Pelham Examiner

Pelham Examiner

Pelham Examiner

Pelham Art Center to close for three weeks starting Monday for critical repairs

(Artwork by Frank Guida)

The Pelham Art Center will close for three weeks from June 17 for critical updates and repairs, including asbestos abatement and the replacement of two roofs, window lintels and an outside awning.

Three HVAC systems will also be replaced and a hot water heater installed, the center said in a press release Wednesday. The Pelham institution at 155 Fifth Ave. will reopen July 8 for its summer semester of classes, while staff will work remotely during the closure and online registration for classes will continue to be available.

The art center said its major gifts campaign raised about $611,736 for the projects from individual donors, foundations and New York State grants.

“We at Pelham Art Center are so grateful for the financial support of our community, the New York State Council on the Arts and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York—as we look ahead to both the short- and long-term growth of our organization,” said Managing Director Bridget Bettke in the press release. “These upgrades to our space secure our future as a hub of community and creativity in downtown Pelham.”


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