Village of Pelham police blotter: July 15-21

Sunday, July 15
12:01 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Carol Avenue residence on report of a female party choking. Upon arrival, officers observed the woman sitting upright, breathing on her own, and she did not appear to be choking. She was conscious and incoherent. Officers administered her oxygen. She was transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital for further evaluation.
3:32 a.m. – Officers were advised of a suspicious circumstance at a Lincoln Avenue address. Officers advised of three males entering the building. The parties checked out; no further police action required.
12:53 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Seventh Avenue residence on a noise complaint. There was a constant feud between neighbors at the location. Officers spoke with the complainant, who stated that his neighbor was banging on his ceiling, creating a “bothersome” banging. Officers spoke with this neighbor, who stated that the complainant was making too much noise upstairs. At one point, the downstairs neighbor stated, “Oh, if I wanna bang on my ceiling, I will, as a matter of fact I am going to do that right now.” He was issued a warning for unreasonable noise. A short while later, officers returned to the location on a complaint of too much noise upstairs, called in by the downstairs neighbor. Officers spoke to both parties and calmed down the downstairs resident.
1:32 p.m. – A woman called to report that while riding her bicycle in the area of Eighth Avenue and Sixth Street she noticed that there was a hole in the street. An officer checked, and advised that there were a lot of holes in the street due to construction but did not observe any holes that were an imminent danger to the public.
4:43 p.m. – A man called, asking if a report was available for pickup. He also asked if he could borrow $50,000 as a loan that he would pay back with interest at $1,000 a month for five years. An officer advised him he could not loan him the money, to which the man replied, “You guys all suck.” The man then asked if he could possibly ask the chief of the department for a loan when he comes in to pick up his report. The officer advised him against making that request. Report filed for police information purposes.
7:58 p.m. – A woman of Third Avenue called, stating a power saw was in use in the area. Officers were dispatched and the condition corrected.
Monday, July 16
4:54 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to Capitol One Bank of 200 Fifth Ave. on report of a male party inside the bank attempting to commit fraud. Upon arrival, officers met with the bank supervisor, who stated that the Capitol One branch had received a bulletin for a “fraud alert – for N.Y. and N.J. branches.” On the bulletin, there were multiple photographs of individuals suspected of committing fraud by impersonating actual Capitol One customers and making withdrawals in their name by using fake identification. The suspect in question was one of the parties photographed on the bulletin. A teller and the bank supervisor stated the suspect entered the branch and attempted to withdraw $3,400. He had a fraudulent driver’s license and a fraudulent debit card in his possession and was using it as identification. The employees identified him before contacting the police. An officer approached him and asked for identification. He identified himself with what appeared to be a Pennsylvania driver’s license. When asked if the name on the license was his real name, he replied, “No, my real name is (suspect’s first name)”. He was then placed under arrest. He stated he was dropped off in a black Mercedes Benz on Third Street by a man known only to him as “K.” The area was canvassed with negative results. He also stated “K” had given him the fraudulent driver’s license and the fraudulent debit card as another form of identification. He stated he had entered the bank and filled out a withdrawal slip using the fraudulent driver’s license for the amount of $3,400. He had signed the withdrawal slip and given it to the teller and was awaiting the teller’s return with the cash when the officer stopped him. He was processed and charged with three counts of a forged instrument, attempted grand larceny in the third degree and forgery in the third degree.
8:27 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to Pelham Palace of 221 Wolfs Lane on a report of criminal mischief. The complainant advised that he observed one of the window panes on his storefront was damaged. He believed the incident occurred between 9:40 p.m. on July 15 and 10:30 a.m. on July 16. He did not have any surveillance footage of the incident. Surveillance footage from nearby areas was unavailable at the time of report. Photographs of the window were taken.
Tuesday, July 17
5:24 a.m. – An officer heard loud moans coming from the rear cell in the police station. The officer approached the cell and spoke with the suspect from the previous day’s call at 4:54 p.m., who complained of pain caused by his arthritis. He was transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital, accompanied by an officer, for further medical evaluation.
10:42 a.m. – Officers responded to a Fourth Avenue residence on report of a suicide. Upon arrival, officers spoke with a friend of the victim, who said he was supposed to meet with the victim earlier in the day, and when he didn’t hear from him or answer the phone, he went to the victim’s residence. He states he entered the basement through a rear door which he had a key for and found the victim apparently deceased, and called the police. He said he had last seen the victim at approximately noon on July 13. Officers observed the deceased laying facedown on the basement stairs, apparently deceased from strangulation. He had a black strap tied around his neck and tied to the doorknob at the top of the stairs. Officers observed dependent lividity in the deceased’s legs. EMS was notified, and a paramedic pronounced him dead at 10:50 a.m. Officers checked the interior of the house and were unable to locate a note. An officer was notified that the man’s ex-wife had contacted the police desk and was already aware of the death. At approximately 12:20 p.m., a medical investigator responded to the scene, and the body was transported to the Westchester County Medical Examiner’s office for autopsy.
3:01 p.m. – The Pelham Fire Department was dispatched to a residence on Clifford Avenue on report of the residence being struck by lightning. Officers were dispatched to assist with traffic.
Wednesday, July 18
9:27 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Third Avenue residence on report of a death on arrival. Officers spoke to a neighbor, who stated that he observed mail piling up at the victim’s residence and was concerned and contacted the police. Officers responded and entered the residence through an open basement door and observed the victim dead on arrival on the floor. The residence was checked by officers, and no foul play was observed. A paramedic responded to the residence and pronounced the victim dead at 9:46 a.m. It was stated that the victim had been deceased for approximately five to six days. At approximately 10 a.m., the medical examiner was contacted, and arrived at the location at approximately 11 a.m. The victim was transported to the Westchester County Medical Examiner’s Office for further evaluation. A next of kin was contacted.
5:45 p.m. – A woman of Young Avenue advised the police of a suspicious circumstance at her residence. She advised that her computer screen was damaged and a window was open on the second floor of her residence. Upon arrival, officers observed no signs of forced entry into the room where the computer was located and observed the window was about 25 feet up from the ground, making it unreachable without a ladder. She stated that her son had noticed the damage and called her while she was out of the house, picking her daughter up. She also advised that her son had been breaking items with a hammer outside as of late. An officer located a hammer on the desk to the right of the computer screen. The officer suggested that maybe her 9-year-old son, who had left the scene and was at a friend’s house at the time of the officer’s arrival, was possibly responsible for the damage. The complainant was satisfied and did not believe there was any foul play that occurred at the residence. Incident was documented and complainant advised she would speak with her child.
8:05 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to the area of Highbrook Avenue and First Street on report of an emotionally disturbed person in the roadway, yelling at passing vehicles. Upon arrival, the man was shaking the stop sign in one of the corners of the intersection. He was sweating profusely, unable to stand still, and was inconsistent with his statements when answering basic pedigree information. He appeared to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Empress EMS arrived on scene and advised that he had stable vitals and was able to refuse any further medical attention. Another man arrived on scene and advised that he was the drug/alcohol sponsor of the other man and that they had just left an AA meeting at Community Church. He advised that he would transport the other man back to his residence.
Thursday, July 19
12:53 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to an area of Highbrook Avenue to investigate a suspicious circumstance. The complainant advised that while he was walking south on Highbrook Avenue towards Boulevard, an unknown white male wearing all black was seen coming out of a driveway. The said subject approached him and repeatedly and aggressively asked him if he had $20. When the complainant said he didn’t, the subject then left the area on foot in an unknown direction. The area was canvassed with negative results.
12:48 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a residence to retrieve and safeguard a number of firearms. Serial numbers and makes of the firearms were documented. The revolvers were turned over to the detective division to be placed in a safe.
2:15 p.m. – A person advised there was a dog barking for over twenty minutes at a Second Avenue address. Officers were dispatched and the condition corrected.
4:52 p.m. – An officer on patrol encountered a suspicious vehicle with two occupants on River Avenue. The individuals checked out and were sent on their way without incident.
6:11 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Chestnut Avenue residence on a call of an aided case. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the complainant, who stated he believed his father was suffering from diabetic shock. Officers administered oxygen to the father. He was transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital for further treatment.
8:41 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to Pelham Pizza of 113 Fifth Ave. on report of a disturbance. Upon arrival, officers spoke with an employee, who stated that at approximately 8:30 p.m., an unknown male entered Pelham Pizza with two friends. He ordered food and a short time later became irate and asked the employee in an aggressive tone, “Where the f–k is my food?” The employee stated to the man that his food was not ready yet. The man became increasingly angry and began to demand his food and walked behind the counter area and was yelling profanity at the employee. The employee stated that at that time the man’s companions intervened and attempted to calm him down. The man’s friends then paid for his food and left the area. The man was described as a black man wearing dark clothing, approximately 40 to 50 years of age and of short stature. The employee further stated that it appeared the man was highly intoxicated at the time of the incident. The employee wished no further police action at that time.
9:52 p.m. – Officers responded to Marcello’s Pizza of 35 Fifth Ave. on a call of an aided case. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the complainant, who stated a man was shouting profanity at him and acting erratically in the street in front of the location. An officer then spoke with the man, who appeared to be under the influence of a controlled substance. He stated to the officer that he had been drinking and had taken pills earlier in the day. Medical personnel and responding officers deemed it necessary that the man receive a psychological evaluation from a medical professional. He was warned not to come onto the premises again or he would be arrested for trespassing. He was transported to Montefiore Mount Vernon Hospital for a psychological evaluation.
Friday, July 20
4:27 a.m. – An officer on patrol observed a vehicle parked on the street on Fifth Avenue. The officer began to issue the vehicle an overnight parking violation, when the officer was notified of three open tickets totaling $600. The officer booted and applied a warning sticker to the vehicle and issued an overnight parking violation.
8:03 a.m. – Officers were advised that a person near a Second Avenue address was shooting squirrels with a BB gun. An officer was dispatched and advised it was a pellet gun and corrected the condition.
11:56 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to an area of Wolfs Lane on report of a male with chest pains. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the man, who was given oxygen and was seated. He stated that while walking from the train station, he felt the familiar pain in his chest of a heart attack. He said he has had two previous heart attacks and five stents in place. He also said he took baby aspirin and nitroglycerin pills to try and get relief but it did not work. He was transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital for further treatment.
3:54 p.m. – An officer on patrol advised that he observed the lawn of a Hillside Avenue residence to be grown over. This is in violation of Village of Pelham Ordinance No. 54-48, which states lawns, hedges, and bushes shall be kept from becoming overgrown and unsightly where exposed to public view and where neglect constitutes a blighting factor for depreciating adjoining property. A summons was completed and would be served at a later time.
5:36 p.m. – A man walked into the police station to report an identity theft. The man stated he received a call from a collections bureau stating that he owed money to an internet service, for an account which was opened in August of 2017 and closed in March of 2018. The man stated that an unknown suspect had opened up an internet and phone account under his name and social security number for cable service with an address in Florida. He stated he had not lived in Florida for over eight years and had not given permission to anyone to use his identity to open an account. He stated he does wish to press charges. Incident will be turned over to the detective division.
10:43 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a Seventh Avenue residence on report of a dispute. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the complainant, who stated that the downstairs tenant was slamming her apartment door. Officers spoke with the downstairs tenant and advised her to close her door quietly. Officers also advised the complainant to follow up with their landlord. The complainant further stated the two parties had a planned sit down with one of the detectives. No further police action required at that time.
Saturday, July 21
2:13 a.m. – A resident of Seventh Avenue called to report that tenants on the second floor were intentionally stomping their feet and slamming doors. Officers were dispatched and advised that the condition was corrected.
3:22 a.m. – An officer on patrol observed a vehicle stopped at Boulevard and Pelhamdale Avenue with the driver asleep inside. A traffic stop was conducted, at which time a license check revealed that the person did have a valid license. All was in order, and the person was sent on their way.
11:55 p.m. – A resident of New Rochelle called, complaining of a loud party within Village limits near Storer Avenue and Harmon Avenue. Upon canvassing the area, officers found the loud party to be located at a New Rochelle residence.
Daniella Cherner, a graduate of Pelham Memorial High School, is a Pelham Examiner founder studying at Tulane University. During her PMHS career, she ran...