Supports Garrido-Carmody for school board: ‘Thoughtful, intelligent and well-spoken’

To the editor:

I am very proud to support Connie Garrido-Carmody for the Pelham Board of Education.

I have known Connie (and her husband Terry) for many years. They are outstanding and distinguished members of our wonderful Pelham community! Connie is a very successful businessperson who has raised two wonderful sons; one is an adult, and one is currently in sixth grade. They are both kind, polite and considerate young men and are a testament to both of their parents.

As many of you may know, Connie immigrated to this country when she was four years old and went on to achieve tremendous professional success in significant leadership positions at both public and private companies. She brings that acumen to all of her volunteer work. I currently serve on the Our Lady of Perpetual Help/St. Catharine’s Special Events Committee with Connie. She has excellent organizational skills, can think outside of the box and is extremely creative. She works well with others and is outstanding at building consensus. Her communication skills are impeccable, and she is an inspiring leader.

The level of energy and drive that Connie exhibits day in and day out consistently amazes me. She is someone who knows how to get things done. Yet, she is compassionate, and is in fact, one of the kindest and most empathetic people I have ever had the pleasure to know. Connie teaches second grade CCD on Mondays, as I teach the eighth grade students on Mondays. I love to watch her interact with her students and witness their incredible response to her. She is kindhearted, thoughtful and encouraging to all of her students.

At a time when we all seem inundated with loud voices and never-ending divisive commentary, she is exactly the type of thoughtful, intelligent and well-spoken person we need. She is a good listener to all, which, in my opinion, is a quality that is so vital today. She is committed to making sure that Pelham schools excel and are welcoming places for all children—which is what we all want and need.

I wholeheartedly encourage you to vote for Connie on May 16.

Joanne Case

2 Lake Drive