Village of Pelham police blotter: Aug 15 – 31

Aug. 15
12:25 a.m. — While on patrol, parked at the Mobil Gas Station at Lincoln Ave and First Ave., a uniformed officer observed a motorized dirt bike headed East on Lincoln Ave, with no headlights or taillights, the driver not wearing a helmet. The officer began to follow the vehicle. The operator later observed the officer and sped up. The operating party made a right turn onto Storer Ave and went up onto a curb and front lawn. As the vehicle hit the lawn, it gave out, causing the operator to fall.The officer pulled up alongside the vehicle and the operator and advised the party not to move. The operator attempted to lift the bike with negative results. As the officer approached the party, they began running South on Storer Ave. The officer did not chase the operating party, and advised headquarters the description of the operator, and his direction of travel. The vehicle came up with no record, and was towed by Westchester Collision. Investigation to continue.
Aug. 17
10:51 a.m. — A resident party entered headquarters to file a report on a past fraud. The complaining party stated that a tenant who moved into one of the buildings the party owns presented an Official Cashiers Check for security and the first month’s rent. The check was returned by the party’s bank, who stated that it was altered/fictitious. The party attempted to contact the tenant and writer of the check with negative results. The complaining party stated that if the suspect corrects the situation, they would not press charges.
Aug. 18
4:25 p.m. — An officer responded to a residence on Wolf’s Lane regarding a suspicious circumstance in the past. Upon arrival the officer spoke with the reporting party, who advised that the door to her salon had possibly been tampered with. The officer was able to observe interior stripping of the doorway on the exterior of the door. The reporting party stated that they had been at the salon two days prior and had not observed any damage. The officer observed scratches located near the lock mechanism. It was unable to decipher if the scratches were from wear and tear, or had occurred recently. The reporting party stated that they had no problems with neighbors, and had no idea who may have attempted to break in. Photos were taken of the door and attached to the report. There is a camera located in the salon which will be checked for suspicious activity. Nothing further.
Aug. 21
5:13 p.m. — An officer responded to a location on Fifth Ave. on a report of an individual playing loud music and refusing to wear a mask in the establishment.The owner of the store stated that said party was disturbing other customers and that they wished for them to leave. The officer advised the disturbing party that they must wear a mask to comply with the social distancing regulations. The party refused, and when given a mask stated that “she did not feel comfortable wearing one”. There are signs posted outside the establishment stating that customers must wear a mask inside. The owner of the store requested that the disturbing party not return to the store. Said party was advised of this. No further police action.
Aug. 23
1:13 a.m. — An officer observed a pair of motorcycles traveling Eastbound on Lincoln Ave. One of the motorcycles was bearing an unknown NJ registration, and the other bearing no license plate. The officer attempted to conduct a traffic stop by activating overhead lights and siren. The motorcycle with the license plate stopped while the unregistered motorcycle failed to comply, fleeing Eastboundon Lincoln Ave. The motorcyclist continued to travel through New Rochelle and back into Pelham before reaching a high speed, and running a red light that led the officer to terminate the chase. The New Rochelle Police Department was notified. No further police action.
Aug. 26
3:08 p.m. — An officer was dispatched to a location on First Ave. on report of a man possibly publicly urinating in the road. Upon arrival, the officer observed the party’s vehicle, in the middle of the road.The officer spoke with the suspected party who stated that they were lost and denied public urination. An E-Justice check yielded negative results and the party was seen on their way.
Aug. 28
5:40 p.m. — An officer was observing traffic at the intersection of Boulevard and Elderwood Ave. The officer observed two pedestrians attempting to cross the street at the intersection. While said parties were attempting to cross the street, a motorcycle passed through a stop sign, failing to yield for the crossing pedestrians. The officer activated overhead lights and stopped the vehicle on a safe portion of the road. Upon approaching said vehicle, the officer requested the operators license and registration. The operating party was unable to provide a license, but handed the officer a copy of a CT driver’s licence. An E-Justice check revealed that the operator had a license suspension in the state of New York for failing to pay Driver Responsibility. The operator was asked to step out of the vehicle and was placed under arrest for Aggravated Unlicensed of the 3rd Degree. The operating party was transported to headquarters, and the vehicle impounded by Westchester Collision. At headquarters the party was searched and placed on bar by the officer. He was booked for four different actions: failing to stop at a stop sign, Aggravated Unlicensed to the 3rd Degree, failing to yield for pedestrians, and unlicensed operation. The operating party was processed and photographed before being released on his own recognizance. The party was issued a return for court at a later date.
Aug. 30
4:30 a.m. — While on patrol an officer observed graffiti on the wall of the Lincoln Ave. Dunkin Doughnuts. Photographs were taken and attached to the report. Owner’s deposition to be followed up on.
Aside from her contributions to the Examiner, she was the photography editor for the Pel Mel. She is a member of the SUNY Maritime High School Sailing...
Alan • Sep 7, 2020 at 9:22 am
Why don’t you have Pelham Manor blotters? Aren’t they open records?
Rich Zahradnik • Sep 7, 2020 at 12:35 pm
When a fill-in reporter went last week, the person at the PMPD desk claimed they’d never heard of the newspaper collecting the blotter and refused to allow it. Our regular reporter will be going this week, and we hope, work out the misunderstanding. We had not been collecting either blotter during Covid restrictions.