Pelham Manor police blotter: Sept. 5-12

Sept. 5
6:17 a.m. — The department received a call from a resident on Rockledge Drive complaining of a loud noise coming from the construction sight on Pelham Country Club property. An officer was dispatched to the scene, and spoke with an on-site worker, who stated that they had two dump trucks make a delivery of dirt that morning, but they had then left. No further police action required.
9:34 a.m. — The department was notified by the chief carpenter that there was a party in the village recycling yard possibly taking plastics from the bin. The person was described as a black male in his 50s with a beard wearing a grey sweatshirt. Officers were dispatched to the location on Spring Road and spoke with the suspect party. The man was interviewed and issued a warning that he was not allowed to take anything from the village yard. An e-justice check was run yielding negative results. Nothing further to report.
Sept. 6
5:45 p.m. — The department received a call reporting a suspicious occurrence involving a man riding a bicycle while holding another bicycle. The man was traveling east on Boston Post Road. Officers were dispatched, and spoke with the bicyclist who stated that he owned both the bicycles and was bringing one back that he had left locked at work in the city. The party was sent on his way. An e-justice check revealed that the man had a warrant from Texas of a class B misdemeanor. In addition, the man was found to have a suspended N.Y. drivers license with a total of nine scoffs.
12:34 p.m. —A call was received, stating that there was a suspicious hispanic male in a t-shirt, hanging out in and around a black honda with Florida plates. She advised that at one point his trunk was open and there was a lot of mail in it. She believed it was possibly the mailman. Officers were dispatched and interviewed the suspect party, who was found to be, in fact, the mail man. Both he and his vehicle were entered in an e-justice check with negative results.
2:04 p.m. —A call was received stating that a male party had a cat stuck in his engine. Officers were assigned and contacted the humane society, who advised that someone would be responding, Two parties were sent from the Humane Society who freed the cat and took it to the Humane Society. Nothing further to report.
8:37 a.m. — A call to the department stated that there was a sick or injured raccoon in the yard of a residence on Rockledge Drive. Officers arrived on scene to find the raccoon sickly and unable to move with ease. Another officer was requested to bring the department animal rifle. The officer discharged the rifle twice, killing the raccoon. The rifle round shells were picked up and disposed of. The homeowner was advised that they would have to dispose of the raccoon on their own. Nothing further to report at this time.
Sept. 7
1:35 a.m. — An officer stationed on Pelhamdale Avenue and Shore Road observed two vehicles pulled over on the side of the road. One of the vehicles was sounding their horn. The driver of vehicle one reported that the female party operating vehicle two was driving erratically all over the roadway and almost caused multiple accidents. He stated that he believed the woman to be intoxicated. The officer stopped vehicle on Pelhamdale Avenue heading northbound at Roosevelt Avenue. As the officer approached the vehicle he observed that the driver had bloodshot and glassy eyes, and her speech was slurred with a strong odor of alcoholic beverage emanating from her breath. The officer also smelled and observed vomit on the clothes of the front seat passenger. The officer asked the driver if she had had any alcoholic beverages, and she stated that she had had one glass of wine. She stated that she was coming from a wedding at Glen Island and was driving to her home in Mount Vernon. The officer administered the standardized field sobriety testing, in which the party performed poorly. The test results indicated intoxication. The female driver was placed under arrest and her vehicle was impounded. She was transported to Pelham Manor Police headquarters for processing, while the passenger of the impounded vehicle was picked up by her son. At the headquarters, the female party was read the DWI warning, and she consented to a breath test. She was read the Miranda warning and was administered a data-master test, which indicated that she had a blood alcohol content of 0.13. She was issued summonses for driving while intoxicated, blood alcohol content greater than .08, and is due back in Pelham Town Court at a later date. Property book was signed, and E-Justice check yielded negative results. The data master test results, DWI warning and Miranda warning were secured as evidence and placed in a locker.
3:17 p.m. — The department received a call reporting a motor vehicle accident with injuries on Esplanade and Boston Post Road. Officers responded to the location and spoke with driver 1, who stated that she was operating vehicle 1 when she was heading northbound on Esplanade and made a left turn off Esplanade onto the Boston Post Road, starting to head westbound when her vehicle collided with vehicle 2, which was making a left turn from southbound Esplanade onto eastbound Boston Post Road. An officer then spoke with driver 2, who was unable to explain what had happened because she was in shock and hyperventilating, An officer then spoke with a witness who stated that he was operating his vehicle and stopped at a red light facing Eastbound on the Boston Post Road, when looking at his phone when he heard a loud noise then looked at the vehicles collide. Driver 1 sustained lacerations and bruises to her right leg and was transported to a nearby hospital, Diver 2 was also taken to a hospital by an Empress ambulance. Both vehicles were towed.
4:43 p.m. — An officer was dispatched to Pelhamdale Avenue and Manor Circle on a walk-in report of a car crashing into a telephone pole. Upon arrival the officer observed a male party standing outside his vehicle which had collided head-on with a utility pole. The party stated that he had been drinking alcohol, and that his wife was driving the vehicle when it crashed into the pole, and that his wife had walked home. The officer informed the party that they would need to speak with his wife, to which he responded “good for you.” The man subsequently called his wife immediately in regards to the accident. After speaking with his wife, he admitted that his wife would not “cover for him” and that he was the one driving the vehicle. He further stated that he had been drinking and was returning home when he crashed into the pole. The officer tried to make contact with his wife, but she did not answer the door. While speaking, the officer observed that there was an odor of alcoholic beverage emanating from the party’s breath, and that he was experiencing poor balance and had to lean on his vehicle multiple times. When asked how much he had to drink, he responded that he didn’t know it was “enough to be driving while intoxicated.” The officer asked if he could perform standard sobriety tests as well as blow into a preliminary breath test to which he refused all. The man was placed under arrest and transported to the police headquarters. His vehicle was impounded and Con-Edison was contacted due to the damage done to the utility pole. A medic responded to the headquarters to inspect and treat a wound on the man’s left forearm from the accident. The party refused further medical attention. The officer read the party the appropriate warnings. He was processed accordingly and transported to the Pelham Town Court. The man was released on his own recognizance, and is due back in court at a later date. DWI investigative information was completed and warnings secured as evidence and placed in a locker.
10:10 p.m. — A call was received from the White Plains Police Department, advising that they have a party in custody with a warrant out of this jurisdiction for possession of marijuana. The warrant stems from an incident that occurred on Feb. 17, 2018 at Pelhamdale Avenue and Boston Post Road. Officers took custody of the party, and he was transported to the Pelham Manor Police Department, where he was processed and taken to Pelham Town Court. He was arranged by the judge, released on his own recognizance and is due back in Pelham Town Court at a later date. His warrant was cancelled in the E-justice portal.
Sept. 9
8:09 p.m. — A call was received from Fairway security in the Pelham Manor Shopping Center regarding a party inside the store who had shoplifted in the past. The party was described as a black male, approximately 6 feet tall, thin build, wearing a beige cap and a blue jacket. Officers arrived on the scene. Market security advised the officers that the suspect owns a car that was parked in the parking lot. He also advised that the suspect had been warned that he is no longer welcome at Fairway market and if he were to return that he would be arrested for trespassing. As a suspect walked to his vehicle, the security person pointed out the suspect to the officer. Officers subsequently stopped the suspect, and he was placed under arrest and transported to the Pelham Manor Police Department. The Fairway market manager completed a supporting deposition in which he stated his general manager advised him and a Fairway employee in August the suspect is no longer allowed in the store because of a previous altercation and theft. The manager was not able to provide a date nor a list of items that were stolen in the past. The male party was processed and released on his own recognizance. He was issued a desk appearance ticket and is due in Pelham Town Court at a later date. Property book was signed and supporting depositions and owner deposition completed. A picture of the suspect was taken at the police desk with department camera.
Sept. 10
4.23 p.m. — Officers reported to a residence on Manor Ridge Road on report of a possible burglary in the past. Upon arrival, one of the officers spoke with the household’s nanny, who stated that she was babysitting at the above residence, and that she had left the premises in good order with the children at 10:06 a.m. and returned at 2:35 p.m. and that at approximately 3:50 p.m. she noticed that the master bedroom looked like it had been burglarized. She took a picture of the bedroom and sent it to the homeowner, who then called the police. The officer observed multiple jewelry boxes open. The smaller bedroom on the second floor had shoeboxes open on the bed. The officer observed that the two rear basement doors had been left ajar. No signs of forced entry were observed. The home owners arrived on scene and identified several pieces of jewelry and a pair of shoes that had been stolen. The area was processed, canvassed, and an officer spoke with nearby neighbors. After all proper documentation and paperwork was finished, the case was turned over to the detective division.
4:33 p.m. — An officer was dispatched to the CVS on Boston Post Road on report of a larceny in progress. The suspect was described as a black male with dreadlocks wearing a red, white and blue jersey. Upon arrival in the parking lot of the store complex, the officer observed the store manager point to the suspect who was walking westbound in the parking lot. The officer exited his vehicle and approached the subject. As he approached the male party, he began to flee on foot in a southwest direction onto the property of Huguenot Memorial Church. Said suspect kicked off his flip-flops and proceeded on foot behind the church into its parking lot. While fleeing, the suspect dropped a canvas bag, from which stolen merchandise fell out onto the pavement of the parking lot. Another officer joined the chase on foot, which proceeded through the Weiman Memorial Park. The officer approached the suspect, with his taser drawn, giving the man multiple warnings that he would deploy the taser if required. He was able to catch up to the suspect and deploy his taser, which was unsuccessful. The suspect was brought to the ground by the officers and placed under arrest and handcuffed.
The previously dropped merchandise was picked up. The bag was filled with stolen Hagen Daz ice cream. The man was transported to the police headquarters. The suspect was found to have a clear glass pipe in his back pocket, possibly containing crack cocaine. Surveillance revealed the man had stolen 21 cartons of Haagen Dazs ice cream, totalling $125.79. All stolen merchandise was recovered. The proper paperwork and records were completed. Photos of the taser and the glass pipe were taken with the department camera. The objects were secured in a locker for detectives. The suspected party was processed and held for arraignment.
Sept. 11
5:32 p.m. — A female party came to the police headquarters to report that she would like to press charges for an incident that occurred on Sept. 7 during her shift at BJ’s Wholesale Club on Pelham Parkway. She stated that a customer was on the improper line and refused to move. She then stated that the customer became angry and intentionally struck her with her shopping cart three times. Photos of the party’s resulting injury on her leg were taken with the department camera. Proper forms were completed and an e-justice check yielded negative results.
Sept. 12
1:37 p.m. — Officers were dispatched to a residence on Esplanade on the report of larceny from a vehicle. The officer spoke with the complaining party who stated that her New York State driver’s license, social security card and various credit cards had been stolen from her wallet, which was located inside the vehicle. She then stated that her daughter’s social security card had also been stolen as well. She stated that she had parked her vehicle in the driveway of her residence at approximately 4 p.m. on Sept. 11 with her car door unlocked with her wallet inside. When she went back to her vehicle the following day, she noticed her car’s doors were not completely closed and her wallet was open and clearly tampered with. A neighbor was asked if they had cameras that faced the property. Supporting deposition and identity theft consent document were completed. E-justice check yielded negative results.
Aside from her contributions to the Examiner, she was the photography editor for the Pel Mel. She is a member of the SUNY Maritime High School Sailing...