Village of Pelham police blotter: Sept. 20-Oct. 4

Sept. 22
8:56 a.m. — An officer was dispatched to a location on Loring Ave. and Boulevard on a report of an antisemitic sticker on a stop sign. The officer observed that the sticker seemed to have been attempted to be removed, but appeared to say “Was it really 6,000,000” with the web address The sticker seemed to be referencing the Holocaust, but its intentions are unknown. No damage was done to the sign and it is unknown who placed it there. The website appeared to lead to a local directory. DWP is to remove the sticker.
Sept. 24
6:26 p.m. — An officer responded to a residence on Boulevard for a report of suspicious circumstances. The reporting party stated that he had returned to his residence to find two open packages by the sidewalk entrance. There appeared to be nothing missing and that the packages were just “tampered with”. The party additionally stated that he was the first to arrive home at 8:00 p.m.. There are no cameras in the area facing the residence. Photos were taken of the packages and attached to the report. Nothing further.
Sept. 29
12:12 a.m. — While on patrol of Fifth Ave. an officer observed a vehicle bearing a Connecticut license plate driving without lights on. The vehicle proceeded to pass through a stop light at the Sixth Ave intersection, causing the officer to swerve out of the way to avoid collision. The officer attempted to conduct a traffic stop to which the operator of said vehicle failed to comply with. The operated continued to run three more red lights while speeding, finally entering the Cross County Parkway. The suspect is unknown at this time.
Sept. 30
12:08 p.m. — Officers were dispatched to a residence on Seventh Ave. on a report of an attempted burglary in the past. On arrival an officer spoke to the reporting party who stated that he noticed two doors open on his enclosed rear patio, which can be accessed from inside of the residence or from the yard. The officer observed two holes in the window screens from the outside, possibly from someone standing on the stairs. The two windows were opened as wide as the security limiters allowed, and damage was observed on the door leading into the residence’s basement. The door appeared to have been struck by an object. A storage room door was also left ajar with two metal bars, one damaged with paint, on the floor. The reporting party stated that he had heard noise the previous evening but believed it to be their trash cans falling over in the wind. The party also informed officers that a suspicious party had rang the doorbell of the residence, later stating that he had the wrong house, just a few days prior to the discovery of the open windows. Detectives were dispatched to the scene for photo and physical evidence.
3:58 p.m. — An officer was dispatched to a residence on Cliff Ave. on a report of a larceny in the past. Upon arrival the officer spoke with the complaining party who stated that his President Trump campaign sign had been stolen from his property. He stated that he had observed the sign, which was placed on his lawn, the day prior. The party had no information of who may have stolen the sign, and had no security cameras. The incident was documented. Nothing further.
Oct. 1
6:43 p.m. — An officer responded to a residence on Cliff Ave. on a report of a larceny in the past. Upon arrival the officer spoke with the complaining party who stated that his President Trump campaign sign had been stolen from his yard. He had seen the sign at approximately 6:00 p.m.. He stated that he did not have an idea of who stole the sign. This is the second time the incident occured within 48 hours. There are no cameras in the area. Incident requested to be recorded. Nothing further.
7:01 p.m. — An officer was dispatched to a residence on Harmon Ave. on a call of criminal mischief that had occured in the past. Upon arrival, the officer spoke to the complaining party who stated that she had left her home that day to go to the store and upon her return found that her “President Trump Make America Great Again” flag had been ripped off the fence post it had been mounted on and thrown in the street. Additionally the flag pole had been broken into three pieces and the fence sustained minor damage. The party estimated the cost of damage to be $30. She stated that she wished to press charges against the suspect party. The area was canvassed for witnesses but yielded negative results. A neighbor was asked if his security camera had captured any activity around the time the mischief took place, to which they replied that it did not. Photographs were taken of the damage. The detective department was contacted to follow up. No further police action at this time.
Oct. 2
2:11 p.m. — Headquarters were notified that a Pelham resident found empty pizza boxes and soda cans in the backyard of her Mape Ave. residence. She observed the yard to be clean at around 8:00 p.m. the previous evening. The reporting party further stated that no one had permission to be on the property so she was unsure of who it was. No further police action at this time.
Oct. 3
1:58 a.m. — An officer reported to a location on Lincoln Ave. on a report of a vehicle on fire. Upon arrival the PFD had put the fire out. The officer spoke to a keyholder of the business at the incident location. He stated that he did not recognize the vehicle but it may have been left for work to be done on it. Surveillance was reviewed, showing an unknown party parking and exiting the vehicle at around 1:45 a.m. and just a few minutes after the operators departure the car began to billow smoke. An E-Justice check of the vehicle was completed. Following an officer’s failed attempt of making contact the keyholder stated that the owner of the business would be there in the morning. No crime believed to be committed at this time. No further police action at this time.
4:03 p.m. — A party arrived at police headquarters to report a verbal dispute that occurred the previous day. She stated that while riding her bicycle on Third St. an unknown male began yelling obscenities of a sexual nature at her. The party stated that she yelled back and continued riding home. Reported for documentation purposes only.
Oct. 4
1:21 a.m. — An officer was dispatched to a business on Lincoln Ave. for a commercial burglary alarm with indication of front door and interior motion. Upon arrival, the officer observes that the left panel of the front door had been shattered. The officer, along with another, entered with their firearms through the missing glass panel. The officer observed that cash registered had been taken from the checkout counter, and left open on the floor behind the counter. The business had no people inside at the time. Detectives were alerted of the burglary and canvassed the nearby area with negative results. The officer returned to the location to speak with the business’s manager who stated that each cash register contained approximately $150 dollars and that the repair to the door would cost approximately $500. No information on who may have committed the crime is known. A detective arrived for further investigation.
Aside from her contributions to the Examiner, she was the photography editor for the Pel Mel. She is a member of the SUNY Maritime High School Sailing...