Village of Pelham police blotter: July 8-14

Sunday, July 8
3:56 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Second Avenue residence on report of a possible home invasion. Upon arrival, officers noted that the given address did not exist. Officers at the police station were advised of this, and redirected the officers on scene to another address, on Third Avenue, which also turned out to not exist. The officers again advised headquarters of this, and were again directed to another address on Third Avenue. An initial exterior check did not reveal any sign of forced entry or suspicious activity. The officers on scene asked those at headquarters to have the complainant meet them at the front door of the residence, and approximately two minutes later the officers were met at the rear basement door by the resident, who was carrying an aluminum bat. He was sweating profusely, speaking very quickly, and his pupils were abnormally large for the amount of light in his basement. When asked what seemed to be the problem, he stated he believed someone was in his house. When asked what led him to believe that, he said he heard a sawing noise and other sounds on the exterior of the house. He further stated that he looked on the camera system and saw someone fleeing west through his backyard towards Second Avenue. When officers asked if they could see the video, the man said he did not actually see anyone, but believes someone entered his basement through a particular window. Officers went to the window with him, but it was boarded up and showed no signs of being tampered with. When asked if he ever saw anyone in his house, he said he did not. He asked that the officers conduct a walkthrough, which they did, but found the house to be empty. He was advised to call if he required further police assistance.
10:05 p.m. – A resident of Pelhamdale Avenue reported an extremely loud bang in the area. They were unsure as to what it was. Officers were dispatched and advised all was in order in the area.
11:44 p.m. – A resident of Fifth Avenue called, reporting a noise complaint at another address on Fifth Avenue. An officer was dispatched and the condition was corrected.
Monday, July 9
9:26 p.m. – A resident reported water leaking out of the roadway on Sixth Street, between Seventh Avenue and Eighth Avenue. SUEZ was contacted and notified, and they stated they would respond first thing the following morning, as the road was still passable to traffic.
10:42 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to Rockwell’s of 105 Wolfs Lane on report of a theft of services. The manager advised that two suspects had just left the restaurant without paying their bill. The suspects were described as a black woman with a shaved head and a jacket and another black woman also wearing a jacket. Both were described as in their early to mid-twenties. They were last seen running north on Wolfs Lane towards the train overpass. The area was canvassed with negative results. A deposition was completed, and a copy of the receipt secured.
Tuesday, July 10
5:34 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to a residence on Maple Avenue on report of a man experiencing rectal bleeding. Upon arrival, officers were advised this was the second occurrence with the same symptoms in two months. The man was transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital.
8:27 a.m. – Several calls were received regarding a road rage incident that took place on the Hutchinson River Parkway. One man advised that a white male in a black BMW was chasing him down Pelhamdale Avenue to Fifth Avenue. Officers met the man in front of the police station, and an unknown party turned onto Lincoln Avenue westbound. The area was canvassed with negative results.
10:37 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Fourth Avenue residence, on report of a male vomiting. On arrival, they spoke with the man, who stated that approximately 45 minutes earlier he began feeling nauseated and subsequently vomited and had diarrhea. He was transported to Lawrence Hospital by Empress Ambulance Services.
12:02 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Third Avenue residence on report of an electrical fire. Upon arrival, they entered the residence, which was beginning to fill up with smoke on the first floor. Officers ensured all people were cleared from the residence. The fire was extinguished by the Pelham Fire Department. One resident stated that he was unplugging a television as well as a video game console from a wall outlet when the outlet burst into flames and a fire began in the wall.
1:20 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to Cole Technologies of 510 Fifth Avenue on report of a dispute between two employees. Upon arrival, officers spoke with one of the employees, who advised that he had been involved in a verbal dispute with another employee, when the other employee pushed him and head-butted him. He further advised that the other employee did not hit him hard and he was not injured. No swelling or redness was observed on the first employee’s head. The second employee confirmed there was an argument, and stated that he did not head-butt the other employee. The first employee stated he did not want to press charges or pursue any type of police action. He advised he would pursue this matter further with his employer.
4:06 p.m. – A call was received reporting a loose dog in the area of Chestnut Avenue. Officers were dispatched, along with the Humane Society of Westchester. The dog was taken in by the Humane Society in hopes of finding the rightful owner.
Wednesday, July 11
9:24 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to an area near a Wolfs Lane address on report of a person with injuries from a fall. The woman stated she had just parked her vehicle, put money in the parking meter, and was stepping off the curb into the street when she lost her balance, causing her to fall and hit the back of her head, causing a laceration. She was transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital.
2:20 p.m. – A woman walked into the police station to report aggravated harassment. On July 10, the suspect called another individual, threatening to cause physical harm to the woman in question. The suspect stated she was going to slice the woman’s face and bust her kneecaps. The individual who received the call then advised the woman of these threats. This all stemmed from the woman calling parole on the suspect’s husband. The husband just got out of prison for murder, and was sent back to jail for parole violation.
Thursday, July 12
12:45 a.m. – A call was received from a woman, requesting a welfare check on her son. She stated that she had not spoken with her son for over a week, which was unusual. Officers were dispatched to a residence on Sixth Avenue, the son’s last known address. Officers spoke with a resident there, who stated the son had not lived at the residence for over two months, and when he did live there it was only for a period of two weeks. He stated he last spoke with the son over two months ago as well, and that the son possibly stated he was going to live in Ohio. Officers conducted a walkthrough of the residence, confirming the son was not present or living at the residence. A criminal history inquiry was conducted to see if he was in police custody, which yielded negative results. A check using Inmate Locator for New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut also yielded negative results. A missing person investigation was not initiated, due to the son not fitting the necessary criteria.
8:14 a.m. – An officer was advised of a suspicious party sleeping in her vehicle on Wolfs Lane since 5:00 a.m. After interviewing her, he advised all was in order.
Friday, July 13
5:31 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Seventh Avenue residence on report of an aided case. Upon arrival, officers spoke to the victim, who complained of chest pains and a rapid heart rate. The victim was administered oxygen and transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital for further treatment.
8:34 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Washington Avenue address for a welfare check. Upon arrival, the woman advised that she had fallen down the previous night, and subsequently vomited in her sleep. She was transported to Lawrence Hospital.
9:56 a.m. – A man walked into the police station to report a larceny. He stated that he ordered two pairs of sneakers on July 5. An e-mail he received from the website he ordered them from stated that the items were delivered on July 6, although he never received them. He contacted the website and was advised he would need a police report to get the items shipped again.
11:30 a.m. – Officers were advised of a person locked out of their vehicle on Loring Avenue, with a baby still in the vehicle. Officers were unable to open the door with the lockout tool. The complainant requested that a window be broken in order to open the vehicle. Officers assisted with the request.
7:42 p.m. – An anonymous resident called, stating that two kids were yelling and being loud in the hallway of a Lincoln Avenue residence. Upon arrival, officers advised the call was unfounded and that all was in order.
Saturday, July 14
2:47 a.m. – An officer on patrol reported an individual asleep in their vehicle on Wolfs Lane and Boulevard. The individual was checked out and was found to be a local resident. They were sent on their way.
2:44 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to the area in front of a Wolfs Lane address on report of a two-car motor vehicle accident. Upon arrival, the suspect was observed standing next to one of the vehicles, with the vehicle in question still running. An officer noticed an odor of alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath. The suspect also appeared unsteady on his feet, had bloodshot eyes and slurred speech when speaking with officers. When asked if he had been drinking, he stated he had consumed one Heineken beer at home prior to driving. When asked, he said he would be willing to take Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. He failed all three tests after numerous attempts. He was placed under arrest for driving while intoxicated, and subsequently handcuffed, searched and transported to the Pelham Police Department. A chemical test at 4:17 p.m. revealed him to have a blood alcohol content of .22%.
Daniella Cherner, a graduate of Pelham Memorial High School, is a Pelham Examiner founder studying at Tulane University. During her PMHS career, she ran...