Swastikas found at Pelham Middle School were in boys bathroom and locker room

Pelham Middle School Principal Lynn Sabia told assemblies of each grade Wednesday that two swastikas were found in the boys bathroom in the seventh grade hallway and another in the boys locker room.

On Wednesday, the Pelham School District reported three swastikas were found on the premises of the middle school.

In a separate report, a Pelham Police officer was dispatched to PMS last Friday because “a sixth grade student discovered a swastika drawn onto locker number 56 in the boys locker room and immediately notified his gym teacher who then notified the principal,” according to the Pelham Police blotter. 

“According to the principal, the children switch lockers every day, and she doesn’t believe this was a targeted attack towards anyone in particular, but, rather, a random act of vandalism,” the blotter report said. “The principal further stated that the school will attempt to compile a list of students who had access to the locker room today in an attempt to ascertain the culprit. A photograph of the damage was attached to the report.”

During Wednesday’s assembly, Sabia said two police reports had been filed and that the student who put up the swastikas would, if caught, receive a five-day suspension and a superintendent referral.

Sabia and Assistant Principal Sean Llewellyn discussed “the swastika’s meaning, its dark place in our history and why the symbol remains offensive to this day,” the school district said Wednesday.