Pelham Manor police blotter: Oct. 17-24

Oct. 17
2:34 p.m. — While on a traffic stop, an officer observed a party operating a vehicle making a right turn southbound onto Wolfs Lane from Colonial Avenue. The vehicle then struck a village “Thru Trucking Over 2.5 Tons Prohibited” traffic sign, knocking it out of the ground and causing damage to the sign. The officers conducted a traffic stop of said vehicle, and the operator was pedigreed on scene, issued a desk appearance ticket for violation of village ordinance, and is due back in court at a later date. The party was further issued a ticket for disobeying a traffic control device. The man was assisted in getting back in his vehicle and headed in the right direction. The Department of Public Works foreman was notified of the above damage and will be responding.
Oct. 18
4:45 p.m. — An officer responded to a location on Boston Post Road for an accident with personal injury. Upon arrival the officer spoke with a male party who stated that he was riding his bicycle Eastbound on Boston Post Road when he was struck by a vehicle, who was exiting a parking lot. The party further stated that as a result of the collision he suffered an injury to his upper right leg. The officer then spoke with the vehicle operating party, who stated that she was stopped at an exit waiting for traffic to clear when she saw the male party riding his bike heading eastbound while on his phone. The party further stated that the man rode his bicycle into the front passenger side bumper of the vehicle. The officer then spoke to a witness who reportedly witnessed the same events as described by the operating party. Ambulance on scene. E-Justice inquiry yielded negative for all parties.
7:01 p.m. — The department received a walk-in complaint from a party stating that his next door neighbor with whom he has had problems with in the past yelled and cursed at his son for playing in the common driveway shared by numerous residents. He stated that this has happened before and his son is fearful of the neighbor and he, as a parent, is concerned. Officers were dispatched to the residence on Murray Street, and spoke to the neighbor who stated that he would refrain from repeating such actions in the future. E-justice check yielded negative results.
7:30 p.m. —An officer responded to Pelhamdale Avenue and Monterey Avenue for a motor vehicle accident without injuries. Upon arrival the officer spoke with Driver one who stated that she had pulled over to the side of the road Northbound on Pelhamdale Avenue to look at directions and when she proceeded to get back to the lane of traffic her vehicle collided with Vehicle 2. The officer then spoke with Driver 2, who repeated the same as Driver 1. E-Justice inquiry yielded negative results.
8:59 p.m. —While on patrol, an officer observed a vehicle making a left turn out from the entrance of a parking lot on Boston Post Road, the vehicle disobeyed the clearly posted and unobstructed “No Exit” sign. The office conducted a traffic stop between Pelhamdale Avenue and Esplanade. A vehicle registration E-check yielded negative results. The officer then spoke with the operator of the vehicle who provided her New York State Driver’s License. While speaking with the party, the officer observed a strong odor of Marijuana emanating from the vehicle. Another officer arrived on scene. An E-justice check of the operator’s license showed it to be suspended, with a total of four scoffs. The party was placed under arrest. An inventory of the vehicle was completed. The operators purse was found containing a total of 12 ziplock bags of Marijuana. The party was transported to the police headquarters for processing without incident. The vehicle was impounded and the proper paperwork was completed. The marijuana found in the party’s purse was weighed on the department scale and found to be 190.9 grams. The maijuanna was secured as evidence in a locker. The party received a total of three tickets, and was released on $100 cash bail at approximately 12:05 a.m. The party is due back in Pelham Town Court at a later date.
Oct. 19
4:06 p.m. — While on patrol an officer was flagged down by a male party that stated that he was just involved in a motor vehicle accident, hit and run. He stated that he stopped at the traffic signal on Boston Post Road and Pelhamdale Avenue headed westbound when his motorcycle was struck in the rear by a vehicle. The man further stated that he observed a female operating the vehicle while simultaneously using her cellphone and after striking his motorcycle, fled westbound on Boston Post Road. Two witnesses gave the same account as the complaining party.Officers canvassed the surrounding area with negative results.
Oct. 20
7:20 p.m. — An officer responded to BJ’s Wholesale Club in the Pelham Manor Shopping Center on a report of a black male wearing an orange du-rag and a black bomber jacket with patches, stealing store merchandise into a black backpack. Upon arrival the officer observed the suspected juvenile eating a Slim Jim in the frozen food section. The officer spoke with the party who stated that he saw an open box of Slim Jims and decided to take them. The backpack was searched and a large amount of assorted candy was found. When requesting general pedigree information, the officer warned the party that any false information given would result in a charge of false personation. The juvenile stated a name, but when entered into E-justice the inquiry yielded “not on file.” The party then gave the officer his guardian’s phone number. The officer contacted the guardian who provided the name and date of birth of the party, which did not match the previously disclosed information. The guardian was asked to pick up the party. When walking the juvenile to the car, he fled westbound resulting in an on-foot pursuit. Officers warned the party “Stop or you are going to get tased,” but he refused to comply. An officer deployed his taser and began putting the party in handcuffs when he tensed his arms and made it difficult for officers to gain control of his arms. Officers were able to subsequently gain control, and place the party in handcuffs. Taser prongs were observed stuck in the suspect’s clothing. After being placed in a police car, a medic checked the party for any piercing or penetration of the skin by the taser prongs. It was found that the prongs did make contact with his skin but did not penetrate it. The suspected party was transported to headquarters. Photos were taken at the department. The juvenile’s mother was notified that her son had been taken into custody. Officers returned to the BJ’s to collect supporting depositions. The party was issued a court appearance for a later date, and was picked up by his mother, property books were signed for the backpack, a BJ’s receipt and taser cartridges were collected as evidence and placed in a locker. Detectives were notified. E-justice inquiry yielded “Not on file” for the suspect, and the results were negative for all other involved parties.
Oct. 21
8:42 a.m. — An officer was dispatched to Pelhamdale Avenue and Monterey Avenue on a report of a motor vehicle accident. Upon arrival the officer spoke with Driver 2 who stated that while she was traveling northbound on Pelhamdale Avenue, her vehicle was struck on the passenger side by Vehicle 1 which was driving westbound on Monterey Avenue attempting to make a right hand turn on Pelhamdale Avenue. This officer spoke with Driver 1 who affirmed what Driver 2 stated, and claimed no injuries. One party did suffer from an injury, and was transported to a nearby hospital via ambulance. This party’s vehicle was impounded. E-justice check returned with negative results all around.
4:35 p.m. — An officer reports the summary of arrest for Grand Larceny in the third degree, a Class D felony. This arrest stems from an incident on 7/3/19 at Pelham Parkway Storage Post, during which the suspect did steal forty pairs of assorted sneakers from a storage unit. The total value of the stolen property amounded to $15,000. This officer was previously in contact with the suspects probation officer, who advised that he was due to report on this date. An officer and a detective met with his probation officer, and the suspect was taken into custody without incident and transported to Pelham Manor Police Department headquarters. He was processed on the above charge and then transported to Pelham Town Court for arraignment before the honorable judge. The judge issued $2500 cash bail and $5000 bond. The suspect was then brought back to headquarters to await transportation by the Pelham Town Constables. Nothing further to report at this time.
Oct. 24
9:57 a.m. — A party came to the police headquarters to report a possible trespasser, who was dressed in a hooded sweatshirt and jeans who attempted to open the complaining party’s car door in the driveway of his residence. The door was locked and the suspect left. The party showed an officer of the detective division the ring doorbell footage of the incident, Nothing further at this time.
10:55 a.m. — The department received a walk-in complaint by a party stating that when he woke up that morning, his ring security system notified him that someone had trespassed his property. The footage captured a black male wearing blue jeans and a navy hooded sweatshirt walking and then stopping in front of the complaining party’s residence, walking up his driveway and attempting to open the locked car that was parked there. When unsuccessful the man walked away. Owner and supporting deposition completed.
Aside from her contributions to the Examiner, she was the photography editor for the Pel Mel. She is a member of the SUNY Maritime High School Sailing...