Pelham Manor
April 5, 2021
The Board of Trustees and the Administration are excited to announce the official launch of Pelham Manor’s new voluntary Food Scrap Recycling Program (Program). This Program expands our regular two-day per week refuse and one-day per week recyclables and organics collection program. Residents who wish to participate in the Program can collect their food scraps at home and then bring them over to the Food Scrap Drop-Off site on Sparks Avenue.
This program, which has been under consideration for the better part of five years, is a partnership between the Village of Pelham Manor, the Village of Pelham and Westchester County. We would like to thank Westchester County for being the catalyst for this launch. Westchester County has recently reduced the food scrapping disposal cost (tip fee) to the same cost as the rest of our waste stream and positioned us to take advantage of a future program which will convert our food waste into renewable energy (biogas through food waste digestion)! This was an exciting game changer that resulted in the Food Scrap Recycling Program meeting our triple bottom line (Social, environmental and financial benefit).
We would also like to thank the Village of Pelham for entering into an equal partnership with us via an intermunicipal agreement (IMA). As part of the IMA, the Village of Pelham Manor pays the Village of Pelham its half of the costs for hosting the Program’s drop off site through a fee (just under $9,500 the first year and just over $8,000 for each of the next two years). The drop off site is located in Parking Lot 7, north of the Village of Pelham DPW yard, behind Rockwells (enter from Sparks Avenue).For detailed information about this Program and how to sign-up to participate, visit our Food Scrapping web page
Yours in service,
Jennifer Monachino Lapey, Mayor
A. Michelle DeLillo, Deputy Mayor
Bridget (Breda) A. Bennett, Trustee
Joseph C. Senerchia, Trustee
Maurice I. Owen-Michaane, Trustee