.m. – A resident of Washington Avenue walked into the police station to make notification of a man who he observed via surveillance camera approach his front door at approximately 11:07 p.m. on June 28th. He described the party as a black male wearing a white t-shirt, who reportedly left a flyer stating, “I BUY HOUSES CASH!” and a phone number. The person reporting said he checked his other cameras and it appeared the man approached only his address and continued down the street.
7:44 p.m. – A person called, reporting he observed a black Jeep circle the area near Highbrook Avenue twice and that there were teenagers sitting on the roll bar and hanging off the sides of the vehicle. The person also reported he believed the vehicle to be exceeding the speed limit. Officers canvassed the area; the vehicle was gone on arrival.
8:58 p.m. – A man walked in, reporting he had had his vehicle shipped from California to New York by a company. Between June 18th, when the vehicle was picked up in California, and June 28th, when he picked the vehicle up in Brooklyn, it appeared the vehicle had been used without his permission. Upon picking up his vehicle, he observed multiple unknown Bluetooth devices connected to it, ashes on the carpet, black smudges on the seat, a lighter in the cupholder, and an odor of cigarette smoke, among other things. Upon picking up his vehicle, the man he picked it up from said he knew nothing about the inconsistencies of the vehicle. The man reporting provided documentation and a timeline, which was secured into evidence.
10:06 p.m. – A man called, reporting he observed a party drinking near a dark-colored compact vehicle on Clay Avenue and proceed to walk onto the Prospect Hill Elementary School ball field while carrying a bottle of beer. Party was described as a black male. Officers report the party was gone on arrival and no one in the area matched the description.
Saturday, June 30th
1:50 a.m. – A caller reported a man who appeared to be intoxicated laying down in the parking lot of a Boston Post Road address. Upon arrival, the man was laying face down, sleeping. He was woken up and sat up. An officer observed a cut on his chin, a cut on his left elbow, and bruises on his legs. He had urinated himself and there was blood on the concrete where he had been laying. When asked if he remembered what happened, he stated that he had been drinking whiskey and lived nearby, but could not recall how he ended up in the parking lot. The medic arrived on scene, and advised that he be taken to the hospital. When the man was advised he would be taken to the hospital, he became very resistant and began pushing the medics away as they attempted to strap him into the stretcher. He became very combative and began making verbal threats. He was transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital for further treatment.
Daniella Cherner, a graduate of Pelham Memorial High School, is a Pelham Examiner founder studying at Tulane University. During her PMHS career, she ran...