Pelham Manor police blotter: September 2-8

Sunday, September 2
12:17 p.m. – Officers responded to Kinetic Sports Club on report of an aided case. Upon arrival, officers spoke to a woman, who stated that her son began complaining of chest pain and panting. A paramedic on scene stated the child possibly had a reaction to chlorine in the pool area. The woman refused medical attention for her son.
12:22 p.m. – A caller stated he found a watch at the Pelham Car Wash of 4391 Boston Post Road. Person reporting stated that the above-listed property was found the previous day. Property was processed and logged into safekeeping.
3:29 p.m. – A GameStop employee called, stating he received a call from a party threatening to shoot up the store in the next 15 minutes. Officers were dispatched and canvassed the area for suspicious parties with negative results. Person reporting believed it was an empty threat because it has happened several times before and the caller sounded like a child. Officers were assigned to monitor the area.
3:34 p.m. – A caller stated someone keyed his car in the parking lot of Fairway. Upon officer arrival, the complaint stated that he was shopping inside Fairway Market of 847 Pelham Parkway with his wife between the approximate times of 2:45 p.m. and 3:20 p.m. At approximately 3 p.m., both parties saw a party known to them. The two stated that they had no interaction on this date with the known party, however, they are neighbors and have had numerous negative interactions with the known party in the past. The known party was described as a white male, approximately in his early 60s, of a medium build, and having a beard and mustache. They observed this party standing near his vehicle, parked in the same aisle they had parked in. Upon returning to their vehicle, they observed fresh key damage on their vehicle. Officers observed fresh damage to both driver side doors and the front driver side quarter panel. The caller and his wife did not see the suspect key their vehicle, however, believed it to have been him due to previous encounters. Photographs of the damage were taken. Owner’s and supporting depositions were completed by the complainant.
5:47 p.m. – The store manager of PetSmart of 830 Pelham Parkway called to report a larceny in the past. Upon arrival, officers spoke to the store manager who stated that at approximately 3:45 p.m., three individuals entered the store and stole 15 “easy walk” brand collars, harnesses, and leashes, valued at a total of $1236.63. The suspects are described as one black male of a medium build, one black female of a large build, and one black female of an average build. The suspects were observed on surveillance footage placing the stolen merchandise inside of a bag and then exiting the store, passing all points of sale without paying. The manager also stated that she believes the suspects are the same individuals from previous larcenies at the location. She further stated she recognized the male and one of the females to be the same individuals she noticed in the store Five Below on August 31st, at 3:40 p.m. during a separate incident. An itemized receipt for the stolen merchandise was obtained and secured as evidence. Owner’s and supporting depositions were completed.
Monday, September 3
9:13 a.m. – A call was received from the golf course superintendent of Pelham Country Club of 940 Wynnewood Road in regards to an act of criminal mischief which occurred sometime overnight. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the golf course superintendent, who stated that at approximately 6 a.m. that day when he arrived for work, he was informed by his assistant superintendent that one of their club car maintenance golf carts was found in the brook on the 16th hole. The golf cart was flipped on its side and sitting in the water with gasoline leaking from the cart. He advised the golf cart was likely totaled and that its estimated value was $5,000. The golf cart was taken from the maintenance garage near the tennis courts. He advised that the golf cart was left outside of the garage and it was not enclosed inside. He stated the golf cart was last seen in good condition at approximately 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 2. He also stated that a golf course flagstick at the 15th hole was also damaged. He stated it looked as if the flag had been run over by the golf cart. The estimated value of the flagstick is $90. He stated that the flagstick was last seen in good condition on Sunday, September 2 at approximately 7:30 p.m. He stated that the golf course does have video cameras, but was not certain at this time if any suspect was caught on video surveillance. He further stated a police report was generated for documentation purposes. Pictures of the damage were taken.
Tuesday, September 4
10:20 a.m. – Received a call from a woman stating that she just returned home and while on vacation she was notified by her bank that she had apparently been the victim of identity theft. Upon arrival, officers spoke to the complainant who stated that she was notified by Chase Bank that her checking account had overdrafted. When she checked her account, it showed that two checks had been paid out from the checking account that she did not authorize and she believed to be fraudulent. The first check was made in the amount of $1,800 and was cashed on August 29. The second check was made in the amount of $2,100 and cashed on August 30. The complainant stated that both checks appeared to have her signature on them but she did not sign the checks and the signature was forged. She further stated and showed the officers that she was in possession of the checkbook containing checks with the same numbers of those cashed and that they had not yet been used. She further stated that the checks that were cashed were different from her checks. She notified her bank that the checks were fraudulent and was able so far to recover some of the money stolen from her checking account. Copies of the forged checks were obtained and secured as evidence. She further stated she pays bills by mailing her checks and believes that approximately three checks she mailed recently at the Pelham Post Office mailbox might be missing, as they had not been paid out to the recipients from her account. Affidavits and depositions were completed.
9:39 p.m. – An officer on patrol reported youths on the golf course at Mount Tom Road. Another officer was dispatched; officers spoke to the youths and advised them that they are not to be on the golf course.
10:15 p.m. – Received a call from a resident reporting a large group of youths in the streets at Manor Circle and Beech Tree Lane. Officers were dispatched and reported that the youths were dispersed and that they would be monitoring the area. All in order.
10:44 p.m. – Received a call reporting approximately six youths riding bicycles in the street at Pelhamdale Avenue and Boston Post Road, heading Southbound on Pelhamdale. The caller was worried for the youths’ well-being as they were riding in the street. Officers canvassed the area with negative results.
11:16 p.m. – Received a call reporting a large group of youths possibly drinking alcohol at Forest Road and Elm Tree Lane. Officers were dispatched and reported that there were youths walking around in the area, but no parties were observed drinking alcohol. All in order.
Wednesday, September 5
6:30 a.m. – Received a call from the superintendent at the Pelham Country Club of 940 Wynnewood Road, stating there was a golf cart found crashed in the brook on the grounds of the location. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the golf course superintendent, who stated that at approximately 6:15 that morning, while he was driving around checking the golf course, he discovered a Turf 2 CarryAll Club Car in the brook at the third hole. The club car was damaged and lying in water with the key still in the ignition. He stated he last saw the club car at the swimming pool snack bar at approximately 7 p.m. on Tuesday September 4. He stated the club car was not locked up, and he was unsure if the key was left in the ignition or not. He stated that he also discovered numerous empty beer cans and bottles littered all over the green at the 15th hole. He stated that the country club has video surveillance around the pool and snack bar area, but he is unsure if they have any suspects on camera. He stated that the manager of the country club would review the surveillance tapes and notify the police if anything was seen on camera. Owner’s and supporting depositions were completed, and pictures of the damaged club car and empty bottles were taken.
9:08 p.m. – Received a call from a resident of Black Street reporting a sick or injured opossum. Upon arrival, officers observed the opossum, which appeared to have been struck by a vehicle and was gravely injured. The opossum was euthanized with the department dart gun and moved away from vehicular traffic.
9:10 p.m. – An officer on patrol stopped a vehicle on Shore Road. An inquiry on the driver returned “permit only”. Westchester Collision impounded the vehicle, and Pelhamwood Taxi was contacted on behalf of the driver.
Thursday, September 6
4:55 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to Wolfs Lane on report of a motor vehicle accident with injuries. Upon arrival, a paramedic was on scene evaluating one of the parties. Officers spoke with a second party, who stated that she rear-ended the first party’s vehicle. The first party confirmed the same and was transported to Lawrence Hospital.
7:42 p.m. – Received a call from an employee of Gabrielle’s Restaurant of 810 Pelham Parkway, reporting a woman having a seizure. Upon officer arrival, the victim was conscious and alert and stated she had just overheated. She was transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital.
Friday, September 7
7:03 a.m. – Received a call from a resident of Hunter Avenue who stated that there was a low hanging wire in front of her residence. Pelham Manor Fire Department confirmed the wire to be a cable wire and corrected the condition.
10:25 a.m. – Received a call from a caregiver for a resident of Hunter Avenue, reporting that the resident was suffering from weakness in her left arm and leg. Upon arrival, the resident stated that she had weakness in her left arm since approximately 3 a.m. that morning. She was transported to Lawrence Hospital.
4:55 p.m. – Received a walk-in complaint, reporting that a white male and a black female ran out of the woods in the parking lot of Christ Church of 1415 Pelhamdale Avenue, then got into a vehicle and were staring at the complainant. He stated that the female then got out of the vehicle and walked Southbound on Pelhamdale Avenue. He said he thought this was suspicious. Officers were dispatched, and report one of the parties involved was just showing his friend the trail behind the parking lot because he helped build the trail as part of an Eagle Scout project.
Saturday, September 8
7:40 a.m. – Received a call reporting a burglary of the halfway house/snack bar at the Pelham Country Club, by the 9th hole on Mount Tom Road. Officers were dispatched and advised that the building was in New Rochelle and that New Rochelle Police were notified and responded to the scene.
1:01 p.m. – Officers responded to BJ’s Wholesale Club of 820 Pelham Parkway on report of an aided case. Upon arrival, officers spoke to the complainant, who stated she was experiencing sharp chest pains. She was transported to Montefiore-Bronx for further medical treatment.
3:31 p.m. – A caller at The Smoke Shop of 4408 Boston Post Road advised a party in a Chevy threatened to run him over. The vehicle left and was then stopped at the light on Spring Street at Boston Post Road. Officers were dispatched, and report the vehicle was gone on arrival.
Daniella Cherner, a graduate of Pelham Memorial High School, is a Pelham Examiner founder studying at Tulane University. During her PMHS career, she ran...