Manor Trustee Bennett’s campaign statement: ‘I will work to continue the traditions of fiscal responsibility’

Editor’s note: This campaign statement was provided by Village of Pelham Manor Trustee Bridget “Breda” Bennett. The Pelham Examiner publishes statements in the form received as a service to the community.

It has been my distinct honor to serve as a Village of Pelham Manor Trustee for the past four years, and I am asking for your support on March 15 to continue my service.

If re-elected, I will work to continue the traditions of fiscal responsibility and strong services, which have characterized our Village government for decades. I support our Board’s community outreach and communication efforts and the Village’s robust and cost-effective recycling, reuse and environmental programs that we presently have and that we continue to expand upon. 

Just this year, the board worked diligently on Local Law 5, which further limited the use of gas-powered leaf blowers. We listened to the needs and concerns of everyone on all sides of the discussion, and I, along with Trustee Senerchia, attended a demonstration on electric lawn equipment, which was enlightening. This thoughtful work of the entire Board brought us to measured and appropriate new legislation, and I am proud to have been part of this process.

I am very proud to have served as Police Commissioner for my past term, and if re-elected, I would look forward to continue working with Chief Atkins and Lieutenant Sancho ensuring that the PMPD remains the effective and vital component of our community that it is.  

Pelham Manor has a highly and advanced trained police force, and we enjoy one of the lowest crime rates in the area. During this past year, we have hired new officers, promoted from within our talented department and recognized the outstanding service of our officers and, in particular, Officer Luiso, who was also honored by Westchester County at its Law Enforcement Memorial and Awards Ceremony.

Under my leadership, the Pelham Manor Police Department has expanded upon its community outreach by instituting a police officer walking program, which affords officers the opportunity to meet residents and to also visit and speak with business owners in the village. We have also held Police Officer Meet and Greets in conjunction with Project Community for the children who are involved in the You and Me Program.

To tell you a little about myself, I was raised in the Woodlawn section of the Bronx and am a registered independent. I went on to earn my undergraduate and Masters Degrees in Business Education. After graduation, I taught at Career Blazers Learning Center and rose to Director of Education. Later, I taught in the Business Education Departments at Lehman College and Westchester Community College. In 1994, my husband and I started our home building business, where I work on the administration and finance components of the business.  

My husband, Tom, and I have been residents of Pelham Manor for 25 years. Our six children attended Pelham schools, and they were all very active in many local organizations and sport teams in the community. We are a family that is deeply rooted in this community. 

I have been strongly committed to Pelham since we moved here. I first served for five years on the PACT Board, where I was committed to improving the youth sports experience in Pelham for all children. I served on the Prospect Hill Site-Based Council for four years. I led a Girl Scout troop for five years and then moved on to serve on the Pelham Little League Board. During my 12-year tenure with Pelham Little League, I served as Treasurer and Vice President. I also served on Pelham Recreation for 14 years and served as Chair for a few of those years. I am most proud of starting the Recreational Basketball League, which is still going strong. I continue to serve on the Pelham Booster Club, and during my tenure with this organization, have held the positions of Treasurer and Co-President.

During all my experiences as a volunteer, I have always worked well with a collaborative work approach to accomplish the important tasks and goals of the group for the greater good. I strongly believe in listening to the opinions of all, and I am easily accessible—always welcoming dialogue with anyone and everyone.  

Through my years of volunteerism in this community and my service as a Trustee over the past four years, I feel uniquely qualified to once again serve our village as a Trustee.  

It would be my pleasure to once again serve as a village trustee to continue good governance in Pelham Manor, and I would be honored if you were to cast your vote for me on March 15.  

Once again, thank you for your support.