Four Democratic candidates for N.Y. attorney general to share stage at forum tomorrow

A forum will be held tomorrow night featuring the four candidates running for New York attorney general in the Democratic primary. The forum, moderated by Damon Jones, will take place at the Ethical Culture Society in White Plains from 7 to 9 p.m.
The four candidates have all confirmed they will participate.
Former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman resigned from office on May 8 after allegations of sexual misconduct and physical abuse. After being elected in 2010 and reelected in 2014, Schneiderman withdrew his campaign to run for a third term following his resignation. Barbara Underwood was chosen to complete the unexpired term and is not running.
With Leecia Eve, former senior policy advisor to Senator Hillary Clinton, and Letitia James, New York City’s public advocate, both running as women of color hoping to fill a position previously held only by white men, this campaign is especially interesting. The two candidates are joined by Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, who represents the 18th District and is the first openly gay member of Congress, and Zephyr Teachout, a law professor at Fordham University and former candidate for governor.
An RSVP is required to attend. For more information, visit co-sponsor Indivisible Westchester’s site.
Francesca Di Cristofano’s journalism career began in 2011 as a founding editor of the Colonial Times. She is now a senior at Pelham Memorial High School...