Pelham Manor police blotter: June 28-31

June 28:
3:19 a.m. – The department received a call reporting vehicles racing on the Hutch Parkway in an unknown direction. An officer was dispatched, and reported as canvass of the area with negative results.
11:30 a.m. – A caller states that someone rang his doorbell. When he went to the door, there was no one there. He was concerned that someone might be checking to see if anyone is home in order to break into the house. Two officers were dispatched, they interviewed the caller, and checked the area with negative results. All appears in order.
1:36 p.m. – New Rochelle police reported a received call for a motor vehicle accident on Pelhamdale Ave by Roosevelt Ave. Two officers are dispatched to tend to the case. One of the officers arrested the operator of one of the involved vehicles for the violation of NYS law of aggravated unlicensed operation in the 3rd degree, an unclassified misdemeanor. Both involved parties explained the situation, claiming the fault of driver 1. Driver 1 reportedly was suffering a headache but refused medical attention. Driver 1’s license was found to be revoked with 12 suspensions and revocations. He was placed under arrest and transported to Pelham Manor Police Department headquarters. His vehicle was impounded. Driver 1 was released on his own recognition, ands is due back in Pelham Town Court at a later date.
6:07 p.m. – The department received a call from a DT Alarm Company operator reporting an activated alarm with an indication of a front door on Peace Street. Further information revealed house owner on the scene without the proper alarm code. An on scene dog-walker confirmed the alarm to be accidental. Negative justice results. Nothing further to report.
6:20 p.m. – A notification was received reporting an auto accident with injuries on the Southbound Hutchinson River Parkway, south of Boston Post Rd. A medic and ambulance were dispatched and county police were on sight. No action taken by the Pelham Manor Police Department.
7:53 p.m. – A party reported a vehicle lockout in the area of Micheal’s Arts and Crafts in the PelhamManor Shopping Plaza. A check yielded negative results. Lockout waiver form was completed, no further police action was taken.
11:13 p.m. – The department received a call from a party stating that she saw a shadow moving in the backyard of her residence on Pelhamdale Ave, and believed it to be a person. While remaining on the line the party’s husband investigated the situation to find that the shadow did not appear to be cast by a person. The area was checked by responding units with negative results. Nothing further to report.
June 29:
4:45 p.m. – A call from the chief reported loud music in the area of Shore Park. Two other officers confirmed the noise to be coming from the Orchard Beach parking area. The officers advised that they would continue to monitor the noise for the remainder of their tour. All units are back in service.
5:02 p.m. – The department received a call reporting a loose dog in the area of Prospect Hill School. The caller described the dog to be large with long black and white hair. The area was canvassed with negative results.
7:12 p.m. – An officer on duty found a bag containing clothing, medication, food, and headphones on Prospect Avenue. A male party was contacted as his initials were found on the side of the bag. The party stated that he was unaware of any missing property but would contact the department if he found the property to be his. The items were tagged and kept for safe-keeping by a detective. Nothing else to report.
11:28 p.m. – A radio transmission was received from an officer reporting that he was out with a male party who is soliciting in front of Wing Stop on Boston Post Rd. The party was issued a warning for soliciting and was warned that he would be arrested if he returns. A justice inquiry revealed negative results.
11:58 p.m. – A unit reported a party soliciting at Dave and Busters on Pelham Parkway. Two police vehicles were dispatched. A justice check was performed with negative results. The man was arrested for his request for money without a proper license. The man is due back in court at a later date.
June 30:
12:52 p.m. – A dispatch regarding an aided case was received. The officer assigned to the case reported the victim sustained a cut on her right arm from family dog. The party is on blood thinners so the family wanted her to go to the hospital to get checked out. The victim was transported to a hospital by an Empress ambulance. Nothing further to report.
1:17 p.m. – An officer assigned to the aided case reported that up on arrival he spoke to the victim who stated he had fallen the previous day and injured his left hand, the back of his hand, and his right hip/buttocks. The man was complaining of severe pain in the areas. A medic was sent to the scene and the man was taken to a nearby hospital by an Empress ambulance.
2:36 p.m. – A walk in complaint arrived at the department to report larceny that had occurred previously that day. An officer spoke to the female party who reported the issue. She stated that she was checking out at BJ’s Wholesale Club in the Pelham Manor shopping center at a self-checkout register. She requested 60 dollars cash back with her purchase. The party stated that she forgot to take the money when she left the store, only realizing about an hour later. The party stated that she returned to the store and one of the staff members advised her to file a police report. An officer was dispatched to speak with the above staff member who then provided video surveillance which appeared to show the complaining party leaving the money at the register and then a male party appeared to take the money as he approached the register. The victim stated that she would save the video evidence for the detective division and attempt to figure out the BJ’s membership for the suspect. A supporting deposition and owners deposition were secured and included in the report. A copy of the receipt showing the requested money was secured as evidence. The case was turned over to a detective.
3:08 p.m. – A detective was advised by a chief of the department of a suspicious occurrence by the Pelham Jewish Center on Esplanade. The chief had received an email including an email, both from members of the Jewish Center. The email described a suspicious male, thought to be older, who had entered the Jewish Center to inquire about their services. The party appeared to be looking around as they spoke, and appeared to be disoriented. The party quoted philosophical references, and stated that he is not religious but into social justice. He then stated that he was going to look around outside. Contact was made with the complaining party and he was advised that an official police report would have to be made in person. The party stated that he was out of the area and was unable to come in to generate a report. The party advised the detective to contact another person who could generate the report in person and provide any video surveillance that may be available. The party was contacted, he stated that he was unable to come in at the time to generate the report, and would contact the detective later in the week to make an official report in person. The man was asked about the video surveillance and stated that unfortunately at the time no playback feature was available on their camera system, but he will contact the security company to enable this feature. Detectives will update the report as soon as an official report is generated in person.
8:20 p.m. – A call was received from a party who stated that two kids at the ATM at the Bank of America on the Boston Post Road approached him asking if he had found a debit card. They then walked away and got into a vehicle. The reporting party believed the event to be suspicious. Officers were sent to the scene to find the suspected parties to be gone on arrival.
10:10 p.m. – A call was received from a complaining party who stated there was a suspicious vehicle by the Boston Post Road and Ely Avenue. The vehicle was being operated by a younger black man. The vehicle appeared to be driving slowly, and it appeared that the driver was looking down driveways. Officers were dispatched, the vehicle was gone up on arrival.
June 31:
3:23 p.m. – A call was received from CitiBank reporting a male party video recording with his cell phone which is a violation of branch policy. Two officers arrived on the scene, however the subject was gone. No further police action taken.
4:13 p.m. – A 911 call was received from a female party stating that her vehicle broke down on Wolfs Lane. An officer arrived on the scene, and reported that the vehicle was off to the side of the road and the party was waiting for a private tow.
5:12 p.m. – A call was received reporting a reckless driver that almost hit her vehicle in the area of Four Corners. The area was canvassed with negative results. Vehicle was gone on arrival.
7:49 p.m. – There was a report of lost property at the BJ’s Wholesale Club. Up on arrival, the dispatched officer spoke to the party who made the complaint. She stated that she believed that she left her handbag, including various credit cards, a phone, as well as personal documentation. She believed that she had left the property in her shopping cart before exiting the parking lot. Approximately five minutes after leaving the purse, the party returned to recover the items, finding them to not be there. She also stated that she spoke with the store management, and nothing had been recovered or returned to them.
10:22 p.m. – The department received a call reporting loud explosions, possibly fireworks, in the area surrounding Edgewood Avenue. The complaining party stated that she was unsure of where the music was coming from. Upon further investigation it appeared that the fireworks were coming Esplanade Street, but there was no one in the area. All was found to be in order.
Aside from her contributions to the Examiner, she was the photography editor for the Pel Mel. She is a member of the SUNY Maritime High School Sailing...