School trustee Eileen Miller seeks re-election to complete important work, take on new challenges

Editor’s note: This statement was provided by Pelham school board member Eileen Miller. The vote for trustees and on the 2021-22 school budget is May 18.

Trustee Eileen Miller (on left) with her family.

I’m Eileen Miller, and I’m thrilled to announce that I am running for re-election to the Pelham Board of Education. My last three years on the BOE have been very eventful, and I look forward to completing some of the great work we started, carrying on with some important steps, and taking on new challenges.

When I ran for this position three years ago, our biggest issue was passing the bond. Since then the new Hutchinson school has progressed and is scheduled to open on time and within budget, without sacrificing any of our must-haves. That school is going to be the greatest example of how a town comes together to support one another, and how a rising tide lifts all boats. Hutchinson, as well as the improvements made at Prospect Hill, the middle and high schools, and the Glover complex, will finish up during my next term, and I’m excited to see that through.

The greatest challenge we have all had during my term has been the Covid pandemic. I have learned a tremendous amount during this time and firmly believe that the Board and the District made the best decisions we could given the information we had along the way. The insight I have gained about our schools and our community has been an experience that is crucial as we continue to follow the science and proceed forward. There are sure to be unexpected developments as we move ahead and I have a unique perspective on the situation given the events of the past year.

While serving on the Board, I have been the Chairperson of both the Strategic Planning Committee and the Policy Committee, and participated on the Advocacy and Community Engagement Committee. The fact that our District has a strategic plan that includes feedback from all sectors – teachers and staff, families, and students – is a testament to our commitment to continuous improvement. The phrase “if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there” could not be more truthful – and our strategic plan is the collectively developed road map that ensures we head in the right direction. The three pillars: Authentic Learning, Cultural Competence and the Whole Child evolved from extensive analysis and discussions in our community. It reflects the collaboration of what our students, families and teachers asked for, combined with the vision of our talented and experienced administration. I look forward to seeing the work we started through to the end of this current plan in 2024, and use the lessons learned to begin the next round of planning.

The next three years will be an evolution of some very critical issues. Our equity work is just beginning, and I am committed to progressing in a way that puts our students at the center of the conversation. Regardless of individual beliefs, we cannot ignore our students speaking out for greater inclusion, and I intend to honor that. I plan to address our continued capital projects in a fiscally responsible, proactive way. And finally, I will continue to bring my collaborative and tireless work ethic to this Board to face what will surely be unexpected twists and turns. I will rely on my experience to face issues with resolve and insight, while continuing to lean on my relationships inside and outside the District to come to productive solutions for all students.

To learn more about me and my life outside of my BOE service (and to see a picture of my family with my lovely husband, Ethan and kids, Josh (19) and Ella (17) and sweet dogs, Rosie and Sadie), please check out my Facebook page:  Eileen Miller For Pelham BOE. You can also email me at  Thank you for your support – I hope you’ll vote for me on May 18th!