Bee-Line bus collides with outdoor dining barriers, closing Fifth Avenue block for three hours
The front end of the Westchester County Bee-Line articulated bus rests on two concrete barriers after the accident.
A Westchester County Bee-Line articulated bus collided with concrete barriers used for outdoor dining, shutting down Fifth Avenue between Second and Third Streets for more than three hours Wednesday morning.
The barriers were awaiting pick-up after the end of outdoor dining on Tuesday. Pelham police said the block was closed at 7:29 a.m. and reopened at 10:42 a.m.
“A bendy bus (apparently swerving to miss a double parked vehicle on Fifth Avenue) took out the remaining apparatus and mounted the concrete barriers that were the security and protection of outside diners at one of the many restaurants and cafes,” wrote resident Bob Shepherd in a comment to the Pelham Examiner. “It was like a movie scene on Fifth Avenue an hour or so ago. The bendy bus stopped trapped on top of at least two concrete barriers that it dragged along and into the middle of the road.”

LeRoy Marriott • Dec 1, 2021 at 12:52 pm
Not too many double parked cars at 7am on 5th Ave. Witnesses at scene felt driver fell asleep. Barriers were on opposite side of street.