Village of Pelham police blotter: Aug. 25-31

Aug. 25
3:12 a.m. — A resident reported a noise complaint for loud music coming from the rear parking lot of an establishment on Fifth Avenue. Officers were dispatched and observed a vehicle from which loud music was coming. The operator of the vehicle was advised to turn down the music and was sent on his way. Conditions corrected, no further police action required.
5:10 p.m. — A female party came into the police headquarters, stating that she had found a cucumber in her pool’s filter, along with some rocks found at the bottom of the pool. The party asked for the incident to be documented. No further police action taken.
6:44 p.m. — A female party reported a white male in dark sweatpants and a dark sweatshirt defecating in the tunnel of the MTA station. MTA units were notified and officers were dispatched to the scene. Upon arrival the man was gone. No further police action taken.
Aug. 26
9:32 p.m. —An officer reported to the southern side of the MTA station to aid MTA officers with a past incident. MTA officers informed that the victim had parked his vehicle in the southern parking lot of the MTA station. The party observed his vehicle to be missing around three hours after his departure. The vehicle registration did align with that of two previous hits. The MTA to handle incident.
10:39 p.m. — Officers responded to a location on Chestnut Avenue regarding a suspicious vehicle. Upon arrival the vehicles plate was run and found to be valid. The oportater of the vehicle stated that she was dropping her daughter off at a friends house. She was sent on her way. No further police action taken.
Aug. 27
7:10 a.m. — An officer advised police of a possible domestic incident occurring at an incident on Fourth Avenue. As the officer was jogging by he heard a child yell “Help, My dad is abusing me.” HQ dispatched all units. Upon arrival it was found that the child and his father were just fooling around as the father was trying to get the child back inside the residence. The child yelled as a joke. Settles by police.
9:39 a.m. — An officer reported to Colonial Avenue on a report of a motor vehicle accident, car and bus, by BeeLine bus services. All persons in both vehicles were spoken to. No injuries reported. One of the operating parties was found to have revoked license with multiple scoffs. The man was handcuffed, searched, and transported to headquarters where he was booked and photographed. Bail was held at $100. The keys to the man’s car were given to the police station with his permission. The party is due at court at a later date.
3:15 p.m. — An officer responded to a residence on Ancon Avenue on the report of trees being cut down by an unknown individual. The owner of the residence stated that he and his wife were on vacation from 8/14-8/20, and arrived home to find that trees in their backyard had been cut. The owner stated that it may have been the maintenance crew from the cemetery beyond the residence. No further police action taken.
Aug. 29
8:10 p.m. — An officer advised of dogs barking in a vehicle on Second Avenue. An officer was dispatched and spoke with the owner of the residence that the vehicle was parked in front of. The situation was corrected.
Aug. 30
3:28 a.m. — While on patrol an officer observed a vehicle who had a total of three tickets for overnight parking. After 72 hours the vehicle is considered to be abandoned. Officers attempted to reach the owner of the vehicle, yielding negative results. The vehicle was impounded, and its status was updated. No further police action taken.
12:14 a.m. — Police received a call reporting suspicious circumstances. The complaining party stated that he smelled a strong aroma of marijuana coming from a nearby residence on Chestnut Avenue. He observed much foot traffic. Officers responded to the situation. No further information provided.
3:47 p.m. — A female party walked in to HQ to report a property damage incident that occurred in the past. The complaining party stated that on 8/19 she was traveling westbound on Lincoln Avenue when she struck a road plate at an intersection, and became disabled. The party stated that she wished to file this report to make a damage claim with ConEd. Damage could not be assessed as the vehicle was towed. Nothing further at this time.
Aug. 31
8:00 a.m. — A writer was dispatched to a residence on Second Avenue regarding a property damage incident. The complaining party stated that someone had tried to break into his vehicle. He had reportedly parked his vehicle in his driveway the previous day, undamaged. The following morning he observed damage to the drivers side door handle. The party stated that no valuables had been taken from the vehicle. Photos were taken. No further action taken.
Aside from her contributions to the Examiner, she was the photography editor for the Pel Mel. She is a member of the SUNY Maritime High School Sailing...