Village of Pelham police blotter: October 14-20

Sunday, October 14
2:25 a.m. – An officer of the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department called, requesting assistance in a welfare check of an eighteen-year-old resident out of their jurisdiction. Officer believed she may have been staying at given location with another party. Officers dispatched, and advised that they spoke with the party, who stated that neither his son nor the eighteen-year-old were at the residence, and an attempt to call the son’s cell phone was unsuccessful. A canvass of the area yielded negative results. The Mamaroneck officer was notified, and no further police action was required.
4:12 a.m. – An officer of the Mount Vernon Police Department called to advise of an armed robbery that happened approximately 35 minutes prior. He advised that the suspect, a male wearing a mask, fled in a silver Acura SUV, the last known location of which was Hutchinson Boulevard, and was armed with a firearm. Only known item that was stolen in the robbery was a purse. Officers were notified.
12:02 p.m. – An officer was dispatched to a Cliff Avenue residence on report of a water break. Officer observed water coming up from the ground. Suez water company was contacted and advised of the issue.
5:48 p.m. – A resident of Poplar Avenue called, advising of a suspicious African-American female in army fatigues carrying a backpack walking North in the middle of the street towards Maple Avenue. An officer was dispatched; party advised she was out for a stroll and walked into Pelham.
Monday, October 15
12:46 p.m. – Complainant advised that she sold her vehicle in June of 2018 and was advised by the buyer that plates would be returned by them. She was later advised by the DMV that the plates were not turned in and her license would be suspended. A police report was needed for the DMV.
4:33 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to Chester Park on report of a group of youths fighting. Upon arrival, officers observed a group of youths congregating in front of a residence. Officers then spoke with two parties, who stated that they were friends and had been play fighting and wrestling in Chester Park. No injuries were observed or reported on any parties involved. Officers obtained contact information for all parties present, and parties were sent on their way without incident.
7:33 p.m. – An officer was advised of an open loading dock door with multiple points of access to two businesses on Sparks Avenue. A walk-through of the businesses was conducted, and all appeared in order. Businesses were secured as best as possible and key-holders were contacted and notified, who later stated all was in order and the building was secured.
8:28 p.m. – Officers responded to a Fifth Avenue residence on report of an aided case. Upon arrival officers spoke with the victim, who stated she was having stomach pain and felt nauseous. She was transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital for further treatment.
Tuesday, October 16
5:35 a.m. – Officers responded to a Seventh Avenue residence on report of neighborhood trouble. Upon arrival, officers witnessed parties having a verbal argument in the common stairwell area over noise being made. Officers commanded all parties to return to their respective residences; all parties complied with said command. Officers spoke with the downstairs residents, who were advised to keep quiet. Officers attempted to speak with upstairs residents, who were extremely uncooperative, appeared to be under the influence of alcohol, and refused to open the door to speak with the officers. Incident to be referred to Detectives due to previous attempts at mediation between the parties.
6:55 a.m. – Officers responded to a Seventh Avenue residence on report of a dispute between neighbors. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the parties. The first party stated that she heard her mother arguing with two other parties in the common stairwell at the location when she walked out into said stairwell. The first party stated these two parties were insulting her and her mother, when one of the parties spit on her foot, continually spat in her direction, and what she described as “spraying” all over her body. Her mother confirmed her statement. Officers then went to the upstairs residence and spoke with the other two parties. Both parties appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. Officer then placed one of the parties under arrest without incident. Suspect was transported to the police department, and the initial party and her mother made voluntary written statements. Suspect was to be arraigned in Pelham Town Court.
11:31 a.m. – A complainant reported suspicious activity inside of Decicco’s Supermarket of 43 Fifth Avenue. Complainant advised an unknown black male wearing dark pants, a brown jacket, and a black knapsack acted suspiciously inside the Decicco’s. Complainant stated he came across the individual in the rear of the store and moments later observed the individual swiftly moving past the registers and out the door. Complainant advised the unknown individual jumped onto a bicycle in front of the store with a blue seat, and headed southbound on Fifth Avenue. Complainant was not certain any crime was committed. A canvass of the area was negative. At approximately 12:30 p.m. officers responded back to the business to speak with the complainant after he reviewed surveillance footage. At this time the complainant confirmed the suspect did take several items from the meat section of the grocery store, put them in his backpack, and left the store without paying for any items and without the permission of management. Complainant saved a copy of the video surveillance at the store and officers advised all units of the crime and sent a photo of the suspect. No further police action at this time.
Wednesday, October 17
12:03 p.m. – Officers advised of a barking dog on a Fraser Street, not allowing pedestrians to pass. Officers dispatched, and advise the dog was inside and call was unfounded.
10:01 p.m. – A resident of First Avenue reported a suspicious vehicle in the area, believed to be occupied by one individual. The suspicious vehicle was parked on the dead end of First Avenue, close to the wooded area. Driver was observed and interviewed. Driver was just parking his car for the evening and all was in order. No further police action at this time.
Thursday, October 18
12:57 a.m. – Received a call from a resident of Elderwood Avenue reporting a suspicious person. Resident stated a male was looking at houses with a flashlight. Officers dispatched. Officers advise the male was a worker with Con Edison, who was working on a power outage in the area. All in order.
8:04 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to Decicco’s Supermarket of 43 Fifth Avenue upon report of a possible robbery in progress. Officers at the police station advised the suspect was possibly detained and/or being followed by the store employees at location. A Detective did arrive on scene prior to officers and was able to detain the suspect in the rear parking lot of location without incident. Officers responded back to location and interviewed the complainant. Complainant advised that the suspect had passed all points of sale with multiple items concealed under other merchandise that the suspect did attempt to purchase. Complainant stated that when he confronted the suspect about the concealed items that were in two white tote bags, the suspect became irate and left the store in an attempt to flee the scene. Complainant advised he called the police and followed the suspect out of the store to the rear parking lot, at which time the Detective was able to detain the suspect. Officers observed the suspect’s shopping cart which contained plastic bags of goods that suspect had initially paid for. The cart also contained two white tote bags filled with water bottles which had also been paid for. The suspect did conceal various grocery items on the bottom of the tote bags underneath the water bottles. The suspect concealed the items by placing a piece of cardboard over the unpaid for items so they could not be observed by the cashier or management. Photos were taken of the suspect’s shopping cart, and the two tote bags with the stolen items inside. Complainant wished to pursue charges and did sign an owner’s deposition for the unpaid for items. A detailed receipt with items the suspect concealed was completed. At the police station the suspect did complain of chest pains. The suspect did provide all booking sheet information. The suspect was released on his own recognizance due to his transport to the hospital for evaluation. An appearance ticket was completed and the suspect was advised of his mandatory court date on October 25.
Friday, October 19
7:50 a.m. – Officers responded to Corlies Avenue on report of a larceny from a vehicle. On arrival, officers spoke with the complainant, who advised that on October 18, he parked his vehicle in his assigned space at 7:40 a.m. and returned it to it at approximately 5:30 p.m. Complainant advised that he drove home without making any stops and when he arrived home he noticed that his gym bag was missing from the back seat and a small amount of loose change was missing from the center console. Complainant stated that he had advised the head of PMHS security, and same had stated that he would check surveillance video and notify police if he found anything of use.
Saturday, October 20
3:57 a.m. – A resident of Third Avenue advised of a white SUV parked in front of his address playing loud music. Officers were dispatched and advised that the vehicle was gone on arrival prior to their arrival. The surrounding area was checked with negative results.
6:31 p.m. – Complainant notified an officer of a matter concerning a student recently enrolled at Pelham Memorial High School. Apparently earlier in the day at the Pelham football game in Eastchester, the complainant was approached by a group of several parents and students who advised her that the student in question had been observed on a social media platform displaying what appeared to be a black/silver handgun. The student appeared to release/reinsert a magazine into the firearm, as well as rack the slide and point the weapon at the view of the camera. The video was extremely grainy, and it was unclear as to when or where the video was recorded. Officers responded to student’s address to speak with the parties involved. A parent advised officers that the matter in question is a pending court case in the Bronx and had happened weeks in the past. She further advised that the student does not have a cell phone, as it was confiscated by the NYPD on October 9, and does not have access to firearms and she was unsure how the video would have resurfaced. At this time, it appears that the video in question is the same one that led to a separate incident. This was forwarded to Detective Division who will in turn forward to the School Superintendent and the Pelham Memorial High School Principal.
Daniella Cherner, a graduate of Pelham Memorial High School, is a Pelham Examiner founder studying at Tulane University. During her PMHS career, she ran...