Pelham streets, high school gym and auditorium flooded, forcing concert to move, canceling film screening

Streets and homes were flooded during a storm on June 2, 2022.

Flash flooding from a Thursday afternoon thunderstorm closed Highbrook Avenue and Wolfs Lane and other Pelham streets.

The Pelham Memorial High School blue gym and auditorium were also flooded. That forced Thursday night’s orchestra concert to move from the auditorium to the middle school gym, according to one teacher.

The National Weather Service had issued a flash flood warning due to storms hitting the Westchester area.

“We’re getting a lot of calls, but your call will be answered,” Village of Pelham Manor Trustee Maurice Owen-Michaane posted on FaceBook. “If you are in need of emergency help in Pelham Manor, call 914-738-1000.”

“For those facing acute crises that they cannot afford to handle on their own, the Pelham Civic Association stands ready to help,” posted David Joachim on Facebook. “If you or anyone you know needs such help, please contact Dr. John Pacia, chairman of our good neighbors committee. He’s standing by for any Pelhamite in need. Dr. Pacia’s email is Feel free to copy me at Godspeed.”

“In recent years, the Village has made significant investments in improvements to our storm system, with a focus on flood prone areas,” said Village of Pelham Manor Mayor Jennifer Lapey, in a statement two days after the floods. “Working collaboratively with Westchester County, we also engaged an engineer to perform a professional evaluation. We plan to perform important work under this evaluation. Additionally, Pelham Manor works proactively with outside jurisdictions that receive our water. We are in regular contact with County and State officials regarding these efforts, as maintenance of downstream infrastructure is critical for the successful operation of our system.”

“We have a proposal in hand from our engineers to do a full flood mitigation plan for the Village, with particular emphasis on the two hardest hit areas – from 4th Ave to 7th Ave, west of Glenwood Lake, and along Highbrook Avenue,” said Village of Pelham mayor, Chance Mullen in a statement four days after the storm in regards to residents concerns on Facebook. “We’re working to find funding now, and we’ll be discussing that at the June 14th Board Meeting. Our engineers will be there, and residents are welcome to join and ask any questions.”

The Pride Month screening of the film “Coded” at the Picture House has been postponed from Thursday night due to the bad weather, according to the Progressive Women of Pelham, sponsors of the event.